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Health Literacy of Candidates Undergoing or Submitted to Kidney Transplantation: An Integrative Literature Review



To describe the repercussions of health literacy (HL) in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation (TxR). Methodology: Integrative review, carried out with the systematic selection of articles in the PubMed, Portal BVS and SciELO databases in August 2021. 62 articles were identified, of which 17 were selected for synthesis.


Most of the analyzed studies developed an observational or qualitative design. The limited HL has several impacts on patients’ decision-making processes, resulting in the postponement of insertion on the waiting list for TxR, refusal to perform this therapy and, in some situations, the death of the patient. Adequate HL is protective in several aspects of CKD patients’ lives, especially in the psycho-emotional and cognitive domains. Educational strategies, provided in the form of routine recommendations in dialysis centers or in addition to them, are essential for increasing HL.


Patients who were candidates for or submitted to TxR had a high prevalence of limited HL, negatively impacting decision-making processes. Complementarily, the appropriate HL is recognized as essential for the conscious and shared decision-making process of the patient, as it empowers and enables the development of self-management in health.

Renal Insufficiency Chronic; Kidney Transplantation; Health Literacy; Health Education



descrever as repercussões do letramento em saúde (LS) em pacientes com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) candidatos ou submetidos ao transplante renal (TxR). Revisão integrativa, realizada com seleção sistematizada de artigos nas bases de dados PubMed, Portal BVS e SciELO em agosto de 2021. Foram identificados 62 artigos, dos quais 17 foram selecionados para a síntese.


a maioria dos estudos analisados desenvolveu desenho observacional ou qualitativo. O LS em sua maioria foi limitado e causa diversos impactos nos processos decisórios dos pacientes, resultando em adiamento da inserção na lista de espera pelo TxR, recusa para realização desta terapêutica e, em algumas situações, a morte do paciente. O LS adequado tem efeito protetor em vários aspectos na vida dos pacientes com DRC, sobretudo no domínio psicoemocional e cognitivo. As estratégias educativas, fornecidas na forma de recomendações de rotina em centros de diálise ou adicionais a estas, são essenciais para o aumento do LS.


pacientes candidatos ou submetidos ao TxR apresentaram elevadas prevalências de LS limitado, com impacto negativo nos processos decisórios. Complementarmente o LS adequado é reconhecido como essencial para o processo de decisão consciente e compartilhada do paciente, pois empodera e viabiliza o desenvolvimento do autogerenciamento em saúde.

Insuficiência Renal Crônica; Transplante de Rim; Letramento em Saúde; Educação em Saúde


Health literacy (HL) is the individual’s ability to use reading, writing and numerical skills to understand, interpret and apply written and/or spoken information for health self-management, health promotion, prevention of diseases and injuries assistance, care and treatment11 Sørensen K, Van den Broucke S, Fullam J, Doyle G, Pelikan J, Slonska Z, et al. Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models. BMC Public Health 2012;12(1):80.
. If satisfactory, HL can be associated with better health conditions and the application of prophylactic and/or therapeutic measures.22 Bezerra JNM, Lessa SRO, Ó MF, Luz GOA, Borba AKOT. Health literacy of individuals undergoing dialysis therapy. Texto Contexto - Enferm 2019;28:e20170418.
On the other hand, unsatisfactory levels are related to high rates of hospitalizations, lower adherence to the prescribed treatment, higher mortality, complications in the health-disease process and low quality of life.33 Maragno CAD, Mengue SS, Moraes CG, Rebelo MVD, Guimarães AMM, Pizzol TSD. Teste de letramento em saúde em português para adultos. Rev Bras Epidemiol 2019;22:e190025.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a high prevalence and incidence in the population and requires complex treatment and adequate health self-management for a favorable follow-up.44 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento funcional em saúde na terapia renal substitutiva: revisão integrativa. Acta Paul Enferm 2020;33:eAPE20180124.
Among renal replacement therapies, kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for patients with CKD, stage five dialysis (CKD 5-D)55 Santos FMR, Pessoa VLMP, Florêncio RS, Figueirêdo WME, Nobre PHP, Sandes-Freitas TV. Prevalência e fatores associados a não inscrição para transplante renal. Cad Saúde Pública 2021;37(6):e00043620. Due to the high complexity of the procedure and self-care after kidney transplantation, patients with low HL and unsatisfactory self-management skills may become vulnerable to unfavorable outcomes, which include graft rejection.66 Maasdam L, Timman R, Cadogan M, Tielen M, van Buren MC, Weimar W, et al. Exploring health literacy and self-management after kidney transplantation: A prospective cohort study. Patient Educ Couns. 2022;105(2):440-6.
Limited HL is associated with unfavorable clinical outcomes in managing patients with CKD, a condition that interferes with adherence to treatment, quality of life and therapeutic modality of these individuals.44 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento funcional em saúde na terapia renal substitutiva: revisão integrativa. Acta Paul Enferm 2020;33:eAPE20180124.

The patient’s knowledge about the disease is commonly associated with the number of visits to the nephrologist. However, one study showed that patients with CKD in stages three and five, followed for an average of two years by nephrologists, reported limited knowledge about CKD and no therapeutic modalities.77 Finkelstein FO, Story K, Firanek C, Barre P, Takano T, Soroka S, et al. Perceived knowledge among patients cared for by nephrologists about chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease therapies. Kidney Int 2008;74(9):1178-84.
In this context, it is understood that patients with CKD receive information about their clinical condition, which is often unsatisfactory, permeated with technical terminologies, results of unknown laboratory tests, and clinical procedures used to manage the difficult-to-understand disease.88 Pereira RS. Diálogos entre letramento em saúde. Discursos Contemp Estud.. 2018;3(3):65-82.

Many health professionals use technical approaches to transmit information in practice, as they overestimate patients’ HL. However, it is known that essential reading and numeracy levels are necessary to understand such guidelines. From this understanding, the patient self-manages his health care; therefore, it is vital to identify his level of HL so that understandable health education actions are developed and interventions more effectively promote favorable clinical outcomes. It has been observed that individuals with CKD with low HL can demonstrate negligent attitudes in self-care, such as missing appointments, not performing tests and presenting suspicious responses when receiving written information, such as “I will read this at home” and, mainly, confusion about prescribed medications, prescriptions, schedule and administration of these.99 Santos LTM, Mansur HN, Paiva TFPS, Colugnati FAB, Bastos MG. Letramento em saúde: importância da avaliação em nefrologia. Braz J Nephrol 2012;34(3):293-302.

Thus, the health professional needs to understand the repercussions caused by HL in patients with CKD in the process of kidney transplantation, in the production of comprehensive care and contribute to a decision-making process shared with the patient and their family members. In addition, identifying intervening factors in the patients’ HL may support the proposition of successful educational strategies that can positively impact quality of life and health prognosis. Thus, this study aimed to describe the repercussions of health literacy in patients with chronic kidney disease who are candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation.


The present is an integrative literature review, which sought to establish an analysis of publications on the topic “repercussions of HL in patients with CKD candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation”. An orderly systematization of the analyzed material was made possible, and new research was proposed to fill in the gaps identified about HL in transplanted CKD.1010 Botelho LLR, Cunha CCA, Macedo M. O método da revisão integrativa nos estudos organizacionais. Gest e Soc. 2011;5(11):121-36.
,1111 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto - Enferm 2008;17(4):758-64.
For its development, a protocol consisting of six steps was elaborated:1111 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto - Enferm 2008;17(4):758-64.
identification of the theme and selection of the research question; establishment and formulation of criteria for inclusion and exclusion; definition of the information to be extracted and its categorization; systematic evaluation of the studies included in the integrative review; interpretation of results; and presentation of the knowledge review/synthesis.

The formulation of the research question was based on the PICO strategy,1212 Santos CMC, Pimenta CAM, Nobre MRC. The PICO strategy for the research question construction and evidence search. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem 2007;15(3):508-11.
which refers to the acronym: population (P): patients with CKD candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation; intervention (I): health literacy; comparison (C): not applicable because it is not about the development of clinical research;1313 Greenhalgh T. Como ler artigos científicos: fundamentos da medicina baseada em evidências. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2015. and outcome or result (O): repercussions. Thus, the following research question was delimited: What are the consequences of HL in patients with CKD who are candidates or who undergo kidney transplantation?

The flowchart in the PRISMA model (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) was used to organize the identification, selection and inclusion strategies of studies within the proposed eligibility criteria. For the selection of studies, searches were carried out by two independent researchers in August 2021 in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE/PubMed), from Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). To resolve the differences between the two search engines, a third researcher was consulted to decide on the inclusion or exclusion of selected publications.1414 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Insumos Estratégicos. Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia. Diretrizes metodológicas: elaboração de revisão sistemática e metanálise de estudos observacionais comparativos sobre fatores de risco e prognóstico. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2014.

The descriptors were selected using the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and their equivalents in English extracted from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). The search strategies were formulated by language, using the terms Insuficiência Renal Crônica (Renal Insufficiency, Chronic), transplante de rim (kidney transplantation) and letramento em saúde (health literacy), combined by the Boolean operator “AND”.

The inclusion criteria were original articles, available in full, written in Portuguese, English and Spanish, without temporal delimitation. The following were excluded: publications that did not answer the research question, duplicate articles, theses, dissertations, monographs, annals of events, experience reports, research protocols, letters to the editor and editorials.

A data collection instrument was built with the variables database, journal, author/year, title, objectives, method and main results to organize the data extraction from the articles included in the review.

In the critical analysis of the studies identified in the databases, a screening was initially carried out by reading the titles and abstracts to exclude those unrelated to the theme or duplicated. Afterward, the eligible ones were read in full, and finally, only those answering the research question were included in the synthesis of the integrative review.

The precepts of Law 9.610/1988, which deals with copyright, were respected, attributing due credit to the authors of the publications.1515 Brasil. Casa Civil. Lei no 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Altera, atualiza e consolida a legislação sobre direitos autorais e dá outras providências. Brasília: Diário Oficial da União; 1998.


In the initial search in the selected research platforms, 62 publications were identified: 26 articles were found in BVS, 1 in SciELO and 35 in PubMed. Of these articles, six were eliminated for not meeting the inclusion criteria, 18 for being duplicated in the databases and 18 for not being related to the topic of interest based on the title and abstract. Thus, twenty articles were selected for reading in full, among which three were excluded for not answering the research question. Therefore, 17 articles were used for the synthesis of this integrative review. Fig. 1 shows the flowchart of the publication selection process.

Figure 1
Flowchart of the selection process of studies for the integrative review on Health Literacy of individuals with chronic kidney disease who are candidates for or submitted to kidney transplantation.

The summary of publications selected for this review is shown in Table 1. Most articles were published in English (94.1%; n=16) and only one in Portuguese (5.9%; n=1). These publications were predominantly from research with an epidemiological design (77.8%; n=14); there was a higher proportion of cross-sectional (44.4%; n=8), qualitative (22.2%; n=4) and prospective cohort studies (16.7%; n=3).

Table 1
Synopsis of articles selected for the integrative review on Health Literacy of individuals with chronic kidney disease who are candidates for or submitted to kidney transplantation.

Regarding the objectives of the studies, there was a more significant proportion of publications that evaluated the prevalence of HL and associated factors in CKD candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation (22.2%; n=4);1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
factors associated with the absence/withdrawal of patients in the steps to assess access to the waiting list for kidney transplantation (16.7%; n=3);2020 Dageforde LA, Box A, Feurer ID, Cavanaugh KL. Understanding patient barriers to kidney transplant evaluation. Transplantation 2015;99(7):1463-9.
2222 Kazley AS, Simpson KN, Chavin KD, Baliga P. Barriers facing patients referred for kidney transplant cause loss to follow-up. Kidney Int 2012;82(9):1018-23.
impacts of HL in patients with CKD who are candidates for or undergoing kidney transplantation (11.1%; n=2);2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
patient education practices (11,1%; n=2);2525 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, McSorley A-M, Goalby CJ, Beaumont JL, Peace L. Direct delivery of kidney transplant education to black and low-income patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;74(5):640-9.
,2626 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, Xiao H, Goalby CJ, Kawakita S, Cui Y, et al. Education strategies in dialysis centers associated with increased transplant wait-listing rates. Transplantation 2020;104(2):335-42.
reasons for choosing/refusing kidney transplantation (11,1%; n=2)2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
,2828 Senghor AS. Reasons for dialysis patients choosing or refusing kidney transplantation as renal replacement therapy: A qualitative study. Nephrol Ther 2019;15(7):511-16.
and patient perception and expectations about kidney transplantation (11,1%; n=2)2929 King A, Lopez FY, Lissanu L, Robinson E, Almazan E, Metoyer G, et al. Renal Replacement Knowledge and Preferences for African Americans With Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ren Care 2020;46(3):151-60.
(Table 1).

There was a greater predominance of those studies that involved candidate patients,1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2020 Dageforde LA, Box A, Feurer ID, Cavanaugh KL. Understanding patient barriers to kidney transplant evaluation. Transplantation 2015;99(7):1463-9.
2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
,2525 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, McSorley A-M, Goalby CJ, Beaumont JL, Peace L. Direct delivery of kidney transplant education to black and low-income patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;74(5):640-9.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
,2828 Senghor AS. Reasons for dialysis patients choosing or refusing kidney transplantation as renal replacement therapy: A qualitative study. Nephrol Ther 2019;15(7):511-16.
,3030 Jesse MT, Eshelman A, Christian T, Abouljoud M, Denny J, Patel A, et al. Psychiatric profile of patients currently listed for kidney transplantation: evidence of the need for more thorough pretransplant psychiatric evaluations. Transplant Proc 2019;51(10):3227-33.
3232 Peipert JD, Hays RD, Kawakita S, Beaumont JL, Waterman AD. Measurement characteristics of the knowledge assessment of renal transplantation. Transplantation 2019;103(3):565-72.
, followed by those with candidates or transplant recipients as participants.1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
1818 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Johnson R, Metcalfe W, et al. Limited health literacy in advanced kidney disease. Kidney Int 2016;90(3):685-95.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2929 King A, Lopez FY, Lissanu L, Robinson E, Almazan E, Metoyer G, et al. Renal Replacement Knowledge and Preferences for African Americans With Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ren Care 2020;46(3):151-60.
Most studies identified some degree of HL limitation among patients with CKD who were candidates for or underwent kidney transplantation.,1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
,2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,3030 Jesse MT, Eshelman A, Christian T, Abouljoud M, Denny J, Patel A, et al. Psychiatric profile of patients currently listed for kidney transplantation: evidence of the need for more thorough pretransplant psychiatric evaluations. Transplant Proc 2019;51(10):3227-33.
,3131 Vilme H, Davenport CA, Pendergast J, Boulware LE. Trends in African Americans' attitudes and behaviors about living donor kidney transplantation. Prog Transplant 2018;28(4):354-60.
The prevalence ranged from 8,9%1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
up to 51,4%.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
Limited HL was associated with male gender,1717 Lambert K, Mullan J, Mansfield K, Lonergan M. A cross-sectional comparison of health literacy deficits among patients with chronic kidney disease. J Health Commun 2015;20(Suppl 2):16-23.
lower education levels1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
,1717 Lambert K, Mullan J, Mansfield K, Lonergan M. A cross-sectional comparison of health literacy deficits among patients with chronic kidney disease. J Health Commun 2015;20(Suppl 2):16-23.
,1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
and income,1717 Lambert K, Mullan J, Mansfield K, Lonergan M. A cross-sectional comparison of health literacy deficits among patients with chronic kidney disease. J Health Commun 2015;20(Suppl 2):16-23.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
fragility,1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
comorbidity1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
and cognitive impairment1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
(Table 1).

Patients who had access and/or opted for kidney transplantation had a higher level of HL2828 Senghor AS. Reasons for dialysis patients choosing or refusing kidney transplantation as renal replacement therapy: A qualitative study. Nephrol Ther 2019;15(7):511-16.
, and those with limited HL had a lower enrollment rate on the waiting list for a transplant,1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
,2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
, regardless of whether the kidney comes from a deceased or living donor.2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
Also, in this list, higher mortality was identified for patients with limited HL.1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
Regardless of HL, it was found that patients on the waiting list were more likely to receive a living donor transplant3131 Vilme H, Davenport CA, Pendergast J, Boulware LE. Trends in African Americans' attitudes and behaviors about living donor kidney transplantation. Prog Transplant 2018;28(4):354-60.
(Table 1).

It was found that adequate HL has a psycho-emotional protective effect and is associated with a better perception of quality of life in emotional aspects.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
This finding is relevant, considering that patients on the transplant waiting list tend to have psycho-emotional and cognitive impairment3030 Jesse MT, Eshelman A, Christian T, Abouljoud M, Denny J, Patel A, et al. Psychiatric profile of patients currently listed for kidney transplantation: evidence of the need for more thorough pretransplant psychiatric evaluations. Transplant Proc 2019;51(10):3227-33.
(Table 1).

Among the reasons given by patients with CKD for not seeking a transplant, the possible failure in the medical examinations necessary for the surgery, fear of the transplant, and financial difficulties in paying for the medications and the procedure stand out. These barriers can be attributed mainly to misinformation and limited HL.2222 Kazley AS, Simpson KN, Chavin KD, Baliga P. Barriers facing patients referred for kidney transplant cause loss to follow-up. Kidney Int 2012;82(9):1018-23.
On the other hand, it was observed that patients with CKD saw in kidney transplantation a possibility of cure2828 Senghor AS. Reasons for dialysis patients choosing or refusing kidney transplantation as renal replacement therapy: A qualitative study. Nephrol Ther 2019;15(7):511-16.
, a stimulus that the appropriate HL can trigger since acquiring knowledge about the disease and the therapeutic possibilities can stimulate the willingness to perform the transplant (Table 1).

Regarding the educational activities carried out by professionals in the dialysis treatment centers, there were reports of unilateral verbal transmission of content, discussions with patients about transplantation, distribution of printed educational resources and use of intensive education approaches (intervention jointly consisting of exhibition transplant videos, providing information to share with potential living donors, offering the opportunity to speak with a kidney recipient, and providing transplant information in treatment center waiting rooms).2525 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, McSorley A-M, Goalby CJ, Beaumont JL, Peace L. Direct delivery of kidney transplant education to black and low-income patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;74(5):640-9.
,2626 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, Xiao H, Goalby CJ, Kawakita S, Cui Y, et al. Education strategies in dialysis centers associated with increased transplant wait-listing rates. Transplantation 2020;104(2):335-42.
These last two educational activities contributed to greater adherence to the transplant waiting list.2626 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, Xiao H, Goalby CJ, Kawakita S, Cui Y, et al. Education strategies in dialysis centers associated with increased transplant wait-listing rates. Transplantation 2020;104(2):335-42.
Professionals with a higher level of knowledge about transplantation were more likely to use intensive education strategies, considered the most effective for increasing adherence to the transplant waiting list.2626 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, Xiao H, Goalby CJ, Kawakita S, Cui Y, et al. Education strategies in dialysis centers associated with increased transplant wait-listing rates. Transplantation 2020;104(2):335-42.
In addition, a study showed that additional strategies (educator-guided intervention through print, video and text messages or patient-guided intervention with telephone discussions with an educator) to those performed by treatment centers increase decision-making for transplantation, with a more significant effect on deceased donor transplants, followed by living donors2525 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, McSorley A-M, Goalby CJ, Beaumont JL, Peace L. Direct delivery of kidney transplant education to black and low-income patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;74(5):640-9.
(Table 1).

The Knowledge Assessment of Renal Transplantation (KART) scale showed adequate psychometric validity, with a discriminatory capacity to measure the HL of patients who spent less than an hour or more in educational activities on kidney transplantation. As strategies used, dialogues with the medical team, reading of printed texts and access to information through digital media were included.3232 Peipert JD, Hays RD, Kawakita S, Beaumont JL, Waterman AD. Measurement characteristics of the knowledge assessment of renal transplantation. Transplantation 2019;103(3):565-72.
(Table 1).

Among the qualitative studies, thematic categories with manifest contents related to knowledge about transplantation and donor options (deceased or living) stood out,2929 King A, Lopez FY, Lissanu L, Robinson E, Almazan E, Metoyer G, et al. Renal Replacement Knowledge and Preferences for African Americans With Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ren Care 2020;46(3):151-60.
communication difficulties and misinformation about the transplant,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
low adherence of patients in decision-making processes regarding renal replacement therapies, dependence on physicians for these decisions2929 King A, Lopez FY, Lissanu L, Robinson E, Almazan E, Metoyer G, et al. Renal Replacement Knowledge and Preferences for African Americans With Chronic Kidney Disease. J Ren Care 2020;46(3):151-60.
(Table 1).


The main findings of this review showed a high prevalence of limited HL in patients with CKD who were candidates for or underwent kidney transplantation. Limited HL was associated with male gender, lower education and income levels, comorbidity and cognitive impairment. Patients with a higher level of HL opted for kidney transplantation, and those with limited HL had a lower enrollment rate and higher mortality on the transplant waiting list. Satisfactory HL acted as a psycho-emotional protective effect associated with a better perception of quality of life. Carrying out educational activities contributed to an increase in the HL level of patients with CKD and to shared decision-making about treatment, with repercussions on the choice to perform the transplant.

Appropriate HL is essential for people with CKD to have a greater ability to understand and reframe what they have learned and adopt concrete actions and changes in behavior based on the instructions they have received.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
Thus, the high prevalence of limited HL requires attention from health professionals, and the level of HL must be evaluated and improved so that there is greater adherence to the decision to transplant and the success of the treatment as a whole. In addition, cognitive assessment of patients with CKD is also recommended 1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,3030 Jesse MT, Eshelman A, Christian T, Abouljoud M, Denny J, Patel A, et al. Psychiatric profile of patients currently listed for kidney transplantation: evidence of the need for more thorough pretransplant psychiatric evaluations. Transplant Proc 2019;51(10):3227-33.
because the occurrence of comorbidities1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
can impact memory failures and action planning.1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
Using validated instruments with good psychometric performance, such as the KART scale3232 Peipert JD, Hays RD, Kawakita S, Beaumont JL, Waterman AD. Measurement characteristics of the knowledge assessment of renal transplantation. Transplantation 2019;103(3):565-72.
used in one of the selected studies, is recommended to develop a reliable measure of LH levels. Studies of cross-cultural adaptation and assessment of the psychometric performance of the KART scale in the Brazilian context were not identified, revealing the need for research to fill this gap in knowledge related to the measurement of HL in the country.

The evidenced relationship between lower HL and male gender1717 Lambert K, Mullan J, Mansfield K, Lonergan M. A cross-sectional comparison of health literacy deficits among patients with chronic kidney disease. J Health Commun 2015;20(Suppl 2):16-23.
needs to be considered in the planning of health actions. Illness and self-care are little valued by men and are associated with sociocultural and institutional factors accentuating resistance to health care. Men, in general, are more exposed to the difficulty of recognizing their health needs, seeking health services and adhering to the necessary therapeutic measures.3333 Mussi FC, Teixeira JRB. Fatores de risco cardiovascular, doenças isquêmicas do coração e masculinidade. Rev Cuba Enferm 2018;34(2).

Similarly, the association of limited HL with lower levels of education1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
1919 Warsame F, Haugen CE, Ying H, Garonzik-Wang JM, Desai NM, Hall RK, et al. Limited health literacy and adverse outcomes among kidney transplant candidates. Am J Transplant 2019;19(2):457-65.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
and income1717 Lambert K, Mullan J, Mansfield K, Lonergan M. A cross-sectional comparison of health literacy deficits among patients with chronic kidney disease. J Health Commun 2015;20(Suppl 2):16-23.
,2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
are important predictive factors for kidney transplant failure. People with lower incomes may have greater difficulty accessing education with the quality necessary to develop cognitive, reading and numeracy skills to determine health literacy.1616 Escobedo W, Weismuller P. Assessing health literacy in renal failure and kidney transplant patients. Prog Transplant 2013;23(1):47-54.
The simple fact of offering health education activities, whether verbal, printed or audiovisual, does not necessarily imply that the message will be captured and assimilated by the patient with CKD since there may be a lack of skills to understand them fully. One should also consider, as evidenced in this review,2727 Devitt J, Anderson K, Cunningham J, Preece C, Snelling P, Cass A. Difficult conversations: Australian Indigenous patients' views on kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol 2017;18(1):310.
that the assessment of HL cannot be restricted only to the individual’s education since individuals with CKD may have a satisfactory level of formal education and, even so, not be able to understand health care guidelines in the context of the disease.3434 Chehuen Neto JA, Costa LA, Estevanin GM, Bignoto TC, Vieira CIR, Pinto FAR, et al. Letramento funcional em saúde nos portadores de doenças cardiovasculares crônicas. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva 2019;24(3):1121-32.

Disparities in access to kidney transplantation, commonly measured by the extensive and lengthy waiting lists, are closely linked to HL. Patients undergoing CKD treatment with limited HL may have more difficulty navigating through the different pathways of the transplant process, especially within the scope of public services.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
Also, they may be less likely to express their intention for the transplant due to their poor ability to understand what the treatment entails and what is necessary for it to happen, including having difficulty adhering to the required regimens and therapies prescribed for the survival of the transplanted graft.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
Therefore, patients with CKD cannot be held responsible for these interventions, in addition to the low willingness of the multidisciplinary team to refer them to the transplant process and of the responsible centers regarding the waiting list.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.

It was found that patients with CKD on the transplant waiting list were more willing to have it performed by a living donor.3131 Vilme H, Davenport CA, Pendergast J, Boulware LE. Trends in African Americans' attitudes and behaviors about living donor kidney transplantation. Prog Transplant 2018;28(4):354-60.
Even if HL did not detect mediation, this is relevant information. The journey to the deceased and/or living donor transplant list differs, and adherence depends on communication and understanding between the health team and the patient with CKD to enable shared and assertive decision-making.2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
Once again, the effect of education on HL can be evoked to understand this finding, as a potential recipient and a potential donor, usually members of the same family, may have low education, being more susceptible to lower HL and sharing social disadvantages2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
and having resistance to receiving an organ from a deceased or even a living donor. The acceptance of the offer of a living or deceased donor is not unanimous. In most cases, the donors themselves or relatives of the patient with CKD must convince them to receive the donated organ.3535 Fernandes LF, Germano IMP. A doação renal em textos científicos: entre as metáforas do presente e da mercadoria. Interface - Comun Saúde Educ 2011;15(38):765-78.
,3636 Marinho A. Um estudo sobre as filas para internações e para transplantes no sistema único de saúde brasileiro. Cad Saúde Pública. 2006;22(10):2229-39.

Evidence of better-perceived quality of life in CKD patients with better HL2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.
endorses the need to strengthen HL strategies in health services, from primary health care, with health education and communication considered among the most effective. These patients better perceive emotional aspects related to quality of life due to their better ability to understand their health-disease process, prognosis and how transplantation and treatment help cope with CKD. The HL can promote a greater sense of well-being and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.2323 Taylor DM, Bradley JA, Bradley C, Draper H, Dudley C, Fogarty D, et al. Limited health literacy is associated with reduced access to kidney transplantation. Kidney Int 2019;95(5):1244-52.

Compared to the standard education provided in dialysis centers, providing additional systematic education empowers informed decision-making.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
Therefore, several tools can be used for the literacy of patients with CKD and offered in dialysis centers, at home or anywhere patients can access them. These means include conducting team discussions with the participation of other patients and families, sending text messages, videos and printed materials2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
,2525 Waterman AD, Peipert JD, McSorley A-M, Goalby CJ, Beaumont JL, Peace L. Direct delivery of kidney transplant education to black and low-income patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;74(5):640-9.
and encouraging an active search for information from available reliable sources.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.
It is also necessary for educators to improve their level of knowledge about transplants so that this translates into more encouragement to the patient in the decision to transplant the kidney.2424 Rocha KT, Figueiredo AE. Letramento em saúde: avaliação de pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva. Enferm Nefrológica 2019;22(4):388-97.

The barriers that distance patients with CKD from transplantation must be constantly overcome in health services. Although there are strict medical criteria for not including a patient on the kidney transplant list, patients should not exclude themselves from the process in the face of rumors about the ineligibility of their case.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
The criteria for transplantation and the waiting list constantly evolve and vary from center to center. In addition, the influence and HL of the patient on an erroneous perception of contraindications for transplantation must be considered.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.

Fear of transplantation should be discouraged in terms of surgery and subsequent follow-up. As much as there is a possibility that the transplant will not be effective or fail, it is essential to detail what the post-transplant life will be like. It is the responsibility of the transplant center to ensure that the patient has understood all the necessary information through questions related to the guidelines provided and the provision of educational material.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.

The financial and bureaucratic issue was also evidenced as a reason for refusal or withdrawal from treatment.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
In Brazil, to enter the single list system for transplantation, it is necessary to carry out specific biochemical and imaging tests, some of them costly, which must be scheduled by the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde- SUS). It takes time due to the long queue on the waiting list.3636 Marinho A. Um estudo sobre as filas para internações e para transplantes no sistema único de saúde brasileiro. Cad Saúde Pública. 2006;22(10):2229-39.
As many patients do not have enough financial resources to pay for the exams and speed up their entry on the list, they end up giving up the process.3737 Conceição AICC, Marinho CLA, Santana JRC, Silva RS, Lira GG. Perceptions of chronic kidney patients in the refusal of the kidney transplantation. Rev Enferm UFPE on line 2019;13(3):664-73.
It should also be considered that, after the transplant, medication will be necessary, which is not always provided by the SUS, financially burdening the patient and his family, in addition to the changes in lifestyle that are essential in this process.

The HL of patients with CKD can be improved by reliable information, formal and non-formal, and effective communication. Dialysis and transplant centers should implement educational strategies to reduce the impact of limited HL on the kidney transplant process.2020 Dageforde LA, Box A, Feurer ID, Cavanaugh KL. Understanding patient barriers to kidney transplant evaluation. Transplantation 2015;99(7):1463-9.
During the evaluation of patients, professionals should assess HL, as this is a significant predictor of outcomes in kidney transplant patients.2121 Grubbs V, Gregorich SE, Perez-Stable EJ, Hsu C-Y. Health literacy and access to kidney transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;4(1):195-200.
For such, it is recommended to use validated instruments to measure HL and standardize the evaluation adequately.

The small number of publications related to HL of patients with CKD who are candidates for or have undergone kidney transplantation makes it clear that this is a neglected and little-studied topic. However, the epidemiological nature and theoretical-methodological rigor of the selected qualitative articles allowed us to understand critical points of intervening factors in the decision for kidney transplantation and its association with HL.

Longitudinal studies with probabilistic sampling and more robust analytical procedures must highlight the factors associated with limited HL in candidate patients undergoing TxR. In addition, analyzing factors that are mediators or confounders needs to be better explored. The identification of gender differentials is also a significant gap to be filled.


This integrative review study showed that most research on HL in candidate patients or patients undergoing kidney transplantation recorded a high prevalence of limited HL, which presented as factors associated with its occurrence: male gender, lower levels of education and income, presence of comorbidities and cognitive impairment. It was identified that limited HL causes several impacts on the decision-making processes of patients, conditions that result in postponement of insertion on the transplant waiting list, refusal to perform this renal replacement therapy, and even the individual’s death. On the other hand, it was shown that adequate HL has a protective effect in several aspects of the lives of patients with CKD, especially in the psycho-emotional and cognitive domains. Educational health strategies are prevalent in dialysis centers and are provided through routine service recommendations or, to a lesser extent, in addition to them, becoming essential for strengthening HL.

The review suggests that HL is essential for the decision-making process of the patient who is a candidate for a kidney transplant or has already been transplanted, as it empowers and enables the development of self-management in health. The scarce number of publications on kidney transplantation and health literacy demonstrates the invisibility of the topic within the scope of public policies and care production practices. It endorses the need to develop longitudinal studies for a more accurate investigation of HL’s determining/conditioning factors in patients with CKD and its repercussions on decision-making for kidney transplantation and its outcomes.


The authors are grateful to all organ donors and their families who save thousands of Brazilians every day through organ donation. And to kidney transplant patients who were the motivation for this study.

  • How to cite: Montelo MPM, Teixeira JB, Martins KA, Pereira ERS. Health Literacy of Candidates Undergoing or Submitted to Kidney Transplantation: An Integrative Literature Review. BJT. 2023.26 (01):e2623.

    Not applicable.


All dataset were generated/analyzed in the current study


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Edited by

Section editor: Ilka de Fátima Santana F Boin

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 June 2023
  • Accepted
    21 July 2023
Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos Avenida Paulista, 2.001 - 17° andar Conj. 1.704/1.707, Cerqueira César - CEP: 01311-300, Tel: (55) 11 98243 - 3901 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil