Open-access Chromosome damage in underground coal miners: detection by conventional cytogenetic techniques and by submitting lymphocytes of unexposed individuals to plasma from at-risk groups


Chromosome abnormalities and the mitotic index in lymphocyte cultures and micronuclei in buccal mucosa cells were investigated in a sample of underground mineral coal miners from Southern Brazil. A decreased mitotic index, an excess of micronuclei and a higher frequency of chromosome abnormalities (fragments, polyploidy and overall chromosome alterations) were observed in the miners when compared to age-paired normal controls from the same area. An alternative assay for clastogenesis in occupational exposition was tested by submitting lymphocytes from non-exposed individuals to a pool of plasmas from the exposed population. This assay proved to be very convenient, as the lymphocytes obtained from the same individuals can be used as target as well as control cells. Also, it yielded a larger number of metaphases and of successful cultures than with common lymphocyte cultures from miners. A significantly higher frequency of chromatid gaps, fragments and overall alterations were observed when lymphocytes from control subjects were exposed to miner plasma pools. Control plasma pools did not significantly induce any type of chromosome alterations in the cultures of normal subjects, thus indicating that the results are not due to the effect of the addition of plasma pools per se.

chromosome damage; underground coal miners; cytogenetic; lymphocytes; plasma; at-risk groups

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Chromosome damage in underground coal miners: detection by conventional cytogenetic techniques and by submitting lymphocytes of unexposed individuals to plasma from at-risk groups

J.M.S. AgostiniI,II; P.A. OttoI; A. WajntalI

IDepartamento de Biologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 11461, 05422-970 São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Fax: 55-11-818-7419 or 55-11-818-7553. Send correspondence to A.W.

IIDepartamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil


Chromosome abnormalities and the mitotic index in lymphocyte cultures and micronuclei in buccal mucosa cells were investigated in a sample of underground mineral coal miners from Southern Brazil. A decreased mitotic index, an excess of micronuclei and a higher frequency of chromosome abnormalities (fragments, polyploidy and overall chromosome alterations) were observed in the miners when compared to age-paired normal controls from the same area. An alternative assay for clastogenesis in occupational exposition was tested by submitting lymphocytes from non-exposed individuals to a pool of plasmas from the exposed population. This assay proved to be very convenient, as the lymphocytes obtained from the same individuals can be used as target as well as control cells. Also, it yielded a larger number of metaphases and of successful cultures than with common lymphocyte cultures from miners. A significantly higher frequency of chromatid gaps, fragments and overall alterations were observed when lymphocytes from control subjects were exposed to miner plasma pools. Control plasma pools did not significantly induce any type of chromosome alterations in the cultures of normal subjects, thus indicating that the results are not due to the effect of the addition of plasma pools per se.

Keywords: chromosome damage; underground coal miners; cytogenetic; lymphocytes; plasma; at-risk groups.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Oct 2006
  • Date of issue
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