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Phytosociology and ecological framework of forest tree species in the Toormang Valley, Dir Lower, Hindu Kush Range, Pakistan

Fitossociologia e enquadramento ecológico de espécies de árvores florestais no Vale Toormang, Dir Lower, Cordilheira Hindu Kush, Paquistão


The phytosociological survey was conducted during 2018-2020. The research area was classified into five ecological zones based on habitat, physiognomy and species composition. Pc-Ord software was used for cluster analysis and four vegetation communities were established. The Quercus baloot-Quercus incana community is situated in Sair at an altitude of 1196 (mean ± SE) m altitude with a 14.1 ± 0 slope angle and contains eleven tree species. The Pinus wallichiana- Ailanthus altissima community had a relatively small number of tree species reported in Shakawlie at 1556 (mean ± SE) with a 17.5 ± 0 slope angle. The Pinus wallichiana- Quercus incana community is distributed in Wali Kandao and Mangi Kandao at altitudes of 2030.5 (mean ± SE) m and the slope angle was 19.2 ± 1.4. This community possesses a total of twenty-one tree species and is highly diverse. Similarly, the Populus alba - Platanus orientalis group was present in Banr Pate, with an altitude of 1613 (mean ± SE) m and a 16.3 slope angle. The principal component analysis (PCA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination methods were applied to study the relationships between ecological and soil variables with trees species. The NMS ordination of axis 1 was significantly correlated with Sand% (p<0.2), Nitrogen% (p<0.1) and Pb (mg/kg) (r= 0.876751, p<0.05), while the ordination of axis 2 was significantly correlated with Silt% (p<0.2), Sand% (p<0.2), Organic matter% (p<0.2), K (mg/kg) (r=0.882433, p<0.02), Fe (mg/kg)(r=0.614833, p<0.2), Ca (mg/kg) (r=0.721712, p< 0.2) and Zn (mg/kg) (r=0.609545, p<0.2). Similarly, the PCA ordination of axis 1 revealed that it was significantly correlated with phosphorus, calcium and slope angle, while that of axis 2 was significantly correlated with altitude, zinc and manganese.

tree species; environmental variables; cluster analysis; PCA & NMS ordination; Toormang Valley; Lower Dir; Pakistan

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