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Amazonian fermentations: an analysis of industrial and social technology as tools for the development of bioeconomy in the region

Fermentações amazônicas: uma análise da tecnologia industrial e social como ferramentas para o desenvolvimento da bioeconomia na região


This review article explores the potential of fermentations in the Amazon region as catalysts for economic and social development. It highlights the rich cultural and gastronomic diversity of the Amazon, focusing on indigenous fermented products. Two main products, tucupi and caxiri, are discussed in detail, emphasizing their significance in local cuisine and culture. The review examines the challenges and opportunities for industrial applications of these products, as well as their potential for social technology initiatives, particularly in the context of family farming. The sustainable production of native fermented products in the Amazon is seen as a means to preserve biodiversity, empower local communities, and promote cultural heritage. The article concludes that both industrial and social technologies have complementary roles in promoting economic growth, cultural preservation, and the well-being of the Amazon region, making it a promising hub for innovative and sustainable fermented food products on a global scale.

Amazon; fermentations; industrial technology; social technology; bioeconomy


Este artigo de revisão explora o potencial das fermentações na região amazônica como catalisadoras para o desenvolvimento econômico e social. Destaca a rica diversidade cultural e gastronômica da Amazônia, com foco nos produtos fermentados indígenas. Dois produtos principais, o tucupi e o caxiri, são discutidos detalhadamente, enfatizando sua importância na culinária e na cultura local. A revisão examina os desafios e oportunidades para aplicações industriais destes produtos, bem como o seu potencial para iniciativas de tecnologia social, particularmente no contexto da agricultura familiar. A produção sustentável de produtos fermentados nativos na Amazônia é vista como um meio de preservar a biodiversidade, capacitar as comunidades locais e promover o patrimônio cultural. O artigo conclui que tanto as tecnologias industriais como as sociais têm papéis complementares na promoção do crescimento económico, na preservação cultural e no bem-estar da região Amazónica, tornando-a um centro promissor para produtos alimentares fermentados inovadores e sustentáveis à escala global.

Amazônia; fermentações; tecnologia industrial; tecnologia social; bioeconomia

1. Introduction

Fermentation plays a pivotal role in the production of essential foods and the global economy. Fermented products such as chocolate, bread, wine, cheese, and yogurt are central to daily diets, prized for their sensory qualities and nutritional benefits (Das et al., 2022DAS, T.K., PRADHAN, S., CHAKRABARTI, S., MONDAL, K.C. and GHOSH, K., 2022. Current status of probiotic and related health benefits. Applied Food Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 100185.
). Historical evidence reveals that cereal fermentation has existed for millennia, with figures like Pasteur identifying microorganisms as fermentation agents, reinforcing the significance of this practice over time (Şanlier et al., 2019ŞANLIER, N., GÖKCEN, B.B. and SEZGIN, A.C., 2019. Health benefits of fermented foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 506-527. PMid:28945458.
; Wang et al., 2021WANG, J., JIANG, L. and SUN, H., 2021. Early evidence for beer drinking in a 9000-year-old platform mound in southern China. PLoS One, vol. 16, no. 8, e0255833. PMid:34383818.
; Cavaillon and Legout, 2022CAVAILLON, J.M. and LEGOUT, S., 2022. Louis Pasteur: between myth and reality. Biomolecules, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 596. PMid:35454184.
; Cuamatzin‐García et al., 2022CUAMATZIN‐GARCÍA, L., RODRÍGUEZ‐RUGARCÍA, P., EL‐KASSIS, E.G., GALICIA, G., MEZA‐JIMÉNEZ, M.L., BAÑOS‐LARA, M.D.R., ZARAGOZA‐MALDONADO, D.S. and PÉREZ‐ARMENDÁRIZ, B., 2022. Traditional fermented foods and beverages from around the world and their health benefits. Microorganisms, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1-18. PMid:35744669.
; Wu et al., 2023WU, Q., LI, L., XIANG, P., ZHANG, T., PENG, L., ZOU, L. and LI, Q., 2023. Phages in fermented foods: interactions and applications. Fermentation, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 201.

These fermentative processes, including alcoholic, acetic, and lactic fermentation, yield pathogen-free foods, ensuring food safety and extending product shelf life due to their antimicrobial properties. Today, the modern industry continues to explore fermented products not only for their taste and digestibility but also for their potential as sources of beneficial probiotics that promote intestinal health and human well-being (Zommiti et al., 2020ZOMMITI, M., FEUILLOLEY, M.G. and CONNIL, N., 2020. Update of probiotics in human world: a nonstop source of benefactions till the end of time. Microorganisms, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 1907. PMid:33266303.
; Voidarou et al., 2020VOIDAROU, C., ANTONIADOU, M., ROZOS, G., TZORA, A., SKOUFOS, I., VARZAKAS, T., LAGIOU, A. and BEZIRTZOGLOU, E., 2020. Fermentative foods: microbiology, biochemistry, potential human health benefits and public health issues. Foods, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-27. PMid:33396397.; Baillo et al., 2023BAILLO, A.A., CISNEROS, L., VILLENA, J., VIGNOLO, G. and FADDA, S., 2023. Bioprotective lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid as a sustainable strategy to combat Escherichia coli O157:H7 in meat. Foods, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 231. PMid:36673323.

In Latin America, rich in cultural traditions, fermentations play a significant role, with foods like puba, tucupi, tiquira, caxiri, polvilho azedo, tarubá, and Marajó cheese originating from pre-Columbian civilizations (Campos et al., 2019CAMPOS, A.P.R., MATTIETTO, R.D.A. and CARVALHO, A.V., 2019. Optimization of parameters technological to process tucupi and study of product stability. Food Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 365-371.
; Brito et al., 2022BRITO, B.N.C., CHISTÉ, R.C., LOPES, A.S., GLORIA, M.B.A., CHAGAS JUNIOR, G.C.A. and PENA, R.S., 2022. lactic acid bacteria and bioactive amines identified during manipueira fermentation for Tucupi production. Microorganisms, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4-11. PMid:35630286.
). With the growing discourse on bioeconomy and regional development in the Brazilian Amazon, it is vital to explore Amazonian fermentations and their potential as tools to drive regional development. This exploration should consider not only the economic aspects but also the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions (Barros and Albernaz, 2014BARROS, D. and ALBERNAZ, A.L., 2014. Possible impacts of climate change on wetlands and its biota in the Brazilian Amazon. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 810-820. PMid:25627590.
), recognizing that all these elements are interconnected and play a fundamental role in the well-being of a region.

2. Fermented Products from the Amazon Region

Brazil has a rich cultural diversity, resulting from its historical formation that brought together European, African and indigenous peoples (Santos et al., 2019SANTOS, R.V., GUIMARÃES, B.N., SIMONI, A.T., SILVA, L.O., ANTUNES, M.O., DAMASCO, F., COLMAN, R.S. and AZEVEDO, M.M.A., 2019. The identification of the Indigenous population in Brazil’s official statistics, with an emphasis on demographic censuses. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 29-46.
). This diversity is also reflected in culinary traditions and in fermentative processes with substrates found in the country (Schwan et al., 2017SCHWAN, R.F., RAMOS, C.L., ALMEIDA, E.G., ALVES, V.F. and MARTINIS, E.C.P., 2017. Brazilian indigenous fermented food. In: A.L.B. PENNA, L.A. NERO, S.D. TODOROV, eds. Fermented foods of Latin America: from traditional knowledge to innovative applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 214-226.; Jimenez et al., 2022JIMENEZ, M.E., O’DONOVAN, C.M., ULLIVARRI, M.F. and COTTER, P.D., 2022. Microorganisms present in artisanal fermented food from South America. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1-18. PMid:36160237.
). A recent literature review (Lima et al., 2022LIMA, T.T.M., HOSKEN, B.O., VENTURIM, B.C., LOPES, I.L. and MARTIN, J.G.P., 2022. Traditional Brazilian fermented foods: cultural and technological aspects. Journal of Ethnic Foods, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 941866.
) described the main fermented products consumed by the Brazilian population, including native and traditional peoples. Among them are artisanal cheeses, fermented meats such as socol and charqui, non-alcoholic or low-alcohol beverages such as aluá, calugi, tarubá and yakupá, alcoholic beverages such as cachaça, tiquira, caiçuma, cauim and caxiri, and fermented foods based cassava such as puba, water flour, sour cassava starch, and tucupi. Figure 1 depicts the preparation of tucupi, while Figure 2 showcases the stages of Tarubá pulp preparation conducted in a community located in the municipality of Santarém, Pará, Brazil.

Figure 1
Preparation of tucupi in a community in the city of Santarém, Pará, Brazil. (A) Harvested cassava; (B) Grated and sifted cassava; (C, D) Use of tipiti for pressing and extracting the milky liquid; (E, F) Simmering tucupi for 30 to 60 minutes.
Figure 2
Stages of Tarubá pulp preparation carried out in a community in the city of Santarém, Pará, Brazil. (A) Harvested mandicoca; (B, C) Extracting the liquid part (tucupi) from the mandicoca using tipiti; (D, E) Obtaining the cassava dough and preparing beiju; (F, G) Preparing the bed for fermenting the beijus with curuá palm (Orbignya pixuna) leaves and curumim plant; (H) Tarubá dough stored in buckets for commercialization.

Table 1 presents the most commonly used substrates in fermentations, with emphasis on cassava and its varieties, which are widely used as sources of carbohydrates by many native communities in the region. Fermentations conducted by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and ethanol-fermenting yeasts are the most common types of fermentation observed. The products generated have potential nutritional, probiotic, and cultural value. In this literature review, we will highlight two indigenous fermentations: tucupí and caxiri (Santos et al., 2012SANTOS, C.C.A.A., ALMEIDA, E.G., MELO, G.V.P. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterisation of caxiri, an alcoholic beverage produced by the indigenous Juruna people of Brazil. International Journal of Food Microbiology, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 112-121. PMid:22497838.
; Brito et al., 2019BRITO, B.N.C.., CAMPOS CHISTÉ, R., SANTOS LOPES, A., ABREU GLÓRIA, M.B. and SILVA PENA, R., 2019. Influence of spontaneous fermentation of manipueira on bioactive amine and carotenoid profiles during tucupi production. Food Research International, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 209-216. PMid:31000232.
; Campos et al., 2019CAMPOS, A.P.R., MATTIETTO, R.D.A. and CARVALHO, A.V., 2019. Optimization of parameters technological to process tucupi and study of product stability. Food Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 365-371.

Table 1
Information about fermentation products of native and traditional people of the Brazilian Amazon previously described in the literature.

3. Tucupi

Tucupi, a viscous yellow broth derived from the bitter cassava root, is a fundamental ingredient in Amazonian cuisine, prominently featured in dishes like tacacá, pato no tucupi, and caruru (Costa et al., 2018COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and PENA, R., 2018. Powdered tucupi condiment: sensory and hygroscopic evaluation. Food Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
). This culinary gem is celebrated not only for its flavor but also for its nutritional richness, boasting vitamins B and C, along with recognized antioxidant properties (Campos et al., 2019CAMPOS, A.P.R., MATTIETTO, R.D.A. and CARVALHO, A.V., 2019. Optimization of parameters technological to process tucupi and study of product stability. Food Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 365-371.
; Brito et al., 2022BRITO, B.N.C., CHISTÉ, R.C., LOPES, A.S., GLORIA, M.B.A., CHAGAS JUNIOR, G.C.A. and PENA, R.S., 2022. lactic acid bacteria and bioactive amines identified during manipueira fermentation for Tucupi production. Microorganisms, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4-11. PMid:35630286.
; Jimenez et al., 2022JIMENEZ, M.E., O’DONOVAN, C.M., ULLIVARRI, M.F. and COTTER, P.D., 2022. Microorganisms present in artisanal fermented food from South America. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1-18. PMid:36160237.
). In the Amazon region, the annual tucupi production reaches approximately 800,000 liters, with Manaus serving as its primary hub, facilitated by a network of rural producers and artisans who significantly contribute to the local economy (Chisté et al., 2007CHISTÉ, R.C., COHEN, K.D.O. and OLIVEIRA, S.S., 2007. Estudo das propriedades físico-químicas do tucupi. Food Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 437-440.

The production process of tucupi, illustrated in Figure 3, commences with the peeling and grating of bitter cassava roots, followed by pressing to extract the milky yellow liquid. This liquid is allowed to rest in large clay bowls for about three days, where natural fermentation takes place, leading to a reduction in cyanide content (Roman, 2022ROMAN, G.G., 2022. Cassava, flour, tucupi and people: mutual becomings in a casa de farinha. Sociologias Plurais, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 91-114.
). Throughout the fermentation process, the involvement of lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum, is essential, as they convert the starch found in cassava into lactic acid, bestowing the final product with its characteristic acidic flavor (Brito et al., 2022BRITO, B.N.C., CHISTÉ, R.C., LOPES, A.S., GLORIA, M.B.A., CHAGAS JUNIOR, G.C.A. and PENA, R.S., 2022. lactic acid bacteria and bioactive amines identified during manipueira fermentation for Tucupi production. Microorganisms, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4-11. PMid:35630286.
; Carboni et al., 2023CARBONI, A.D., MARTINS, G.N., GÓMEZ-ZAVAGLIA, A. and CASTILHO, P.C., 2023. Lactic acid bacteria in the production of traditional fermented foods and beverages of Latin America. Fermentation, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 315.
). Furthermore, aerobic mesophilic bacteria, molds and yeasts present in tucupi contribute to the complexity of taste and aroma, generating organic acids like acetic acid and butyric acid (Costa et al., 2018COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and PENA, R., 2018. Powdered tucupi condiment: sensory and hygroscopic evaluation. Food Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
; Campos et al., 2019CAMPOS, A.P.R., MATTIETTO, R.D.A. and CARVALHO, A.V., 2019. Optimization of parameters technological to process tucupi and study of product stability. Food Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 365-371.
; Jimenez et al., 2022JIMENEZ, M.E., O’DONOVAN, C.M., ULLIVARRI, M.F. and COTTER, P.D., 2022. Microorganisms present in artisanal fermented food from South America. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1-18. PMid:36160237.

Figure 3
Flowchart showing the production of tucupi by the traditional process. Source: Adapted from Brito et al. (2022)BRITO, B.N.C., CHISTÉ, R.C., LOPES, A.S., GLORIA, M.B.A., CHAGAS JUNIOR, G.C.A. and PENA, R.S., 2022. lactic acid bacteria and bioactive amines identified during manipueira fermentation for Tucupi production. Microorganisms, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4-11. PMid:35630286.

The fermented tucupi (as depicted in Figure 1) resulting from this intricate process is a yellow liquid replete with starch, vitamins, and minerals. It is distinguished by a bitter and pungent flavor, and it is a staple in the cuisine of Northern Brazil, particularly in the creation of the iconic tacacá (Chisté et al., 2007CHISTÉ, R.C., COHEN, K.D.O. and OLIVEIRA, S.S., 2007. Estudo das propriedades físico-químicas do tucupi. Food Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 437-440.
). Beyond its regional significance, tucupi has garnered international recognition, finding its way into the culinary creations of renowned chefs worldwide due to its exotic sensory qualities (Carmo Brito et al., 2019CARMO BRITO, B.N., CAMPOS CHISTÉ, R., SANTOS LOPES, A., ABREU GLÓRIA, M.B. and SILVA PENA, R., 2019. Influence of spontaneous fermentation of manipueira on bioactive amine and carotenoid profiles during tucupi production. Food Research International, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 209-216. PMid:31000232.
). Tucupi boasts notable nutritional value, characterized by high levels of carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, and iron. Additionally, it serves as a natural source of probiotics that promote intestinal flora balance, further solidifying its status as an indispensable ingredient in the regional cuisine of Northern Brazil (Chacón Mayorga et al., 2021CHACÓN MAYORGA, G.A., ARIAS PALMA, G.B., SANDOVAL-CAÑAS, G.J. and ORDOÑEZ-ARAQUE, R.H., 2021. Ancestral fermented indigenous beverages from south america made from cassava (Manihot esculenta). Food Science and Technology, vol. 41, no. 6, suppl. 1, pp. 360-367.

Tucupi fermentation varies across locations due to environmental factors, local microbiota, and traditional practices (Carvalho et al., 2019CARVALHO, A.V. and MATTIETTO, R.A. and CAMPOS, A.P.R., 2019. Avaliação da qualidade do tucupi comercializado em Belém do Pará e indicações para melhoria do processo de produção e conservação. In: N.B. ALVES, ed. Mandioca: agregação de valor e rentabilidade de negócios. 1ª ed. Brasília: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, pp. 109-125.). Key elements contributing to this variability include: 1) Local microbiota, shaped by the region's flora and fermentation practices, impacting flavors and textures. 2) Environmental conditions (climate, temperature, humidity, and water quality) in the Amazon region influencing unique microorganism strains during fermentation. 3) Differences in bitter cassava roots, the raw material, affecting tucupi quality and organoleptic characteristics. 4) Variation in traditional processing techniques among communities, affecting the sensory profile of tucupi through differences in juice extraction, fermentation time, and the use of natural additives. It is important to highlight that tucupi's variability is not necessarily a disadvantage but rather a characteristic that enriches local cuisine. Each community in the Amazon region can produce its unique tucupi with distinct flavors and aromas (Silva et al., 2023SILVA, A.P.R., PANTOJA, G.V., CRISPINO, A.C.S., BRAGA, Y.P., LIMA, M.F., SILVA, L.F., RODRIGUES, E.A.L. and DE OLIVEIRA, J.A.R., 2023. Tucupi: a review of uses, physical-chemical, nutritional properties and Technologies. Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 17467-17487.
), contributing to the culinary diversity of the region.

Industrial applications of tucupi are primarily found on a regional scale, and its industrial application is still emerging (Costa et al., 2018COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and PENA, R., 2018. Powdered tucupi condiment: sensory and hygroscopic evaluation. Food Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
). However, there are interesting initiatives in the literature to explore the potential of tucupi in broader industrial applications. For instance, Costa et al. (2017)COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and BRAGA, A.C., 2017. Tucupi creamy paste: development, sensory evaluation and rheological characterization. Food Science and Technology, vol. 37, no. 1, suppl. 1, pp. 115-124.
aimed to develop an industrial product using tucupi as the main ingredient, preparing and evaluating the sensory and rheological characteristics of a creamy tucupi paste. The research results showed that all tucupi paste formulations received good sensory acceptance (>70%). The concentrated creamy tucupi paste (10%) had similar color and acidity to liquid tucupi, and 99% of consumers expressed an intention to purchase. The authors concluded that the creamy tucupi paste presented itself as a promising alternative to traditional tucupi.

Pires (2015)PIRES, F.C.S., 2015. Otimização do processo de obtenção do tucupi em pó em spray dryer. Belém: Universidade Federal do Pará, 80 p. Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimento. optimized various process parameters for tucupi powder production using the spray dryer method. The physicochemical properties of the resulting tucupi powder, along with its remarkable water solubility, supported the claim that tucupi powder production through the spray dryer method represents a promising perspective for the conservation and commercialization of this product. This was confirmed by Costa et al. (2018)COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and PENA, R., 2018. Powdered tucupi condiment: sensory and hygroscopic evaluation. Food Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
, who developed a tucupi powder seasoning and assessed the sensory acceptability of the product. The acceptability index was 80% for overall impression, and the purchase intent test indicated that 94% of the judges would be willing to buy the product. Similar to the production of a creamy tucupi paste, the optimization of the tucupi powder production process plays a crucial role. This optimization is critical as it can open up new market opportunities by increasing product shelf life, reducing weight and volume, which, in turn, significantly contributes to lowering transportation and storage costs, making product distribution to distant regions more efficient (Pires, 2015PIRES, F.C.S., 2015. Otimização do processo de obtenção do tucupi em pó em spray dryer. Belém: Universidade Federal do Pará, 80 p. Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimento.).

4. Caxiri

Caxiri is a fermented alcoholic beverage of pre-Columbian indigenous origin from the Amazon region, deeply rooted in local culture. Its production is carried out through the fermentation of cassava, which may vary according to the region and ethnic groups involved (Santos et al., 2012SANTOS, C.C.A.A., ALMEIDA, E.G., MELO, G.V.P. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterisation of caxiri, an alcoholic beverage produced by the indigenous Juruna people of Brazil. International Journal of Food Microbiology, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 112-121. PMid:22497838.
; Schwan et al., 2017SCHWAN, R.F., RAMOS, C.L., ALMEIDA, E.G., ALVES, V.F. and MARTINIS, E.C.P., 2017. Brazilian indigenous fermented food. In: A.L.B. PENNA, L.A. NERO, S.D. TODOROV, eds. Fermented foods of Latin America: from traditional knowledge to innovative applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 214-226.). Communities such as Belterra, Alter do Chão, Marajó, Barcelos, and Manacapuru are recognized for their large-scale production, although it is difficult to estimate the exact volume due to seasonal and production factors. It is common for these communities to produce caxiri, as the beverage represents an important economic and cultural aspect of the region, being considered a sacred drink for some indigenous tribes in the Amazon and is often consumed in ceremonies and rituals as a form of celebration and communion among members of the tribe (Miguel et al., 2015MIGUEL, M.G.C.P., COLLELA, C.F., ALMEIDA, E.G., DIAS, D.R. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2015. Physicochemical and microbiological description of Caxiri: a cassava and corn alcoholic beverage. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2537-2544.
; Chacón Mayorga et al., 2021CHACÓN MAYORGA, G.A., ARIAS PALMA, G.B., SANDOVAL-CAÑAS, G.J. and ORDOÑEZ-ARAQUE, R.H., 2021. Ancestral fermented indigenous beverages from south america made from cassava (Manihot esculenta). Food Science and Technology, vol. 41, no. 6, suppl. 1, pp. 360-367.

The caxiri production process (Figure 4) begins with the collection of cassava, which is washed, peeled, and grated. Then, the mass is placed in a sieve and pressed to extract the liquid. This liquid is mixed with water and left to settle. After this, the clear liquid is strained and transferred to a clay pot, where fermentation occurs with the addition of fermenting microorganisms, usually a combination of bacteria and yeasts naturally present in human saliva, and saccharifying amylases (Santos et al., 2012SANTOS, C.C.A.A., ALMEIDA, E.G., MELO, G.V.P. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterisation of caxiri, an alcoholic beverage produced by the indigenous Juruna people of Brazil. International Journal of Food Microbiology, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 112-121. PMid:22497838.
). During the fermentation process, the sugars present in the liquid are converted into alcohol and lactic acid by the microorganisms, including wild yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida sp., as well as lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Pediococcus, and acetic acid bacteria such as Acetobacter sp. (Miguel et al., 2015MIGUEL, M.G.C.P., COLLELA, C.F., ALMEIDA, E.G., DIAS, D.R. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2015. Physicochemical and microbiological description of Caxiri: a cassava and corn alcoholic beverage. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2537-2544.
). These microorganisms act synergistically to ferment the sugars present in the cassava broth. The process involves the saccharification of starch, the conversion of sugars into alcohol by yeasts, and the production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria, which helps to control the pH of the medium and a suitable environment for yeast growth (Miguel et al., 2015MIGUEL, M.G.C.P., COLLELA, C.F., ALMEIDA, E.G., DIAS, D.R. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2015. Physicochemical and microbiological description of Caxiri: a cassava and corn alcoholic beverage. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2537-2544.
; Tamang and Lama, 2022TAMANG, J.P. and LAMA, S., 2022. Probiotic properties of yeasts in traditional fermented foods and beverages. Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 132, no. 5, pp. 3533-3542. PMid:35094453.
; Carboni et al., 2023CARBONI, A.D., MARTINS, G.N., GÓMEZ-ZAVAGLIA, A. and CASTILHO, P.C., 2023. Lactic acid bacteria in the production of traditional fermented foods and beverages of Latin America. Fermentation, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 315.
). The flavor/aroma of caxiri is described as slightly bitter and sour, with a touch of sweetness and an earthy taste. Visually, caxiri is a clear drink, with a yellowish or whitish color, and may have a white or beige foam on the surface (Santos et al., 2012SANTOS, C.C.A.A., ALMEIDA, E.G., MELO, G.V.P. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterisation of caxiri, an alcoholic beverage produced by the indigenous Juruna people of Brazil. International Journal of Food Microbiology, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 112-121. PMid:22497838.

Figure 4
Flowchart showing the production of Caxiri by the traditional process. Source: Adapted from Santos et al. (2012)SANTOS, C.C.A.A., ALMEIDA, E.G., MELO, G.V.P. and SCHWAN, R.F., 2012. Microbiological and physicochemical characterisation of caxiri, an alcoholic beverage produced by the indigenous Juruna people of Brazil. International Journal of Food Microbiology, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 112-121. PMid:22497838.

It is well known that the potential industrial use of caxiri would face significant challenges due to the traditional and artisanal nature of the manufacturing process (Schwan et al., 2017SCHWAN, R.F., RAMOS, C.L., ALMEIDA, E.G., ALVES, V.F. and MARTINIS, E.C.P., 2017. Brazilian indigenous fermented food. In: A.L.B. PENNA, L.A. NERO, S.D. TODOROV, eds. Fermented foods of Latin America: from traditional knowledge to innovative applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 214-226.), which differs substantially from large-scale production practices. However, industrialization is not impossible but requires special considerations: process standardization, quality control, production technology, preservation of authenticity, and legal and regulatory issues (Gonçalves et al., 2022GONÇALVES, J.N., SOUZA, P.G., BARRETO, E.D.C.M., LIMA, J.S. and SILVA, V.B., 2022. Elaboração de cerveja artesanal do estilo caxiri beer com adição de camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia). Brazilian Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 101-108.
. In summary, since the traditional caxiri manufacturing process takes into account specific fermentation practices, local ingredients, and even community involvement (Chacón Mayorga et al., 2021CHACÓN MAYORGA, G.A., ARIAS PALMA, G.B., SANDOVAL-CAÑAS, G.J. and ORDOÑEZ-ARAQUE, R.H., 2021. Ancestral fermented indigenous beverages from south america made from cassava (Manihot esculenta). Food Science and Technology, vol. 41, no. 6, suppl. 1, pp. 360-367.
), the degradation of caxiri during industrialization can be a real challenge. Therefore, the industrialization of caxiri should be approached with caution and respect for local culture and traditions, making it more viable to establish partnerships with indigenous communities for small-scale production.

5. Fermented Products from the Amazon Region: Potential for the Food Industry and Social Technology

The Amazon region has a rich history of indigenous innovation and wisdom in the development of unique and highly valued food products, and two notable examples of this success are guaraná and chocolate. Indigenous peoples of the Amazon were the first to cultivate guaraná (Paullinia cupana), a plant rich in caffeine. Indigenous knowledge of guaraná cultivation and processing led to a highly valued energy drink, which was later successfully incorporated into the global beverage industry (Figueroa, 2016FIGUEROA, A.L.G., 2016. Guaraná, a máquina do tempo dos Sateré-Mawé. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 55-85.
). The importance of guaraná is evident by its presence on supermarket shelves in the form of soft drinks and energy supplements, and its production is a fundamental part of the local economy in the Amazon (Filoche and Pinton, 2014FILOCHE, G. and PINTON, F., 2014. Who owns guaraná? Legal Strategies, development policies and agricultural practices in Brazilian Amazonia. Journal of Agrarian Change, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 380-399.

Similarly, the history of chocolate also has deep roots in the indigenous traditions of the Amazon region. Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples, including the Mayans and Aztecs, developed cocoa processing techniques that turned the seeds into a paste enjoyed as a dark and bitter beverage (Coq-Huelva et al., 2017COQ-HUELVA, D., TORRES-NAVARRETE, B. and BUENO-SUAREZ, C., 2017. Indigenous worldviews and Western conventions: Sumak Kawsay and cocoa production in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Agriculture and Human Values, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 163-179.
). This tradition was later passed on to European colonizers who refined the chocolate production process and popularized it worldwide (Foster and Cordell, 1992FOSTER, N. and CORDELL, L.S., 1992. Chilies to chocolate: food the Americas gave the World. 2nd ed. Arizona: University of Arizona Press, 190 p.
). These products not only exemplify the innovative capacity of indigenous communities in the Amazon but also demonstrate the potential of fermented products from the region for the global market.

Products from the Amazon region have the potential for widespread use in various applications such as condiments, beverages, food preservation, and food additives (Abreu et al., 2020ABREU, C.M., SANTOS NETO, J.P., MARTINS, L.H.S., CRUZ, W.P., SILVA, J.N., SILVA, V.F.A., CARVALHO, F.I.M. and SILVA, P.A., 2020. Quality of minimally processed table cassava cultivated in southeastern Pará, brazilian Amazonian. Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 46365-46379.
; Prando et al., 2023PRANDO, W.L.M., HOSHINO, T.T., RAISER, A.L., CAVALETTI, J.C.S., RIBEIRO, E.B., COTRIM, A.C.M. and VALLADÃO, D.M.S., 2023. The potential antioxidant activity of incorporating bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) extract into a nanoemulsion system with baru oil. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 83, e276545. PMid:37970907.
; Bogas et al., 2022BOGAS, A.C., CRUZ, F.P.N., LACAVA, P.T. and SOUSA, C.P., 2022. Endophytic fungi: an overview on biotechnological and agronomic potential. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 84, e258557. PMid:35674596.
). Furthermore, it is known that products like tucupi and jambu are already widely used as condiments in local cuisine and have the potential for global consumption (Costa et al., 2017COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and BRAGA, A.C., 2017. Tucupi creamy paste: development, sensory evaluation and rheological characterization. Food Science and Technology, vol. 37, no. 1, suppl. 1, pp. 115-124.
). Finally, the fermentation of other native fruits such as cupuaçu, buriti, taperebá, bacuri, camu-camu, and wild bee honey can be used for the large-scale production of fruit wines, beers, and vinegars (Dias et al., 2003DIAS, D.R., SCHWAN, R.F. and LIMA, L.C.O., 2003. Metodologia para elaboração de fermentado de cajá (Spondias mombin L.). Food Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 342-350.
; Pelais et al., 2008PELAIS, A.C.A., ROGEZ, H. and PENA, R.D.S., 2008. Study of pasteurization of muruci (Byrsonima crassifolia) Pulp. Brazilian Journal of Food and Nutrition, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 17-24.; Costa et al., 2018COSTA, T.S., DO CARMO, J.R. and PENA, R., 2018. Powdered tucupi condiment: sensory and hygroscopic evaluation. Food Science and Technology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 33-40.
; Gonçalves et al., 2022GONÇALVES, J.N., SOUZA, P.G., BARRETO, E.D.C.M., LIMA, J.S. and SILVA, V.B., 2022. Elaboração de cerveja artesanal do estilo caxiri beer com adição de camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia). Brazilian Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 101-108.
). These examples highlight the remarkable ability of indigenous communities in the Amazon to develop unique and highly valued food products. The appreciation of these indigenous fermented products can not only boost the regional economy but also promote the preservation of traditional practices and sustainability (Garrett et al., 2021GARRETT, R.D., CAMMELLI, F., FERREIRA, J., LEVY, S.A., VALENTIM, J. and VIEIRA, I., 2021. Forests and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon: history, trends, and future prospects. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 625-652.
). Table 2 describes the environmental, economic, and social advantages of the industrial production of fermented products from the Amazon region.

Table 2
Environmental, Economic, and Social Advantages of Industrial Production of Fermented Products in the Amazon Region.

On the other hand, in recent years, social technology has emerged as an alternative for promoting sustainable development in various regions of the world (Duque and Valadão, 2017DUQUE, T.O. and VALADÃO, J.A.D., 2017. Abordagens teóricas de tecnologia social no Brasil. Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1-19.
; Souza and Pozzebon, 2020SOUZA, A.C.A.A. and POZZEBON, M., 2020. Práticas e mecanismos de uma tecnologia social: proposição de um modelo a partir de uma experiência no semiárido. Organizações & Sociedade, vol. 27, no. 93, pp. 231-254.
). In the Brazilian context, there are several initiatives based on social technologies, ranging from the production of organic food in small rural properties to the implementation of water treatment and basic sanitation systems in needy communities (Oliveira et al., 2022OLIVEIRA, R.F.P., LASMAR, D.J., MAFRA, R.Z., COSTA FILHO, A.O. and OLIVIERA, S.D.S., 2022. O desenvolvimento da biotecnologia industrial nos processos produtivos no estado do Amazonas. Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 57836-57858.
). Taking the production of tucupi as an example of social technology in an Amazonian community, this process would mainly involve family farmers who cultivate cassava, the primary ingredient of tucupi. Production would take place on small rural properties or community associations, and products would be sold at local fairs, cooperatives, and even online, allowing access to distant markets. This social approach has the potential to valorize family farming and protect the region's natural resources (Silva et al., 2022SILVA, D.H.S., MANNOCHIO-RUSSO, H., LAGO, J.H.G., BUENO, P.C.P., MEDINA, R.P., BOLZANI, V., VILEGAS, W. and NUNES, W.D.G., 2022. Bioprospecting as a strategy for conservation and sustainable use of the Brazilian Flora. Biota Neotropica, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-14.

The sustainable production of native fermented products in the Amazon can bring many benefits. Firstly, it helps preserve the region's rich biodiversity, as sustainable practices protect the natural resources used in these products (Lima et al., 2022LIMA, T.T.M., HOSKEN, B.O., VENTURIM, B.C., LOPES, I.L. and MARTIN, J.G.P., 2022. Traditional Brazilian fermented foods: cultural and technological aspects. Journal of Ethnic Foods, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 941866.
). Moreover, by valuing native ingredients and traditional knowledge, sustainable production empowers local communities and enhances their economic well-being. It also promotes cultural pride among indigenous and local populations, highlighting the significance of their heritage on the global stage (Oliveira et al., 2022OLIVEIRA, R.F.P., LASMAR, D.J., MAFRA, R.Z., COSTA FILHO, A.O. and OLIVIERA, S.D.S., 2022. O desenvolvimento da biotecnologia industrial nos processos produtivos no estado do Amazonas. Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 57836-57858.
). However, the success of sustainable production depends on effective government support, regulations, and quality control (Schwab and Freitas, 2016SCHWAB, D. and FREITAS, C.C.G., 2016. Tecnologia social: implicações e desafios da implantação. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, vol. 12, no. 26, pp. 42-60.
). This involvement is essential to ensure the adoption of sustainable practices, product compliance with hygiene and standardization standards, and access to markets beyond their local communities. In summary, sustainable production of native fermented products in the Amazon region offers an opportunity to balance economic growth with environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and the strengthening of local communities (Silva and Begossi, 2009SILVA, A.L. and BEGOSSI, A., 2009. Biodiversity, food consumption and ecological niche dimension: A study case of the riverine populations from the Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil. Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 489-507.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, this review explores how fermentations in the Amazon region can boost economic and social development. We compared two approaches: industrial technology and social technology. It's clear that the Amazon boasts a rich culinary and cultural diversity with ancient food fermentation traditions that remain relatively unknown to the world.

We've found that both industrial and social technologies have their roles to play. Industrial methods are essential for large-scale production and delivering standardized products to the global market. Meanwhile, social technology is vital for preserving cultural traditions, empowering local communities, promoting social inclusion, and reducing inequalities. As global demand for natural and culturally rich products grows, the Amazon stands as an untapped resource. By understanding and respecting indigenous techniques and working closely with local communities, we can replicate the success of guaraná and chocolate, illustrating how Amazonian fermented products can drive innovation and growth in the food industry.


The authors would like to thank Joelson Pedroso Queiroz and Marlene Pedroso Queiroz for their hospitality in their community and for providing the images. “I would like to thank CAPES, CNPq, and FAPEAM for their continuous support in funding projects at the Mycology Laboratory of INPA”.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    11 July 2023
  • Accepted
    06 Dec 2023
Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil