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ATTRACTION JOURNALISM WITH IMMERSION AND PRESENCE-BASED SYSTEMS: experimental approach applying the classical diffusion of innovation theory

JORNALISMO DE ATRAÇÕES E CONTEÚDOS BASEADOS EM IMERSÃO E PRESENÇA: potencial de adoção a partir de uma abordagem experimental, sob a ótica da teoria clássica da difusão de inovações

PERIODISMO DE ATRACCIÓN Y SISTEMAS BASADOS EN INMERSIÓN Y PRESENCIA: potencial de adopción desde un enfoque experimental desde la perspectiva de la teoría clásica de difusión de innovaciones


The potential adoption of content characterized as immersive journalism is analyzed, using the Diffusion of Innovations area and a prototype news consumption environment based on virtual reality. The methodology involved a bibliographic review, an empirical experiment, and consolidation of the theoretical proposition of journalism of attractions. As a result, we suggest that most of the factors correlated to the acceleration of the adoption process, nowadays, present difficulties, such as access to experimentation itself, cost of equipment, ergonomics, and the still initial phase of building a narrative language of its own, at a stage similar to the period of cinema in which the production of the Lumière brothers, Méliès, and other forerunners, had not yet discovered the resources to tell stories in a current way and was only able to impact the spectators, through the previous references of the circus arts and the theater, in a direction focusing on sensory stimuli, current essence of content using VR.

Key words
Diffusion; Innovation; Virtual reality; Metaverse; Cinema of attractions

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo (SBPJor) Secretaria da SBPJor, Faculdade de Comunicação, Universidade de Brasília(UnB)., ICC Norte, Subsolo, Sala ASS 633 - cep: 70910-900, Brasília - DF / Brasil - Brasília - DF - Brazil