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Extensional viscosity measurements of concentrated emulsions with the use of the opposed nozzles device

This paper presents results of experimental studies on the apparent extensional viscosity of emulsions. The apparent extensional viscosity measurements were carried out with the use of a customized rheometer which utilizes stagnation flow between two opposing nozzles. Apparent extensional viscosity was determined for emulsions containing 60, 70 and 74 vol.% of dispersed phase. The emulsions were produced using a homogenizer equipped with different dispersing endings that resulted in emulsions characterized by different droplet sizes. The experimental results show that the value of apparent extensional viscosity of the emulsion is significantly influenced by the droplet size and by the concentration of dispersed phase. Apparent extensional viscosity as well as shear viscosity of the emulsions increases with the increase of the dispersed phase concentration and with the decrease of the droplet diameter. It has also been observed that the decrease in the diameter of droplets increases the ratio of the apparent extensional viscosity to the shear viscosity, known as the Trouton ratio.

Concentrated emulsion; Extensional viscosity; Trouton ratio

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