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Quasiparticle-rotor model description of carbon isotopes

In this work we perform quasiparticle-rotor coupling model calculations within the usual BCS and the projected BCS for the carbon isotopes 15C, 17C and 19C using 13C as the building block. Owing to the pairing correlation, we find that 13C as well as the cores of the other isotopes, namely 14C, 16C and 18C acquire strong and varied deformations. The deformation parameter is large and negative for 12C, very small (or zero) for 14C and large and positive for 16C and 18C. This finding casts a doubt about the purity of the supposed simple one-neutron halo nature of 19C.

13C, 15C, 17C, 19C nuclei; Energy spectra; Particle projected BCS model; Core excitation; Quasiparticle-rotor model

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