Open-access Reptiles from São Paulo State: current knowledge and perspectives

The present study provides a list of species of reptiles known to occur in the State of São Paulo, based on specimens with confirmed localities, housed in the three largest scientific collections of the state, and published information. We registered the presence of 212 species of reptiles within the boundaries of the state that belong to 23 families and include 12 chelonians, three crocodilians, and 197 squamates (142 snakes, 44 "lizards," and 11 amphisbenians). Eleven species are endemic to the State of São Paulo (Mesoclemmys cf. vanderhaegei, Amphisbaena sanctaeritae, Mabuya caissara, Mabuya macrorhyncha, Liotyphlops caissara, Liotyphlops schubarti, Corallus cropanii, Atractus serranus, Phalotris lativittatus, Bothropoides alcatraz, Bothropoides insularis). Within Squamata, four lizards and one snake correspond to valid species that are still in need of formal description. Thirty-two species are included in the List of Threatened Species from the State of São Paulo, while only nine belong to the Brazilian List of Threatened Species. Reptile species richness for the state represents already approximately 30% of species richness known to occur in all the Brazilian territory, which includes 721 species. However, we conclude that more detailed taxonomic and distributional studies as well as more surveys targeting poorly known localities will have the effect of augmenting the number of species for the state.

reptiles; biodiversity; State of São Paulo; BIOTA/FAPESP program

Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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