The genus Coccocypselum comprises about 35 Neotropical species, distributed from Mexico to Argentina. It is characterized by contracted inflorescences, distylous lilac flowers, bilocular multiovulate ovary, and usually carnose, blue or purplish berries, which sometimes mature into dry. Eight species were recognized in the state of São Paulo: C. campanuliflorum (Hook.) Cham. & Schltdl., C. condalia Pers., C. cordifolium Nees & Mart., C. erythrocephalum Cham. & Schltdl., C. hasslerianum Chodat, C. krauseanum Standl., C. lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. and C. lymansmithii Standl. All the species are widespread in the Atlantic forest, except for C. lanceolatum, which grows either on "cerradão" vegetation and C. lymansmithii, which grows only on open fields in Serra da Mantiqueira. Illustrations, comments and observations on the morphology, taxonomy, geographic distribution and phenology are presented, and a key to the species is provided.
floristic; Coccocypselum; Rubiaceae; São Paulo