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Flour and byproducts of mombuca blood orange: chemical characterization and application in ice cream


In this study, the chemical components of flavedo, albedo, seed, bagasse and flours obtained from the orange Citrus sinensis L. Blood Osbeck of Mombuca were characterized, and the flours were used to replace fat in ice cream. Four chocolate ice cream formulations were developed, with different flour concentrations, besides the elaboration of a control formulation. Analysis of centesimal composition and sensory acceptability were carried out, and results were evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey mean test (p ≤ 0.05). The moisture content of all flours obtained is within the limits established by the National Health Surveillance Agency, which determines a maximum of 15% moisture on flour and the amount of fibers is higher than that found in other studies with different fruits, what characterizes it as high fiber content (greater than 6%). The results of sensory evaluation indicated that there is greater acceptance of the use of albedo flour in the formulation of ice cream than seed and Orange flavedo flour. The use of albedo flour as a fat substitute promoted significant reduction of lipids (33.3%) and a fiber increase (59.2%) in the ice cream. The fractions and flours obtained from blood orange have a great potential for use in food products formulations, given its favorable chemical composition, as well as for fiber extraction.

Fat replacer; Crude fiber; Centesimal composition; Sensory analysis; Food products; Orange residues

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil