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XVIII Workshop on Hadron Interactions - RETINHA XVIII - 22 - 24 de maio de 2006 - Instituto de Física - Universidade de São Paulo

Aiming at forming a permanent research group on hadron physics in Brazil, a small group of people, mostly working in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, organized and held in 1990 the first Workshop on Hadron Interactions at the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (USP). Since then, at least once a year we had a meeting of this series, which became best known by the acronym RETINHA, which stands for ''REunião de Trabalho sobre INterações HAdrônicas''.

This series of workshops has been continuously supported by the São Paulo state funding agency FAPESP over the last sixteen years. Its main purpose has been to gather researchers and students working in the field, stimulating new collaborations and the communication of recent results. This has been the ideal place for young students to present, for the first time, their contributions to an audience of experts. A balance between experimental and theoretical talks has been provided.

We have been following closely the research lines in hadron physics proposed by the leading centers around the world. Thus, we have continuously been collaborating in the development of effective field theories, non-perturbative methods in QCD, models of hadrons, models for elastic, inelastic and diffrative collisions of hadrons, production and suppression of strangeness and charm in hadronic matter, transport phenomena including relativistic hydrodynamics, applications to heavy-ion collisions, identical-particle interferometry and more recently also in lattice simulations of QCD.

The XVIII Workshop on Hadron Interactions (RETINHA XVIII) took place at the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, SP, from 22 to 24 May, 2006. The workshop of this year was very special. It was dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. Yogiro Hama, the main founder of this series of meetings.

In 2006 we had the biggest RETINHA. The number of participants was 72 and we had 52 talks, with intense discussions. Half of the participants were students. Out of these talks we selected 34 contributions for publication in this issue of the Brazilian Journal of Physics. The first one presents a colorful biography of Yogiro Hama. The following three articles comment some relevant scientific contributions of Prof. Hama, on hydrodynamics and on high energy hadronic scattering. The next two bring the contributions of H. França and C. Barros, one of his first and one of his last students respectively. The other papers give together a comprehensive and deep view on the many topics presented at the workshop and they represent fairly well the current interests of our hadron physics community.

We would like to thank all the authors who contributed with papers to this volume. We also thank the referees who helped us in the effort to upgrade the quality of the editorial work. We are specially grateful to Prof. Silvio Salinas, editor of the Brazilian Journal of Physics, for his encouragement and support.

We would like to thank the staff of the department of experimental physics of the IFUSP, which hosted this meeting, specially our secretaries Edi Rezende, Olga Raga and Paulo Loffredo. We are also grateful to our director Prof. Alejandro Szanto de Toledo and to Prof. Gil da Costa Marques. We aknowledge the essential support provided by FAPESP.

Fernando S. Navarra and Marina Nielsen

(Guest Editors)

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Apr 2007
  • Date of issue
    Mar 2007
Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05315-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 3091-6922, Fax: (55 11) 3816-2063 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil