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Monte Carlo study of the metamagnet Ising model in a random and uniform field

Monte Carlo simulation has been used to determine the phase diagram of a metamagnet Ising model in the presence of a random and uniform magnetic field. The model consists of a spin-1/2 metamagnet in which the nearest neighbor and next nearest neighbor spin interactions are antiferromagnetic (J1 < 0) and ferromagnetic (J2 > 0), respectively. We used a bimodal probability distribution for the random magnetic field. We have calculated the staggered magnetization and the fourth-order Binder cumulants in order to obtain the critical points. The phase diagram in the uniform field versus temperature plane presents continuous and first-order transition lines. The phase transition lines, together with the critical and tricritical points, have been obtained for several random field values.

Random field; Monte Carlo simulation; Tricritical point

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