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Influence of the solar and density perturbations on the neutrino parameters

There are reasons to believe that the solar matter density fluctuates around an equilibrium profile. One of these reasons is a resonance between the Alfvén waves and the g-modes inside the Sun that creates spikes in the density profile. The neutrinos are created in the solar core and passing through these spikes feel them as a noisy perturbation, whose correlation length is given by the distance between the spikes. When we consider these perturbations on the density profile, the values of the neutrino parameters necessary to obtain a solution to the solar neutrino problem are affected. In particular, in the present work, we show that the values of the parameters of mass and mixing angle that satisfy both the Large Mixing Angle solution to the solar neutrinos and the data from KamLAND - that observes neutrinos created in earth nuclear reactors - are shifted in the direction of lower values as the amplitude of the density noise increases. This means that, depending on the new data of KamLAND and other detectors, it can be necessary to invoke random perturbations in the Sun to recover compatibility with solar neutrino observations. In this case, the neutrino observations will be used as a real probe of the solar interior, giving information of the density profile in the central part of the Sun, which can not be observed directly.

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