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From the Atomic Systems to the Extended Ones: the Hubbard Operators

It is sometimes convenient to emphasize the local aspects of a part of a crystalline system, and use the corresponding localized states to build a basis of the states of the whole system. In many cases it is only a subspace of these local states that is relevant, and the Hubbard operators provide a fairly simple way to write the corresponding projected Hamiltonian. Two examples of this type of treatment are presented int this work. The first is a Co2+ impurity in a MgO crystal interacting through a Jahn-Teller term with the crystal phonons, and it is shown how this interaction affects the electronic Raman scattering. The second is the Anderson lattice when the local electrons have an infinite Coulomb repulsion, and a diagrammatic expansion with cumulants is discussed. We propose a method to obtain approximate Green's functions for the Anderson lattice that employs the exact solutions of an atomic problem, and the corresponding spectral density of the local electrons is calculated.

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