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Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab as a Bridge for Liver Transplant in Hepatocellular Carcinoma


We report the case of a 68-year-old male with alcohol-related cirrhosis, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) not eligible for liver transplant. After immunotherapy with atezolizumab associated with bevacizumab, he underwent a successful living donor liver transplantation (LT), not showing disease evidence or graft injury, maintaining clinically and radiologically stable 14 months after surgery. This is a successful report of combined atezolizumab plus bevacizumab being used as a bridge to LT in a patient with HCC, showing an important finding in therapy in patients with unresectable tumors at diagnosis.

Carcinoma Hepatocellular; Liver Transplantation; Immunotherapy


Relatamos o caso de um homem de 68 anos, com cirrose hepática de etiologia alcoólica, diagnosticado com carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) não elegível para transplante hepático. Após imunoterapia com atezolizumabe associado ao bevacizumabe, ele foi submetido a um transplante hepático (TH) de doador vivo com sucesso, não mostrando evidencia de doença ou lesão no enxerto, mantendo-se clínica e radiologicamente estável 14 meses após a cirurgia. Esse é um relato de sucesso da combinação atezolizumabe mais bevacizumabe sendo usados como ponte para o TH em um paciente com CHC, mostrando um achado importante na terapia dos pacientes com tumores irresecáveis ao diagnóstico.

Carcinoma Hepatocelular; Transplante Hepático; Imunoterapia


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an important cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and liver transplantation (LT) is a potential curative treatment option for patients with HCC in early phases of the disease;11 European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
however, most diagnosis came with unresectable, local advanced or systemic disease.22 Lau WY, Leung TW, Lai BS, Liew CT, Ho SK, Yu SC, et al. Preoperative systemic chemoimmunotherapy and sequential resection for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg. 2001;233(2):236-41.
In these cases, immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) such as atezolizumab associated an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) as the bevacizumab have shown benefit in survival in phase-3 trials and is currently the first line of therapy in patients with unresectable HCC.33 Finn RS, Qin S, Ikeda M, Galle PR, Ducreux M, Kim TY, et al. Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(20):1894-905.
,44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
Nevertheless, the safety regarding the association of ICI and solid organ transplantation is still unclear, since immune checkpoint molecules and the PD-L1–PD-1 pathway are directly responsible for preventing graft intolerance.55 Riella LV, Paterson AM, Sharpe AH, Chandraker A. Role of the PD-1 pathway in the immune response. Am J Transplant. 2012;12(10):2575-87.
Strong evidence is lacking since clinical trials usually exclude patients with prior solid organ transplantation or autoimmune diseases. Our objective is to relate a successful case of association of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab being used as a bridge to a living donor LT (LDLT), progression-free following 14 months after surgery.


We present the case of a 68-year-old male, hypertense, active smoker, diagnostic with alcohol-related cirrhosis, last intake in January 2020. Previously decompensated in ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome and upper digestive hemorrhage with rubber band ligation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in April 2020 demonstrating signals of chronic liver disease with portosystemic collateral pathways, splenomegaly, with discreet ascites and three nodules, one sizing 3.8 cm in segment II/IV and another two with 2.5 and 2.1 cm in segment V, with intermediate signal in T1, hypersignal in T2, diffusion restriction, high contrast uptake in arterial phase, no late washout. Computed tomography angiography in June 2020 not showing portal vein thrombosis, moderate stenosis of right renal artery and important stenosis above iliac artery, and this exam confirmed the three nodules with sizes and locations similar to April MRI, suggestive for HCC. Bone scintigraphy of May 2020 and chest tomography in October 2020 and January 2021, metastasis free in all exams.

In August 2020, he underwent one session of chemoembolization, after which he decompensated into ascites, jaundice and worsening of liver function, turning into a Child–Pugh C, thus being interrupted the chemoembolization. After compensation, the patient was included in immunotherapy protocol, receiving six cycles of atezolizumab 1,200 mg + bevacizumab 15 mg/kg. MRI after immunotherapy in January 2021 showed regression in the smallest nodule in segment V, with the remaining stable in size, although a necrotic component was found in the greater nodule in segment II/IV, still sizing 3.8 cm.

In February 2021, he underwent a LDLT. In the immediate postoperative period, he evolved with pseudomembranous colitis and pneumonia, with hospital discharge in March 2021 after resolution. Final pathology post-transplant showed HCC in segments I, V and VIII, the greatest measuring 3.2 and 1.5 cm, restricted to liver, with microvascular and perineural invasion present; however, with lymph nodes not evaluated.

In the post-transplantation follow-up, maintenance immunosuppression initiated with prednisone, tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. Six months after the LDLT, he started prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil taping, associating everolimus to the tacrolimus. Fourteen months after the transplant, the patient kept clinically stable with no evidence of diseases (Fig. 1).

Figure 1
Evolution of transaminases and tacrolimus and everolimus dosage after LT.


The HCC is the most common type of primary liver cancer globally and most cases are associated with a known etiology, such as chronic alcohol abuse, chronic viral hepatitis and metabolic diseases, with growing incidence around the world.66 Global Burden of Disease Liver Cancer Collaboration; Akinyemiju T, Abera S, Ahmed M, Alam N, Alemayohu MA, et al. The burden of primary liver cancer and underlying etiologies from 1990 to 2015 at the global, regional, and national level: Results From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. JAMA Oncol. 2017;3(12):1683-91.

Staging, treatment decision and prognosis of HCC is based on disease burden, liver function and patient clinical status.11 European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
LT is the therapy with the highest chances of curing HCC besides replacing the diseased liver and restoring normal hepatic function.77 Murali AR, Patil S, Phillips KT, Voigt MD. Locoregional therapy with curative intent versus primary liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Transplantation. 2017;101(8):e249-257.
Indication for cadaveric LT is based on the Milan criteria, developed in 1996, and defined by the presence of a single tumor up to 5 cm or maximum three tumor nodules, each 3 cm or less in diameter, in patients with multiple tumors.88 Mazzaferro V, Regalia E, Doci R, Andreola S, Pulvirenti A, Bozzetti F, et al. Liver transplantation for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas in patients with cirrhosis. N Engl J Med. 1996;334(11):693-9.

Some limiting factors to the LT is the shortage of apt donors and transplantation, and the waiting time prohibitively prolonged. In this context, an alternative is to perform an LDLT.11 European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
Although LDLT presents a good alternative in some cases, there is no consensus in literature about its specific indications and no prospective study on indications or transplant benefit advantages have been produced.11 European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
,99 Broering DC, Sterneck M, Rogiers X. Living donor liver transplantation. J Hepatol. 2003;38 Suppl 1:S119-35.

The selection criteria for cadaveric LT vs. LDLT differs, and, overall, tumor size and number of tumor nodules considered suitable for LT are less restrictive for LDLT. What is already well established in the literature is that mortality rates of children on the waiting list fell to almost zero with a successful pediatric transplant program with LDLT.99 Broering DC, Sterneck M, Rogiers X. Living donor liver transplantation. J Hepatol. 2003;38 Suppl 1:S119-35.

HCC has a complex physiopathology, resulting in a challenging treatment. One mechanism is based on programmed cell death protein (PD) which binds to the programmed cell death ligand (PL), known as PD-1/PD-L1 pathway, resisting positive signals and inhibiting the function of T-cell and T-CD28 cells, regulating the adaptive immune response.1010 Han Y, Liu D, Li L. PD-1/PD-L1 pathway: Current researches in cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2020;10(3):727-42. However, the same mechanism is responsible for graft tolerance, and inhibition of this pathway may lead to graft-versus-host disease.1111 De Bruyn P, Van Gestel D, Ost P, Kruse V, Brochez L, Van Vlierberghe H, et al. Immune checkpoint blockade for organ transplant patients with advanced cancer: How far can we go? Curr Opin Oncol. 2019;31(2):54-64.
For over 10 years, the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib remained as the first line treatment for unresectable HCC. Only in 2017 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first ICIs as treatment for unresectable HCC. To date, FDA approved only five antibody-based inhibitors targeting PD-1/PD-L1 pathway: two anti-PD-1 antibodies—nivolumab and pembrolizumab—and three anti-PD-L1 antibodies—atezolizumab, avelumab, and durvalumab.1212 Onuma AE, Zhang H, Huang H, Williams TM, Noonan A, Tsung A. Immune checkpoint inhibitors in hepatocellular cancer: Current understanding on mechanisms of resistance and biomarkers of response to treatment. Gene Expr. 2020;20(1):53-65.

Another mechanism is based on superexpression of growth factors, such as the VEGF, resulting in aberrant angiogenesis, contributing to tumor growth and metastasis.1313 Hack SP, Spahn J, Chen M, Cheng AL, Kaseb A, Kudo M, et al. IMbrave 050: A Phase III trial of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in high-risk hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection or ablation. Future Oncol. 2020;16(15):975-89. Erratum in: Future Oncol. 2020;16(29):2371.
The tyrosine kinase inhibitor, sorafenib and the monoclonal antibodies, such as bevacizumab are used to target the VEGF signaling pathway in advanced HCC scenarios.1414 Llovet JM, Montal R, Sia D, Finn RS. Molecular therapies and precision medicine for hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2018;15(10):599-616.

The IMbrave150, a phase-3 randomized study, compared the association of the ICI atezolizumab plus the anti-VEGF bevacizumab with the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib in patients with unresectable HCC who had not previously received systemic therapy. The study revealed superior progression-free survival and significantly reduced mortality at 6 and 12 months after.33 Finn RS, Qin S, Ikeda M, Galle PR, Ducreux M, Kim TY, et al. Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(20):1894-905.

A meta-analysis using indirect results of nine clinical trials also suggests overall survival favoring atezolizumab-bevacizumab combination if compared to therapy with sorafenib, lenvatinib, nivolumab, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) or placebo in patients with locally advanced or metastatic unresectable HCC.1515 Vogel A, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Abou-Alfa GK, El-Khoueiry A, Pinato DJ, et al. Comparative efficacy of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab and other treatment options for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: A network meta-analysis. Liver Cancer. 2021;10(3):240-8.
These results lead to the association atezolizumab plus bevacizumab becoming the first line therapy for unresectable HCC.44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
A limiting factor about therapy with bevacizumab is its adverse reaction of causing upper gastrointestinal bleeding, a common and potentially lethal complication.1616 Hsu C, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Vogel A, Kaseb AO. Immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma: evaluation and management of adverse events associated with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211031141. Erratum in: Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211047708
In the IMbrave trial, patients with untreated or incompletely treated esophageal or gastric varices were excluded.44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
Our patient received upper-band ligation prior to inclusion in the immunotherapy scheme.

Following current recommendations, patients with HCC not eligible for LT with preserved liver function are candidates for TACE, a locoregional treatment that aims to prevent cancer progression, reduce tumor burden or even downstage disease in order to allocate in LT criteria.44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
There is conflicting data about the benefit of TACE prior LT in terms of survival and long-term outcomes;1717 Si T, Chen Y, Ma D, Gong X, Guan R, Shen B, et al. Transarterial chemoembolization prior to liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017;32(7):1286-94.
,1818 Györi GP, Felsenreich DM, Silberhumer GR, Soliman T, Berlakovich GA. Multimodality locoregional treatment strategies for bridging HCC patients before liver transplantation. Eur Surg. 2017;49(5):236-43.
furthermore, in patients with compromised liver function, TACE does not show benefit and, therefore, should not be used.11 European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
,44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
In these cases, the combination of atezolizumab and bevacizumab is currently the first-line treatment.44 Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
Our patient, initially eligible for TACE, showed worsening of liver function after the first session of the procedure; thus, embolization was suspended and the immunotherapy protocol started.

Some articles report the use of ICI as an adjuvant therapy and in pretransplant settings.33 Finn RS, Qin S, Ikeda M, Galle PR, Ducreux M, Kim TY, et al. Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(20):1894-905.
,1515 Vogel A, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Abou-Alfa GK, El-Khoueiry A, Pinato DJ, et al. Comparative efficacy of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab and other treatment options for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: A network meta-analysis. Liver Cancer. 2021;10(3):240-8.
,1616 Hsu C, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Vogel A, Kaseb AO. Immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma: evaluation and management of adverse events associated with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211031141. Erratum in: Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211047708
However, severe and fatal allograft injuries with the use of nivolumab have been described, making the safety regarding the association of ICIs and LT still unclear.1919 Gassmann D, Weiler S, Mertens JC, Reiner CS, Vrugt B, Nägeli M, et al. Liver allograft failure after nivolumab treatment—A case report with systematic literature research. Transplant Direct. 2018;4(8):e376.
The reason falls in the role of the PD-1/PL-1 pathway in graft tolerance due regulating the T-cells function.2020 Abdel-Wahab N, Safa H, Abudayyeh A. Johnson DH, Trinh VA, Zobniw CM, et al. Checkpoint inhibitor therapy for cancer in solid organ transplantation recipients: An institutional experience and a systematic review of the literature. J Immunother Cancer. 2019;7(1):106.
It is remarkable that these cases involve the use of anti-PD-1 antibodies and no report of graft rejection or allograft injury associated with the use of anti-PD-L1 antibodies have been described up to date.

In the post-transplant setting, immunosuppressive therapy is installed in order to prevent allograft rejection. Most centers use a combination of a corticosteroid, a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) and an antimetabolite, such as mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine.2121 Tan PS, Muthiah MD, Koh T, Teoh YL, Chan A, Kow A et al. Asian Liver Transplant Network Clinical Guidelines on immunosuppression in liver transplantation. Transplantation. 2019;103(3):470-80.

Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and hydrocortisone, are used in introduction and maintenance of immunosuppression; however, due to long corticotherapy complications, including diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, its dosage should be reduced in the following months.2222 Gaglio PJ, Scott J Cotler SJ. Liver transplantation in adults: Long-term management of transplant recipients. [Internet] UpToDate. 2021 Oct. [cited 2022 Mar 15] Available from:
A meta-analysis published in 2018 showed that corticoids-free regimen were associated with acute rejection, renal impairment and steroid resistant rejection, compared with corticoids-containing regimen, with no difference in mortality, graft loss or infection rate in the two groups.2323 Fairfield C, Penninga L, Powell J, Harrison EM, Wigmore SJ. Glucocorticosteroid-free versus glucocorticosteroid-containing immunosuppression for liver transplanted patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4(4):CD007606.

CNIs such as tacrolimus and cyclosporine are used in maintenance immunosuppression. In a meta-analysis published involving 16 randomized clinical trials, tacrolimus significantly reduced mortality, graft loss, acute and steroid resistant rejection, but increased de novo diabetes, compared with cyclosporine.2424 McAlister VC, Haddad E, Renouf E, Malthaner RA, Kjaer MS, Gluud LL. Cyclosporin versus tacrolimus as primary immunosuppressant after liver transplantation: A meta-analysis. Am J Transplant. 2006;6(7):1578-85.
Adverse effects are similar between both drugs and include neurotoxicity, electrolyte abnormalities and nephrotoxicity, being dose-related. In these scenarios, mycophenolate mofetil is associated in a steroid or CNI sparing regimen, due mycophenolate being associated with a lower risk of renal injury. However, mycophenolate mofetil isolated can lead to increased risk of acute rejection.2121 Tan PS, Muthiah MD, Koh T, Teoh YL, Chan A, Kow A et al. Asian Liver Transplant Network Clinical Guidelines on immunosuppression in liver transplantation. Transplantation. 2019;103(3):470-80.
,2222 Gaglio PJ, Scott J Cotler SJ. Liver transplantation in adults: Long-term management of transplant recipients. [Internet] UpToDate. 2021 Oct. [cited 2022 Mar 15] Available from:
Other option include the use of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) such as everolimus, alone or associated to the CNI in an attempt to minimize chronic exposure to CNI by decreasing its dose. Both approaches demonstrate an improvement in renal function.2525 Jeng LB, Lee SG, Soin AS, Lee WC, Suh KS, Joo DJ et al. Efficacy and safety of everolimus with reduced tacrolimus in living-donor liver transplant recipients: 12-month results of a randomized multicenter study. Am J Transplant. 2018;18(6):1435-46.


We hereby present a successful report of the use of ICI atezolizumab with an anti-VEGF bevacizumab working as a bridge until the LDLT. The LT is the main curative treatment for HCC; however, it is limited by the disease staging and donor availability. The patient survival, absence of graft injury and no disease recurrence in the following months increase the relevancy of this study.


Not applicable.

  • How to cite: Solino GA, Ferreira RPC, D’Albuquerque LAC, Farias AQ, Trindade LZ, Vasconcellos VF, Pacheco MP. Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab as a Bridge for Liver Transplant in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. BJT. 2023;26(01):e0723. 444_ENG

    Not applicable.


All data sets were generated or analyzed in the current study.


  • 1
    European Association for the Study of the Liver. EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. 2018;69(1):182-236.
  • 2
    Lau WY, Leung TW, Lai BS, Liew CT, Ho SK, Yu SC, et al. Preoperative systemic chemoimmunotherapy and sequential resection for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Ann Surg. 2001;233(2):236-41.
  • 3
    Finn RS, Qin S, Ikeda M, Galle PR, Ducreux M, Kim TY, et al. Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(20):1894-905.
  • 4
    Reig M, Forner A, Rimola J, Ferrer-Fàbrega J, Burrel M, Garcia-Criado Á, et al. BCLC strategy for prognosis prediction and treatment recommendation: The 2022 update. J Hepatol. 2022;76(3):681-93.
  • 5
    Riella LV, Paterson AM, Sharpe AH, Chandraker A. Role of the PD-1 pathway in the immune response. Am J Transplant. 2012;12(10):2575-87.
  • 6
    Global Burden of Disease Liver Cancer Collaboration; Akinyemiju T, Abera S, Ahmed M, Alam N, Alemayohu MA, et al. The burden of primary liver cancer and underlying etiologies from 1990 to 2015 at the global, regional, and national level: Results From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. JAMA Oncol. 2017;3(12):1683-91.
  • 7
    Murali AR, Patil S, Phillips KT, Voigt MD. Locoregional therapy with curative intent versus primary liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Transplantation. 2017;101(8):e249-257.
  • 8
    Mazzaferro V, Regalia E, Doci R, Andreola S, Pulvirenti A, Bozzetti F, et al. Liver transplantation for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas in patients with cirrhosis. N Engl J Med. 1996;334(11):693-9.
  • 9
    Broering DC, Sterneck M, Rogiers X. Living donor liver transplantation. J Hepatol. 2003;38 Suppl 1:S119-35.
  • 10
    Han Y, Liu D, Li L. PD-1/PD-L1 pathway: Current researches in cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2020;10(3):727-42.
  • 11
    De Bruyn P, Van Gestel D, Ost P, Kruse V, Brochez L, Van Vlierberghe H, et al. Immune checkpoint blockade for organ transplant patients with advanced cancer: How far can we go? Curr Opin Oncol. 2019;31(2):54-64.
  • 12
    Onuma AE, Zhang H, Huang H, Williams TM, Noonan A, Tsung A. Immune checkpoint inhibitors in hepatocellular cancer: Current understanding on mechanisms of resistance and biomarkers of response to treatment. Gene Expr. 2020;20(1):53-65.
  • 13
    Hack SP, Spahn J, Chen M, Cheng AL, Kaseb A, Kudo M, et al. IMbrave 050: A Phase III trial of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in high-risk hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection or ablation. Future Oncol. 2020;16(15):975-89. Erratum in: Future Oncol. 2020;16(29):2371.
  • 14
    Llovet JM, Montal R, Sia D, Finn RS. Molecular therapies and precision medicine for hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2018;15(10):599-616.
  • 15
    Vogel A, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Abou-Alfa GK, El-Khoueiry A, Pinato DJ, et al. Comparative efficacy of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab and other treatment options for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: A network meta-analysis. Liver Cancer. 2021;10(3):240-8.
  • 16
    Hsu C, Rimassa L, Sun HC, Vogel A, Kaseb AO. Immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma: evaluation and management of adverse events associated with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211031141. Erratum in: Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2021;13:17588359211047708
  • 17
    Si T, Chen Y, Ma D, Gong X, Guan R, Shen B, et al. Transarterial chemoembolization prior to liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017;32(7):1286-94.
  • 18
    Györi GP, Felsenreich DM, Silberhumer GR, Soliman T, Berlakovich GA. Multimodality locoregional treatment strategies for bridging HCC patients before liver transplantation. Eur Surg. 2017;49(5):236-43.
  • 19
    Gassmann D, Weiler S, Mertens JC, Reiner CS, Vrugt B, Nägeli M, et al. Liver allograft failure after nivolumab treatment—A case report with systematic literature research. Transplant Direct. 2018;4(8):e376.
  • 20
    Abdel-Wahab N, Safa H, Abudayyeh A. Johnson DH, Trinh VA, Zobniw CM, et al. Checkpoint inhibitor therapy for cancer in solid organ transplantation recipients: An institutional experience and a systematic review of the literature. J Immunother Cancer. 2019;7(1):106.
  • 21
    Tan PS, Muthiah MD, Koh T, Teoh YL, Chan A, Kow A et al. Asian Liver Transplant Network Clinical Guidelines on immunosuppression in liver transplantation. Transplantation. 2019;103(3):470-80.
  • 22
    Gaglio PJ, Scott J Cotler SJ. Liver transplantation in adults: Long-term management of transplant recipients. [Internet] UpToDate. 2021 Oct. [cited 2022 Mar 15] Available from:
  • 23
    Fairfield C, Penninga L, Powell J, Harrison EM, Wigmore SJ. Glucocorticosteroid-free versus glucocorticosteroid-containing immunosuppression for liver transplanted patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4(4):CD007606.
  • 24
    McAlister VC, Haddad E, Renouf E, Malthaner RA, Kjaer MS, Gluud LL. Cyclosporin versus tacrolimus as primary immunosuppressant after liver transplantation: A meta-analysis. Am J Transplant. 2006;6(7):1578-85.
  • 25
    Jeng LB, Lee SG, Soin AS, Lee WC, Suh KS, Joo DJ et al. Efficacy and safety of everolimus with reduced tacrolimus in living-donor liver transplant recipients: 12-month results of a randomized multicenter study. Am J Transplant. 2018;18(6):1435-46.

Edited by

Section editor: Ilka de Fátima Santana F Boin

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Feb 2022
  • Accepted
    20 Jan 2023
Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos Avenida Paulista, 2.001 - 17° andar Conj. 1.704/1.707, Cerqueira César - CEP: 01311-300, Tel: (55) 11 98243 - 3901 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil