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Physical, chemical and microbiological aspects of fruit pulps marketed in Petrolina (PE) and Juazeiro (BA)


This study aimed to evaluate some physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of frozen fruit pulps marketed in Petrolina (PE/Brazil) and Juazeiro (BA/Brazil). For this purpose seven flavours of four brands (A, B, C and D) of frozen fruit pulps were evaluated for the total number of moulds and yeasts, total coliforms and coliforms heat tolerant at 45 °C (faecal), pH, soluble solids and colour. The results obtained for the same flavour of different brands, with four repetitions, were submitted to an analysis of variance and the means compared using Tukey´s test (5% significance). Furthermore, the results were evaluated based on the Brazilian legislation for each type of fruit pulp. All the brands showed colours and total soluble solids which conformed with the legislation, with minor variations between brands depending on the flavour. The samples of brand C presented high levels of moulds and yeasts for all flavours and pH values different from those established by the Brazilian legislation for mango and cashew pulps. Faecal coliforms were also detected in the brand C pulps. It was concluded that 61.75% of brand C, 14.29% of brand A and 14.29% of brand D frozen fruit pulps were unfit for consumption. The need to establish physical and chemical standards for pineapple and tamarind pulps was also shown.

Food safety; Moulds; Yeasts; Coliforms

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil