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Solid Organ Donation Process: Correlation between Profile, Learning and Course Indication



To understand the profile of professionals trained in the solid organ donation process, to analyze the result of their learning before and after the course, and to correlate the profile and the performance of the professional with the learning and indication of the course.


Retrospective, quantitative, analytical-descriptive study with participants of the course Processo de Doação de Órgãos Sólidos para Profissionais de Saúde. Online questionnaires were used on professional profile, performance in the area of organ donation, knowledge assessment, and course indication. The analyses and correlations were verified with the McNemar test, Spearman's rank, and the bisserial point.


Of the 130 professionals, 62% were nurses, 38% physicians, 35% emergency physicians, 26% intensivists, and 42% had more than 10 years of training. For the profile of work in the area of organ donation, the professionals report having participated in up to five cases in each of the following stages: 44% were involved in the brain death protocol, 56% in the family interview, and 60% in the organ donation process. The class knowledge retention rate was 26.7%, with 29.5% for physicians and 24.8% for nurses. The indication of the course was evaluated following the Net Promoter Score (NPS), being in the promoters zone. The correlation between the groups was positive and statistically significant for those working in the emergency room, with more than 5 years since graduation and with more than five cases reported on the questioned stages of organ donation. No significant correlation was identified between these variables and the indication of the course.


The course contributed to the learning of professionals with more training time, greater previous experience in the stages of the organ donation process, and working in the emergency sector.

Learning; Knowledge; Behavior; Tissue and Organ Procurement; Patient Care Team



Conhecer o perfil dos profissionais capacitados no processo de doação de órgãos sólidos, analisar o resultado de sua aprendizagem antes e após o curso, e correlacionar perfil e atuação do profissional com sua aprendizagem e indicação do curso.


Estudo retroprospectivo, quantitativo, analítico-descritivo com participantes do curso Processo de Doação de Órgãos Sólidos para Profissionais de Saúde. Utilizaram-se questionários online sobre perfil profissional, atuação na área de doação de órgãos, avaliação de conhecimento e indicação do curso. As análises e correlações foram verificadas com os testes de McNemar, postos de Spearman e ponto-bisserial.


Dos 130 profissionais, 62% eram enfermeiros, 38% médicos, 35% emergencistas, 26% intensivistas e 42% tinham mais de 10 anos de formação. Para o perfil de atuação na área de doação de órgãos, os profissionais relataram ter participado em até cinco casos em cada uma das seguintes etapas: 44% no protocolo de morte encefálica, 56% na entrevista familiar e 60% no processo de doação de órgãos. A taxa de retenção de conhecimento da turma foi de 26,7%, sendo a dos médicos 29,5% e a dos enfermeiros 24,8%. A indicação do curso foi avaliada seguindo o indicador Net Promoter Score (NPS), estando na zona de promotores. A correlação entre os grupos foi positiva e estatisticamente significante para os atuantes na emergência, com mais de 5 anos de formação e com mais de cinco casos relatados sobre as etapas questionadas na doação de órgãos. Não foi identificada correlação significativa dessas variáveis sobre a indicação do curso.


O curso contribuiu para a aprendizagem dos profissionais com maior tempo de formação, maior experiência prévia nas etapas do processo de doação de órgãos e atuantes no setor de emergência.

Aprendizagem; Conhecimento; Comportamento; Obtenção de Tecidos e Órgãos; Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente


In Brazil in 2023, more than 50,000 people were registered on the waiting list for a solid organ11 Associação Brasileira de Transplantes de Órgãos. Dimensionamento dos transplantes no Brasil e em cada estado (2023). Registro Brasileiro de Transplantes. 2023 [acesso em 26 Jan 2024]; XXIII(4). Disponível em:
. This fact highlights the mismatch between supply (the number of viable organs) and demand (the increasing number of people on the list), resulting in longer waiting times, comorbidities and mortality22 Santos JG, Silva VS, Cintra L, Fonseca CD, Tralli LC. Capacitação em extração, perfusão e acondicionamento de órgãos para transplantes: perfil dos profissionais e análise de aprendizagem pós-curso. Einstein 2019; 17(2): eAO4445.

The National Transplant System (Sistema Nacional de Transplantes-SNT) is responsible for the regulation and legislation of procuring, donating, and transplanting organs and tissues in the country33 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 9.434, de 4 de fevereiro de 1997. Dispõe sobre a remoção de órgãos, tecidos e partes do corpo humano para fins de transplante e tratamento e dá outras providências. Brasília (DF): Casa Civil; 1997 [acesso em 10 Maio 2023]. Disponível em: LEIS/L9434.html LE...
,44 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 2.600, de 21 de outubro de 2009. Brasília (DF): MS; 2009 [acesso em 10 Maio 2024]. Disponível em:
. It seeks to expand training for health professionals to improve and perfect this process through evidence-based practices from excellent hospitals, especially in a scenario in which the knowledge of medical and nursing students about legislation, professional ethics, diagnosis of brain death (BD) and family interview is insufficient55 Allahverdi TD, Allahverdi E, Akkuş Y. The knowledge of nursing students about organ donation and the effect of the relevant training on their knowledge. Transplant Proc 2020; 52(10): 2877-82.

6 Miranda LEC, Maia MVRSB, Pontes MG de A, Pascoal IM, Eufranio MS, Miranda ACG. Conhecimento, desejo e atitude de estudantes de medicina e enfermagem sobre a doação de órgãos. Rev Bras Educ Med 2024; 48(2): e036.

7 Souza DM de, Souza VC, Matsui WN, Pimentel RR da S, Santos MJ dos. Opinions of healthcare students on organ and tissue donation for transplantation. Rev Bras Enferm 2022;75(3):e20210001.

8 Martínez-Alarcón L, Ríos A, Gutiérrez PR, Santainés-Borredá E, Gómez FJ, Agras-Suarez MC. Exploring health science students’ notions on organ donation and transplantation: a multicenter study. Transplant Proc 2020; 52(5): 1428-31.
-99 Sampaio JE, Fernandes DE, Kirsztajn GM. Conhecimento de estudantes de medicina sobre doação de órgãos. Rev Assoc Med Bras 2020; 66(9): 1264.

For professionals already working, in addition to deficient knowledge, the attitude is impacted by a feeling of unpreparedness and insecurity about the process, whether in the clinical stages of identification and care for maintaining the potential donor, opening or suspending the diagnosis of BD1010 Lima ABC, Furieri LB, Fiorin BH, Romero WG, Lima EFA, Lopes AB, et al. Doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantes: conhecimento, atitude e prática. REME - Rev Min Enferm 2020; 24: e1309. Disponível em:

11 Araujo CAS, Siqueira MM. The effect of educational initiatives on the attitude and knowledge of health care professionals regarding organ donation and transplantation: an integrative literature review. Transplant Proc 2023; 55(1)13-21.

12 Senna, CVA, Martins T, Knihs NS, Magalhães ALP, Paim SMS. Fragilidades e potencialidades vivenciadas pela equipe de saúde no processo de transplante de órgãos: revisão integrativa. Rev Eletr Enferm 2020; 22: 58317.

13 Souza DRS, Tostes PP, Silva AS. Morte encefálica: conhecimento e opinião dos médicos da unidade de terapia intensiva. Rev Bras Educ Med 2019; 43(3): 115-22.

14 Flores CML, Silva RM, da Tamiozzo J, Centenaro APFC, Silva DMGV, da Zamberlan C, et al. Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective. Texto Contexto Enferm 2023; 32: e20230032.
-1515 McCallum J, Ellis B, Dhanani S, Stiell IG. Doação de órgãos sólidos no pronto-socorro – Uma revisão sistemática. Can J Emerg Med 2019; 21(5): 626-37.
, or surgical extraction, perfusion, packaging and transport of organs/tissues22 Santos JG, Silva VS, Cintra L, Fonseca CD, Tralli LC. Capacitação em extração, perfusão e acondicionamento de órgãos para transplantes: perfil dos profissionais e análise de aprendizagem pós-curso. Einstein 2019; 17(2): eAO4445.

To address these weaknesses, the adoption of strategies, such as the creation of protocols based on specific legislation33 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 9.434, de 4 de fevereiro de 1997. Dispõe sobre a remoção de órgãos, tecidos e partes do corpo humano para fins de transplante e tratamento e dá outras providências. Brasília (DF): Casa Civil; 1997 [acesso em 10 Maio 2023]. Disponível em: LEIS/L9434.html LE...
,44 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 2.600, de 21 de outubro de 2009. Brasília (DF): MS; 2009 [acesso em 10 Maio 2024]. Disponível em:
, use of national and international guidelines and collaborative learning with the Intra-Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Committee for Transplants (Comissão Intra-Hospitalar de Doação de Órgãos e Tecidos para Transplantes-CIHDOTT), results in more excellent safety and quality of care1414 Flores CML, Silva RM, da Tamiozzo J, Centenaro APFC, Silva DMGV, da Zamberlan C, et al. Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective. Texto Contexto Enferm 2023; 32: e20230032.
,1616 Knihs N da S, Magalhães ALP, Santos J, Wolter I dos S, Paim SMS. Doação de órgãos e tecidos: utilização de ferramenta de qualidade para otimização de processos. Esc Anna Nery 2019; 23(4): e20190084.
,1717 Roza B de A, Lazarini L de F, Treviso P, Garcia VD, Pierrotti LC, Schirmer J, et al. Biovigilância e notificação de eventos adversos na doação e transplante de órgãos: revisão sistemática. Acta Paul Enferm 2023; 36: eAPE00101.
. Furthermore, including subjects in the undergraduate curriculum and continuous training on this topic contributes to the student/professional consciously developing the role of multiplier for the population and obtaining qualifications for safe and practical skills in clinical practice.88 Martínez-Alarcón L, Ríos A, Gutiérrez PR, Santainés-Borredá E, Gómez FJ, Agras-Suarez MC. Exploring health science students’ notions on organ donation and transplantation: a multicenter study. Transplant Proc 2020; 52(5): 1428-31.
,99 Sampaio JE, Fernandes DE, Kirsztajn GM. Conhecimento de estudantes de medicina sobre doação de órgãos. Rev Assoc Med Bras 2020; 66(9): 1264.
,1313 Souza DRS, Tostes PP, Silva AS. Morte encefálica: conhecimento e opinião dos médicos da unidade de terapia intensiva. Rev Bras Educ Med 2019; 43(3): 115-22.
,1818 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Secretaria Especial para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 14.772, de 8 e novembro de 2023. Institui a Política Nacional de Conscientização e Incentivo à Doação e ao Transplante de Órgãos e Tecidos. Brasília (DF): Casa Civil; 2023 [acesso em 10 Maio 2023]. Disponível em:

The organ and tissue donation and transplantation process is complex and based on ethical, moral and legislative criteria. It consists of distinct stages of active search for a possible donor, identification, evaluation and validation of the potential organ donor (POD), diagnosis of BD, hemodynamic maintenance, family interview and logistics of withdrawal, transport and distribution33 Brasil. Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 9.434, de 4 de fevereiro de 1997. Dispõe sobre a remoção de órgãos, tecidos e partes do corpo humano para fins de transplante e tratamento e dá outras providências. Brasília (DF): Casa Civil; 1997 [acesso em 10 Maio 2023]. Disponível em: LEIS/L9434.html LE...
,44 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 2.600, de 21 de outubro de 2009. Brasília (DF): MS; 2009 [acesso em 10 Maio 2024]. Disponível em:
. These steps constitute learning objects; when combined with the persona, objectives, methodologies, instructional resources and assessment, they form the pedagogical training plan.

Studies on the impact of training and performance in the health area result in the search for a correlation between the student profile variables and the methodology applied1919 Kirkpatrick DL, Craig RL, Bittel LR. Evaluation of training. In: Training and development handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1970. p. 87-1121967.

20 Associação Brasileira de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Pesquisa panorama do treinamento no Brasil (2022-2023). 17ª ed. São Paulo: ABTD; 2023.

21 Moura LC. Resultados de um programa de capacitação em doação de órgãos para transplantes por meio da simulação realística: impacto do treinamento nos indicadores do processo de doação de órgãos. São Paulo. Dissertação [Mestrado em Enfermagem] – Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 2014.
-2222 Coelho GH de F, Bonella AE. Doação de órgãos e tecidos humanos: a transplantação na Espanha e no Brasil. Rev Bioet 201927(3): 419-29.
. Specifically for the training of professionals in the solid organ donation process, the target audience must be targeted with a profile corresponding to this area's challenges and practices so that its applicability is significant in improving indicators related to donation and transplants2121 Moura LC. Resultados de um programa de capacitação em doação de órgãos para transplantes por meio da simulação realística: impacto do treinamento nos indicadores do processo de doação de órgãos. São Paulo. Dissertação [Mestrado em Enfermagem] – Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 2014.
,2222 Coelho GH de F, Bonella AE. Doação de órgãos e tecidos humanos: a transplantação na Espanha e no Brasil. Rev Bioet 201927(3): 419-29.
. Therefore, it is necessary to verify whether there is a correlation between the professional's profile and previous experience in organ donation with their learning and reaction assessment after immersive training on the subject, providing ideas for developing more effective training aimed at the specific needs of these professionals.

The objectives of this study were to understand the profile of professionals trained in the solid organ donation process, analyze their knowledge and reaction and correlate their performance profile in organ donation with their learning and evaluation of opinion after the course.


This is a retro-prospective, quantitative and analytical-descriptive study approved by the Research Ethics Committee of a philanthropic hospital (CAAE 71710023.9.0000.0071) that correlated the professional profile, performance in the area of organ donation, learning and opinion of students of the Processo de Doação de Órgãos Sólidos para Profissionais de Saúde (Solid Organ Donation Process for Health Professionals) course.

The course offered 16 places made available by the SNT via the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde) Institutional Development Support Program (Programa de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sistema Único de Saúde /Proadi-SUS)2323 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Insumos Estratégicos. Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia. Programa de Desenvolvimento Institucional do Sistema Único de Saúde. Rev Saúde Publica 2011 [acesso em 10 Maio 2024]; 45(4): 808-11. Disponível em:
. This body was responsible for distributing vacancies to all State Transplant Centers (Centrais Estaduais de Transplantes-CETs). The CETs, in turn, nominated the candidates with the premise that they were public servants, doctors and nurses working in the emergency/urgency sectors, intensive care unit or CIHDOTT.

The course format was face-to-face, with a workload of 8 hours. The content taught was based on legislation and resolutions related to the organ donation process2424 Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos. Diretrizes básicas para captação e retirada de múltiplos órgãos e tecidos da Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos. São Paulo: ABTO; 2009.,2525 Conselho Federal de Medicina. Resolução CFM nº 2173, de 23 de novembro de 2017. Define os critérios do diagnóstico de morte encefálica. Brasília (DF): CFM; 2017 [acesso em 10 Maio 2024]. Disponível em:
, protocol for the diagnosis of BD, techniques for the hemodynamic maintenance of the potential donor, strategies for validating the potential donor and good practices for family interviews, culminating in the approach to the concepts of process safety and reflections on the family's experience.

The pedagogical plan was based on active teaching methodologies, including flipped classrooms, discussions of clinical cases through questions and answers, an experiential learning cycle focused on professional attitudes towards real cases published in the media, and developing a care plan for potential organ donors. These approaches offered students a variety of methods for achieving learning objectives as described in Bloom's Taxonomy2626 Krathwohl DRA. A revision of Bloom's taxonomy: an overview. Theory Pract 2002: 41(4): 212-8.

Four questionnaires were administered during a course2727 Santos JG. Processo de doação de órgãos sólidos: correlação entre perfil, aprendizagem e indicação do curso. Zenodo 2024.
, created in the online version through the free Google Form™ service, which makes it possible to make questions available via QR code and save the answers in the cloud with access restricted to the leading researcher through the Google Drive™ service.

The first questionnaire explored the professional profile regarding the category, training time and sector of activity; the second examined the profile in the area of organ donation to provide a quantitative view of experiences in the field; the third consisted of knowledge assessment, with pre - and post-test applied at the beginning and immediately at the end of the course, containing ten multiple-choice questions, with questions categorized into three knowledge axes. Questions 1 to 4 addressed aspects related to the diagnosis of BD, 5 to 7 to hemodynamic maintenance and 8 to 10 to communicating bad news and the family member's experience. For the fourth questionnaire, a reaction assessment was applied, with closed questions, following the Net Promoter Score (NPS) method, which sought to evaluate the recommendations of course participants.

Categorical variables were described using absolute frequencies and percentages, and numerical variables were described using means and standard deviations (SD). Grades were calculated by the total number of correct questions and weighted by the number of valid questions answered using the formula (number of correct questions) * 10/number of valid questions.

The answers were correlated with each other, the association of knowledge was verified by the McNemar test and the correlation between professional profile, performance in the area of organ donation, learning and opinion using the point-biserial for a dichotomous variable (category), and Spearman ranks for an ordinal variable (training time), with a significant result of p < 0.05.


The study was conducted with nine classes of the Solid Organ Donation Process for Healthcare Professionals course, held between August and November 2023, with the participation of 130 respondents.

Table 1 shows that 62% (81) were nurses and 38% (49) were doctors. Most of these professionals 38% (49) belonged to the Northeast Region, followed by the North Region, with 31% (40).

Table 1
Sociodemographic profile and professional category.

Regarding the sectors of activity, 35% (45) worked in the emergency sector, 26% (34) in the intensive care unit (ICU), 25% (32) in other sectors (surgical center, medical clinic) and 15% (19) at CIHDOTT. It is essential to highlight that most nurses (84%) worked at CIHDOTT, while 56% of doctors were intensive care physicians.

Regarding training time, 19% had 1 to 4 years of experience, 84% were doctors, 39% had 5 to 10 years, 42% had more than 10 years of training, and 71% were nurses.

Concerning work in the area of organ donation, 66% (86) have already worked on the BD protocol, 54% (70) participated in family interviews, and 52% (68) were involved in the actual process of organ donation. Of these, the majority report participating in up to five cases in each stage: 44% in the BD protocol, 56% in the family interview and 60% in the organ donation process. However, in all cases, nursing has direct or indirect participation in more than 20 cases.

Knowledge assessment was done through a pre-test, with a mean of 7.3 and SD of 1.8, and a post-test, with a mean of 9.2 and SD of 1.0. Regarding knowledge retention, the class achieved a rate of 26.7%.

There was an increase above the class average (29.5%) for medical professionals, with grades ranging from 7.3 to 9.5. For nurses, the percentage was slightly below the general average (24.8%), with grades ranging from 7.2 to 9.0.

Tables 2 and 3 show the topics covered in the assessments and the analysis of correct and incorrect answers before and immediately after the course.

Table 2
Assessment of nurses' knowledge and its variation in successes and errors by content (n = 81).
Table 3
Assessment of doctors' knowledge and its variation in successes and errors by content before and after (n = 49).

Specifically for questions Q2 (prerequisites for opening a BD protocol), Q4 (correct time of death), Q5 (rewarming measures for hypothermia), Q7 (clinical parameters for the care of the potential kidney donor) and Q9 (consent to organ donation), a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was obtained between the responses in the pre-and post-test for both categories.

Question Q9 stands out due to the significant reduction in the number of students who made mistakes in the pre-test and who continued to make mistakes in the post-test, with 31% of doctors and 72% of nurses. Among doctors, 100% were emergency physicians, and 87% were intensivists, while in nursing, 62% were emergency physicians, and 90% were intensivists.

For questions Q1, about the definition of BD, and Q8, about communication regarding the opening of the BD protocol between medical professionals and nurses, no significant improvement was observed.

Emphatically, Q1 stands out for being the only question in which 100% of students, both doctors (emergency and intensivists) and emergency nurses, answered correctly in both the pre-test and post-test.

Question Q6, about infection control in potential donors and significant retention of learning, was identified only for doctors. Question Q10, which addressed family conflicts and authorization for organ donation, was only important for nurses.

In the reaction assessment, 35% (46) did not undertake any training on this topic, and of those who did, 96% rated it as significantly better. The NPS instrument was used, which consists of a rating question from 0 to 10 about the probability of recommending the course. All respondents were classified as promoters, resulting in an NPS of 100, indicating that the course is in the "enchantment" zone, with a rating of 10 given by 100% of doctors and 97% of nurses.

Statistical studies of comparative correlation between groups were conducted to investigate whether the student's profile influences their knowledge retention and post-course opinion assessment. Those with five or more years of training, with more than five indicators being considered experienced, were participants in the protocol/interview/organ donation process and working in a reference sector (CIHDOTT).

Regarding learning, the results of the analysis, described in Table 4, demonstrate that individuals with more than five years of training, working in sectors such as emergency and with participation in more than five cases of BD protocol, family interview and donation process of effective organs showed less variation in scores between the pre- and post-test, indicating a more consistent learning gain in this group. For the correlation of the reaction evaluation, especially regarding the course indication, no apparent relationship was identified between the category variables, training time, work in emergency sectors, ICU, CIHDOTT, and participation in the stages of the organ donation process. These factors may not directly influence the overall perception of the course or participants' willingness to recommend it. Other aspects that should be addressed in the research may be more strongly associated with assessing participants' reactions.

Table 4
Analysis of the professional profile with learning retention and opinion satisfaction (n = 130).


Due to the potential organ donor's multiple physiological changes, intensive management of this patient becomes a challenge for the health teams in critical patient units (emergency and ICU) to which the role of care is transferred. However, these teams are not directly involved in conducting any stage of the donation process. Therefore, training these professionals is a crucial strategic measure to ensure the use of viable and quality organs for recipients awaiting transplantation2828 Drezza JP de O, Boteon APC da S, Calil IL, Anna RSS, Viveiros M de M, Rezende MB de et al. Disposal of donor livers in Brazil: how to optimize their utilization rate in transplants? Einstein (São Paulo) 2021; 19: eAO6770.
,2929 Cordeiro TV, Knihs N da S, Magalhães ALP, Barbosa S de FF, Paim SMS. Fragilidades do conhecimento das equipes de unidades de críticos relacionadas ao processo de doação de órgãos e tecidos. Cogitare enferm 2020; 25: 366128.

In this study, the majority of the people with training were nurses. Research shows that nurses are the most significant number of professionals in the donation and transplant system1414 Flores CML, Silva RM, da Tamiozzo J, Centenaro APFC, Silva DMGV, da Zamberlan C, et al. Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective. Texto Contexto Enferm 2023; 32: e20230032.
, acting wholly in all stages of the process, including assertive communication and empathetic listening to family members, essential actions for humanization and constructing a relationship of trust. This care was highlighted in 80% of the articles analyzed in an integrative review on the importance and role of nursing in organ donation3030 Figueiredo CA, Pergola-Marconato AM, Saidel MGB. Equipe de enfermagem na doação de órgãos: revisão integrativa de literatura. Rev Bioet 2020; 28(1): 76-82.

Learning was similar when comparing the categories of doctors and nurses. However, a relationship was observed with training time, in which professionals with greater professional maturity showed more significant learning gains, which is corroborated by studies in which 44% of nurses with more than eight years of training reported that more experience in the process of death and dying results in changes in behavior concerning organ donation1414 Flores CML, Silva RM, da Tamiozzo J, Centenaro APFC, Silva DMGV, da Zamberlan C, et al. Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective. Texto Contexto Enferm 2023; 32: e20230032.
. Furthermore, 38 intensive care physicians with more than five years of experience had a higher success rate in their assessments1313 Souza DRS, Tostes PP, Silva AS. Morte encefálica: conhecimento e opinião dos médicos da unidade de terapia intensiva. Rev Bras Educ Med 2019; 43(3): 115-22.
, and 518 medical students gradually increased their knowledge on this topic as they approached the end of the course1010 Lima ABC, Furieri LB, Fiorin BH, Romero WG, Lima EFA, Lopes AB, et al. Doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantes: conhecimento, atitude e prática. REME - Rev Min Enferm 2020; 24: e1309. Disponível em:

Regarding the place of work, emergency professionals showed significant knowledge (p = 0.011) compared to experts on the CIHDOTT topic. Still, there was no difference compared to intensivists, which differs from a survey of 100 professionals, in which the intensivists demonstrated more excellent knowledge compared to emergency physicians3131 Oliveira HA. Conhecimento de médicos e enfermeiros sobre morte encefálica e doação de órgãos. São José do Rio Preto. Dissertação [Mestrado em Enfermagem] – Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto; 2022. Disponível em:
and with 90 nurses; the knowledge score was directly correlated to their experience working in the ICU3232 Masoumian Hoseini ST, Manzari Z, Khaleghi I. ICU nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practice towards their role in the organ donation process from brain dead patients and factors influencing it in Iran. Int J Organ Transplant Med. 2015 [acesso em 07 Abr 2020]; 6(3): 105-13. Disponível em: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g

The professionals in this research with a more significant number of direct or indirect participation in stages of the organ donation process showed more excellent learning retention when compared to those who had less exposure to this practice. However, there is no consensus among studies regarding this correlation. For example, a survey showed that 50% of intensive care physicians who participated in more than 10 BD protocols did not have higher success rates1313 Souza DRS, Tostes PP, Silva AS. Morte encefálica: conhecimento e opinião dos médicos da unidade de terapia intensiva. Rev Bras Educ Med 2019; 43(3): 115-22.
. In contrast, 58% of nurses who worked in CIHDOTT for up to 2 years showed higher knowledge scores associated with safer attitude and practice66 Miranda LEC, Maia MVRSB, Pontes MG de A, Pascoal IM, Eufranio MS, Miranda ACG. Conhecimento, desejo e atitude de estudantes de medicina e enfermagem sobre a doação de órgãos. Rev Bras Educ Med 2024; 48(2): e036.

From this perspective, the content evaluated concerning the concept of BD showed that 98% of nurses got it right in the post-test, with a higher rate found in studies that resulted in 50%66 Miranda LEC, Maia MVRSB, Pontes MG de A, Pascoal IM, Eufranio MS, Miranda ACG. Conhecimento, desejo e atitude de estudantes de medicina e enfermagem sobre a doação de órgãos. Rev Bras Educ Med 2024; 48(2): e036.
. The question of the time of death was statistically significant, with 96% of doctors getting the question right, higher than in the study that had 86% as a result1313 Souza DRS, Tostes PP, Silva AS. Morte encefálica: conhecimento e opinião dos médicos da unidade de terapia intensiva. Rev Bras Educ Med 2019; 43(3): 115-22.
. This fact reinforces that these two issues are fundamental for correctly identifying the potential donor and his death declaration in ethical and legal principles.

Among the questions about potential donor maintenance guidelines, the rewarming measure for hypothermia had a high error rate in the pre-test for nurses (39.5%) and doctors (32.6%). However, it was lower than the number presented in the study with 27 CIHDOTT nurses, 94.1%6, and 68.9% of emergency and ICU nurses3333 Doria DL, Leite PMG, Brito FPG, Brito GMG, Resende GGS, Santos FLLSM. Nurses knowledge in the process of organ donation. Enferm Foco. 2015 [acesso em 25 Maio 2024]; 6(1/4): 31-35.

Hypothermia is one of the leading causes of potential donor loss, according to research. There were 321 deaths, 27% of which were BD; temperatures below 35.5 °C resulted in the loss of 17% of cases1616 Knihs N da S, Magalhães ALP, Santos J, Wolter I dos S, Paim SMS. Doação de órgãos e tecidos: utilização de ferramenta de qualidade para otimização de processos. Esc Anna Nery 2019; 23(4): e20190084.
. It is worth highlighting that this factor can be improved through protocolized actions and training directed to the needs of the local team to stabilize the patient's hemodynamics1616 Knihs N da S, Magalhães ALP, Santos J, Wolter I dos S, Paim SMS. Doação de órgãos e tecidos: utilização de ferramenta de qualidade para otimização de processos. Esc Anna Nery 2019; 23(4): e20190084.

For the behavioral items referring to communicating bad news and the family member's experience, consent to organ donation was the item with the most significant deficit in prior knowledge: 62.5% of nurses and 79.5% of doctors. The study also observed this knowledge gap with 123 CIHDOTT professionals considered a reference in this assistance: 88.2% got this concept wrong66 Miranda LEC, Maia MVRSB, Pontes MG de A, Pascoal IM, Eufranio MS, Miranda ACG. Conhecimento, desejo e atitude de estudantes de medicina e enfermagem sobre a doação de órgãos. Rev Bras Educ Med 2024; 48(2): e036.

Another area for improvement was the number of professionals who reported needing to complete training on the topic (35%). Despite being a lower rate than that found in the literature, greater than 75%2828 Drezza JP de O, Boteon APC da S, Calil IL, Anna RSS, Viveiros M de M, Rezende MB de et al. Disposal of donor livers in Brazil: how to optimize their utilization rate in transplants? Einstein (São Paulo) 2021; 19: eAO6770.
,3030 Figueiredo CA, Pergola-Marconato AM, Saidel MGB. Equipe de enfermagem na doação de órgãos: revisão integrativa de literatura. Rev Bioet 2020; 28(1): 76-82.
, studies suggest that educational initiatives can positively influence the attitude and knowledge of professionals from different positions and health students in the organ donation process1010 Lima ABC, Furieri LB, Fiorin BH, Romero WG, Lima EFA, Lopes AB, et al. Doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantes: conhecimento, atitude e prática. REME - Rev Min Enferm 2020; 24: e1309. Disponível em:
,1212 Senna, CVA, Martins T, Knihs NS, Magalhães ALP, Paim SMS. Fragilidades e potencialidades vivenciadas pela equipe de saúde no processo de transplante de órgãos: revisão integrativa. Rev Eletr Enferm 2020; 22: 58317.
,1414 Flores CML, Silva RM, da Tamiozzo J, Centenaro APFC, Silva DMGV, da Zamberlan C, et al. Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective. Texto Contexto Enferm 2023; 32: e20230032.
,1616 Knihs N da S, Magalhães ALP, Santos J, Wolter I dos S, Paim SMS. Doação de órgãos e tecidos: utilização de ferramenta de qualidade para otimização de processos. Esc Anna Nery 2019; 23(4): e20190084.
,2828 Drezza JP de O, Boteon APC da S, Calil IL, Anna RSS, Viveiros M de M, Rezende MB de et al. Disposal of donor livers in Brazil: how to optimize their utilization rate in transplants? Einstein (São Paulo) 2021; 19: eAO6770.
. However, these surveys focus on the level of knowledge and applicability, not addressing the level of reaction, that is, the opinion or recommendation using the NPS, making it impossible to make comparisons with the finding of 100% of promoters of the applicability of this study.

Other limitations include the need for assessment of the applicability of this learning after the course, which prevents capturing the sustainability of results in the medium and long term due to the research focusing on the individual (subjective) rather than the relational dimension of the work environment. Furthermore, the competencies regarding the skills and attitudes of professionals and their opinions about encouraging organ donation or considering themselves as donors were separate from the subject of research.


Considering the insufficiency of training in solid organ donation for undergraduates and health professionals, the results of this study highlight essential aspects of the importance of training as a means of reducing the loss of potential donors, thus increasing the supply of organs for the growing demand from patients waiting for a transplant.

Therefore, professionals with more extended training and previous experience in the stages of the organ donation process and working in the emergency sector retained more knowledge. However, the caveats mentioned are essential, as there are insufficient studies on the topic, and existing models vary in how they evaluate and correlate the profile, knowledge, skills and attitudes of nurses and doctors in critical patient sectors.

Institutions that seek to apply training in this area need to consider the student's profile and the creation of a pedagogical plan that provides behavioral change, aiming at the professional's decision-making in applying post-course knowledge in the face of difficulties encountered in solid organ donation.


The results presented in this article come from the training project in organ and tissue donation and transplants at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, developed with the support of PROADI-SUS. We would like to thank the statistics team at the PROADISUS Project Office (Einstein) for analyzing the data, which will contribute significantly to future research on the training and development of professionals in the area of organ donation.


    Not applicable.


Suplementary data are available in:


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Edited by

Seccion editor: Ilka de Fátima Santana F. Boin

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 July 2024
  • Accepted
    05 Aug 2024
Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos Avenida Paulista, 2.001 - 17° andar Conj. 1.704/1.707, Cerqueira César - CEP: 01311-300, Tel: (55) 11 98243 - 3901 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil