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Ternary phase diagram of ketamine ((R,S)-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2methylaminocyclohexanone) in ethanol and preliminary studies aiming at Enantioselective Crystallization of S-ketamine

Crystallization is an important industrial-scale process for the purification of enantiomers that depends on a phase diagram. In this work, the ternary phase diagram of R- and S-ketamine in ethanol was determined. The eutectic point indicated that crystallization of pure enantiomers from solutions containing more than 75% of the desired enantiomer is feasible. Solubility studies showed the feasibility of using temperature control to conduct the process. Batch crystallization of ketamine (S/R:80/20) solutions at 25ºC provided the isolation of S-ketamine (purity of 100%) with a yield from 65 to 70% and a productivity of 6.5 g/(lh).

Ketamine; Enantioseparation; Phase diagrams; Crystallization

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