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Antimicrobial susceptibility of Streptococcus pneumoniae and genotypic characterization of erythromycin-resistant strains in Porto Alegre, Brazil

The antimicrobial susceptibility of 64 strains of S. pneumoniae obtained from three hospitals in Porto Alegre, Brazil, isolated between 2004 and 2005, was determined, using the agar-dilution method. The prevalence of resistant (intermediate and full resistance) strains to trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole, penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, and ceftriaxone were 68%, 28%, 18%, 15%, 3%, and 1%, respectively. All strains were susceptible to vancomycin. Among 18 penicillin-resistant strains, 7 were resistant to at least two other antimicrobial drugs. All erythromycin-resistant strains, except one, contained the erm(B) and/or mef(A/E) genes, with a predominance of the former. The resistance rate to penicillin and erythromycin in Porto Alegre remained stable. The combination of trimethoprim/ sulphamethoxazole should not be recommended to treat pneumococcal infections, because of the high rate of resistant strains.

Streptococcus pneumoniae; drug resistance; erm(B); mef(A/E)

Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia USP - ICB III - Dep. de Microbiologia, Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2415, Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Ramal USP 7979, Tel. / Fax: (55 11) 3813-9647 ou 3037-7095 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil