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Comparative in vitro analysis of the antifungal activity of different calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers


This study aimed to perform an in vitro comparative analysis of the antifungal activity of different calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers against three fungal species.


The antifungal properties of three calcium silicate-based sealers were tested: Bio-C Sealer, Cambiar a Sealer Plus BC, and MTA-Fillapex. Two commonly used sealers were used as controls: AH Plus and Endomethasone. An agar diffusion test was performed to analyze the antifungal activity of the sealers against Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, and a mixed microbial culture medium. The results were analyzed using ANOVA (p <0.05).


Endomethasone exhibited the highest inhibition against all strains examined, maintaining a consistent level of inhibition throughout 7 days. MTA-Fillapex demonstrated the best performance among the calcium silicate-based sealers for the three fungal species (p < 0.05), maintaining stable values over the 7 days, surpassing that of Endomethasone. Nevertheless, MTA-Fillapex only exhibited antimicrobial effect against the mixed culture for the first 24 hours, and no antimicrobial activity was observed at 48 hours, being surpassed by all tested sealers (p < 0.05).


Of all silicate-based sealers tested, only MTA-Fillapex exhibited promising antifungal activity. Nevertheless, care must be taken when extrapolating these results, as MTA-Fillapex exhibited poor antimicrobial activity when tested in mixed microbial cultures.

Endodontics; Bacteria; Candida albicans; Root canal filling materials

Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - UNICAMP Avenida Limeira, 901, cep: 13414-903, Piracicaba - São Paulo / Brasil, Tel: +55 (19) 2106-5200 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil