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Systems ecology of watersheds of Itaqueri and Lobo rivers and Lobo/Broa reservoir (Itirapina, SP): “a new wine for an old bottle”

Ecologia de ecossistemas das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Itaqueri e Lobo e da represa Lobo/Broa (Itirapina, SP): “um novo vinho para um antigo recipiente”


In this paper the authors present and discuss the systems ecology of the watersheds and the reservoir (Lobo/Broa), located in Itirapina, SP, Brazil. This is a new approach to an ecosystem studied since 1971. An hierarquical organizing model is shown as well as the response of the biological communities to climate and inputs such as nutrient pulses. The biogeochemical cycles are discussed and the relationships of the hydrodynamicas of the reservoiir with spatial and temporal distribution of phosphorus, carbono and nitrogen are presented. The reservoir resilience to inputs and the “tipping point” theory are presented. Ecosystems services of watersheds and reservoir are described and their values are discussed. A new proposal relating economy/ecology is discussed.

systems ecology; watersheds; reservoirs; economy; climate; ecosystems services; "tipping point”

Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil