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Determination and verification of how “trans” fat is notified on food labels, particularly those expressed as being “0% trans fat”


In this study 251 food samples widely consumed by the population, especially those claiming to be “zero TRANS”, were analys5ed for their total fat contents and for their “TRANS”, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. According to the RDC Resolution 360/2003 of ANVISA, the TRANS fatty acid content of a food must be printed on the label when the level is greater than 0.2 g per food portion. Products containing less than 0.2 g/ per portion can be reported on the label as “zero TRANS.” The aim of this study was to evaluate the amounts of saturated and “TRANS” fats in many groups of processed foods, and the adequacy of the disclosure of these amounts on the product label, considering the Brazilian legislation. The official AOAC methods were used for the analyses specifically nº 996.01 (modified) for the total fat analysis and nº 996.06 for the analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters. According to the results obtained, 100g portions of some of the products contained more than 2g of “TRANS” fatty acids, which is the limit recommended by several countries for the daily intake of “TRANS” fatty acids. Many products were in compliance with the law (up to 0.2 g TRANS fat per serving), which does not necessarily imply absolute zero, giving the consumer the false impression of not ingesting any “TRANS” fat regardless of the amount of product consumed. Only 12 samples really showed 0g of “TRANS” fat per 100g of product analysed. It should also be pointed out that frequently the amount of product consumed is more than the suggested serving, resulting in a significant intake of “TRANS” fatty acids. The results presented here provide subsidies for the reshaping of current Brazilian legislation demanding the printing of the “TRANS” fatty acid content on the food label.

“TRANS” fat; Saturated fat; Brazilian legislation; Nutrition labelling

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil