Open-access Urinary parameters of Trichechus inunguis (Mammalia, Sirenia): reference values for the Amazonian Manatee

Parâmetros urinários de Trichechus Inunguis (Mammalia, Sirenia): valores-referência para o peixe-boi da Amazônia

The Amazonian manatee, Trichechus inunguis (Natterer 1883) is endemic to the Amazon Basin and is currently considered a vulnerable species. In order to establish normality ranges of urinary parameters to help monitor the health of this species in captivity, chemical urinalyses were performed on twelve males and nine females of various age groups. Urine was collected once a month for twelve months in the tanks just after being drained, by placing stainless steel containers under the genital slit of females and applying abdominal massages to males in order to stimulate urination. Quantitative data of glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid and amylase levels were obtained using colorimetric spectrophotometry. Dip strips were also useful for routine analyses, despite only providing qualitative results. Normal range to glucose levels, regardless of sex or age class, was 3.0 to 3.6 mg.dL-1, coinciding with qualitative values of glucose measured by dip strips. Statistical differences observed in some parameter levels suggest that some urine parameters analysed must take into consideration the sex and the age class of the animal studied, being these differences less remarkable in creatinine and amylase levels. To this last one, statistical difference was detected only in the calve's urine (7.0 to 11.5 mg.dL-1) compared to other age classes samples (4.1 to 5.3 mg.dL-1). The results presented here may be used as comparative data in future research on urinalysis in related species.

Trichechidae; aquatic mammals; Sirenian; captivity; urinalysis

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