Vialle et al.16/Brasil |
A technique for the reconstruction of the limbs of osteomuscular tissue donors |
Demonstrate the technique used to reconstruct limbs from musculoskeletal tissue donors. |
The method of reconstructing donor limbs from musculoskeletal tissue developed by the Bone Bank of Paraná is a versatile, low-cost transplant option with good aesthetic results. |
Pompeu et al.17/Brasil |
Aspectos intervenientes na efetivação da doação do tecido ósseo durante o acolhimento e a entrevista familiar para doação de órgãos e tecidos
Understand the aspects involved in the completion of bone tissue donation during reception and the family interview carried out by professionals from the Organ Procurement Organization (Organização de Procura de Órgãos) from the perspective of the professional and the potential donor’s family member. |
The need for educational actions by government bodies was highlighted to raise awareness among the population so that all information is understood in future donation campaigns and possible taboos concerning tissue capture processes and reconstruction of the donor body are avoided. |
Pompeu et al.18/Brasil |
Fatores envolvidos na negativa da doação de tecido ósseo em doadores de órgãos nos hospitais públicos e privados de Ribeirão Preto e região
Determine the prevalence of bone tissue donors and the main variables involved in denying this tissue in organ donors. |
Some critical factors that influenced family members’ refusal of bone tissue donation were identified: a lack of knowledge about which bones could be removed, how these structures would be reconstituted, and how the donor’s body would appear after harvesting. |
Vanholder et al.19/União Europeia |
Organ donation and transplantation: a multi-stakeholder call to action |
Review policy and clinical measures that should be considered to increase access to transplantation and improve post-transplant outcomes. |
They indicate that one main reason for refusing donations concerns bone harvesting, which can alter the donor’s body. |
Jawoniyi et al.10/Reino Unido |
Organ donation and transplantation: awareness and roles of healthcare professionals – A systematic literature review |
Investigate the role of health professionals in the organ donation and transplant process. |
The health professional must be appropriately specialized to carry out an appropriate and humanized approach to the donors’ families, enabling the acceptance of conscious and educated donation. |
Santos et al.9/Brasil |
Trend analysis of organ and tissue donation for transplantation |
Identify the trend in tissue and organ donation from brain-dead donors between 2001 and 2016 registered by an organ procurement organization in the city of São Paulo. |
It is reported that factors related to donation refusal may be associated with the lack of information to family members about aspects of the surgery, body reassembly and use of such organs and tissues. |
Srivastava & Mani20/Índia |
Deceased organ donation and transplantation in India: promises and challenges |
Analyze ongoing efforts being implemented to encourage organ transplantation. |
It was identified that there are still challenges, including the interaction of sociocultural factors, beliefs, and superstitions that result from a lack of communication and organizational support. These factors impact negative opinions and refusal to donate. The main factor is the lack of information about using the collected organs and tissues and the deformation of the donor’s body. |
Schmidt et al.21/Alemanha |
Fresh osteochondral allografts-procurement and tissue donation in Europe |
Highlight Europe’s current human organ and tissue donation situation, focusing on bone processing and possible safety and quality concerns. |
It was identified that among the main barriers to accepting the donation is the need for knowledge of the situation in which the donor’s body will be after the extraction of bone tissue, highlighting the scarcity of work with this approach and objectives. |
Hage et al.22/Brasil |
Bone tissue donation: tendency and hurdles |
Identify the percentage of bone tissue donation in situations of brain death and the trend in the donation rate of this tissue in an organ procurement organization in the city of São Paulo from 2001 to 2016 |
A significant increase in the rate of bone donation has been observed, but more is still insufficient to meet the demand. This rise is attributed to educational and awareness-raising initiatives about the collection process, donor body restructuring, and using collected tissues and organs. The positive impact of this surge in donation rates is not just in the numbers but in the lives being saved and improved, underscoring the urgency of addressing the organ and tissue shortage. This gives us hope for a future where such shortages are a thing of the past. |