Hunting has been banned in Brazil by a Federal Law (No. 5197), except in a few cases where it has been regulated, for over 50 years now. Since then, the country suffered dramatic land use change, especially in its Central-South region. In this study we investigate the possible influence of land use change on hunters’ socioeconomic profile (e.g., education, income) and motivation (e.g., leisure or subsistence) in the Central-South Brazil since the implementation of the ban policy. On a systematic literature review we found 18 papers about hunting activities and hunters’ profile in this region, one third of which presented evidence of change in hunting activities or in hunters’ profile somehow related to land use change since 1967. With this small number of articles, it was not possible to fully assess whether there was a change in hunting culture in the target region as a result of changes in land use. However, the found studies present consistent evidence of changes in hunting culture, especially in regard to a trade on the hunted species, hunting techniques and hunters’ profile. Considering the relevance of hunting in agricultural landscapes for wildlife conservation, we hope the present results stimulate further studies on this field.
Keywords Hunting; Habitat Transformation; Cultural Change; Wildlife Management; Agricultural Landscapes
A caça é uma atividade proibida no Brasil por uma Lei Federal (nº 5.197), exceto em alguns casos onde é regulamentada, há mais de 50 anos. Desde então, o país sofreu uma mudança dramática no uso da terra, especialmente na região Centro-Sul. Neste estudo investigamos a possível influência da mudança no uso da terra no perfil socioeconômico (e.g., educação, renda) e motivação (e.g., lazer, subsistência) dos caçadores no Centro-Sul do Brasil desde a implementação da política de proibição. Em uma revisão sistemática da literatura encontramos 18 artigos sobre atividades cinegéticas e o perfil dos caçadores nesta região, sendo que um terço apresentou evidências de alguma mudança nas atividades cinegéticas ou no perfil dos caçadores, relacionada à mudança do uso da terra desde 1967. Com este pequeno número de artigos, não foi possível avaliar plenamente se houve mudança na cultura cinegética na região-alvo em decorrência de mudanças no uso da terra. No entanto, os estudos encontrados apresentam evidências consistentes de mudanças na cultura da caça, principalmente no que diz respeito ao comércio das espécies caçadas, técnicas de caça e perfil dos caçadores. Considerando a relevância da caça em paisagens agrícolas para a conservação da vida selvagem, esperamos que os presentes resultados estimulem novos estudos nesta área.
Palavras-chave Caça; Transformação de Habitats; Mudança Cultural; Gestão da Vida Selvagem; Paisagens Agrícolas
Globally, there is a wide range of hunting governance systems (Nasi et al. 2008, Ingram et al. 2021) from different property regimes to access rights and actors involved. Although it is not clear which governance systems and policy tools are more effective in promoting the sustainability of hunting activities, studies show that where hunting activities are completely banned, information about poaching (i.e., illegal hunting activities) is restricted or inexistent (Nasi et al. 2008, Duporge et al. 2020, Ingram et al. 2021, Lavadinović et al. 2021). Without the implementation of well-established and regulated hunting management systems, long-term evaluations of the impact of hunting activities locally and regionally are usually missing (Nasi et al. 2008, Ingram et al. 2021). Such a situation has been reported in Brazil (Tomas et al. 2018, Bragagnolo et al. 2019; Vieira et al. 2019).
Hunting has been banned in Brazil since 1967 by Federal Law No. 5197 (Brazil, 1967 – known as the Wildlife Protection Law), except in a few cases where it has been regulated. Since then, the activity has been consolidated as one of the biggest environmental taboos in Brazil (Tomas et al. 2018, Bragagnolo et al. 2019, Vieira et al. 2019). Mostly ineffective enforcement and the cultural rooting of the activity made it difficult to totally ban hunting despite the law (Tomas et al. 2018, Bragagnolo et al. 2019). The activity is still carried out for subsistence, species population control, commerce, and sport (Verdade 2004, Palmeira et al. 2008, El Bizri et al. 2015, Van Vliet et al. 2014, Mendonça et al. 2016; Fernandes-Ferreira & Alves 2017, da Silva et al. 2022). The lack of legal mechanisms to guarantee confidentiality and professional secrecy for biologists and other environmental professionals hinder the study of these activities (Verdade & Seixas 2013). Currently, the field of ethnozoology is one of the areas that most contributes to understand hunting in the country (Alves & Souto 2011). It is not surprising, therefore, that the scope, characteristics, and magnitude of this activity, as well as the change it has undergone over the past 50 years are mostly unknown for most regions of the country (Fernandes-Ferreira & Alves 2017; Tomas et al. 2018, Bragagnolo et al. 2019).
Since the implementation of the Wildlife Protection Law, Brazil has suffered dramatic land use change, with extensive socioeconomic and environmental impacts (Palmeira 1989; Gonçalves Neto 1997). Two significant elements in the context of hunting stand out in this process: agricultural expansion, with the consequent transformation of natural habitats, and rural exodus. Since the 1960’s, a process of modernization of the agriculture field was consolidated in the country, with the implementation of an agro-industrial sector based on mechanized agriculture (Teixeira 2005, Matos & Pessoa 2011). Between 1970 and 2016, the annual soybean production in the country went from around 2 to 95.7 million tons; the production of sugarcane increased from 70 to 700 million tons; and cattle herds increased from 78 to 215 million heads (IBGE 2009, IBGE 2017a, IBGE 2017b). To accommodate such expansion, the area used for agricultural production went from 189 to more than 275 million hectares (Mha) of which approximately 64 Mha for agriculture and 211 Mha for livestock production, representing all together 35% of the Brazilian territory in 30 years (1970–2010) (Sparovek et al. 2011, IBGE 2016, IBGE 2017c). By 2022, more 7 Mha were expected to be converted for agriculture and livestock production in Brazil (Gasques et al. 2012). Local biodiversity decline and extinction, and consequent change in biological communities’ composition and dynamics were directly caused by land use change in all biomes (Magnusson 2006, Verdade et al. 2014a, Verdade et al. 2016). Consequently, human populations have increased their access to natural vegetation remnants and to game species (Turner and Corlett, 1996).
The Central-South is the most developed of the three Brazilian geoeconomics macro-regions. It comprises the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás, besides the Federal District and the southern region of Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Tocantins states, (IBGE 2018). It also encompasses five of the six Brazilian biomes: Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Pampa, and Pantanal. This macro-region suffered the most intense processes of agricultural expansion and rural exodus since the 1970’s (Grecchi et al. 2014, Overbeck et al. 2007).
With the benefits of agriculture expansion mainly focused on large properties, small-scale farming became increasingly unfeasible. Between the 1960s and 1980s, the southern region of Brazil (i.e., the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Paraná) has lost 45% of its rural population. Since the 1970’s the central-western region (i.e., the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goias) lost 35% of its population (Camarano & Abramovay 1999; Matos & Pessoa 2011). On the other hand, the southeast region of the country (i.e., the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo) received more than 10 million internal migrants (Camarano & Abramovay 1999; Matos & Pessoa 2011). As a result, the urbanization rate in the country increased from 56% to 84% from 1970 to 2010 (IBGE 2017a). Consequently, the Central-South region of Brazil has proportionally the highest rate of land use conversion for agriculture and livestock production of the country (Oliveira et al. 2007, Camarano & Abramovay 1999).
Acknowledging that a dramatic overall cultural change happened in rural areas of Central-South Brazil, it is still unclear how these deep changes in the rural social-ecological systems have locally impacted hunting activities. Therefore, in this research we carried out a literature review on hunting activities taking place in the Central-South region of Brazil to investigate if there is evidence of a possible relationship between agriculture expansion and intensification and local hunters’ socioeconomic profile (i.e., education, income) and motivation (i.e., sport or subsistence) in this region.
Material and Methods
To assess hunting activities taking place in the Central-South region we conducted a systematic search of literature following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses framework (Moher et al., 2009 – Figure 1). We searched and analyzed publications found for each of the following sets of keywords separately at Google Scholar: i) in Portuguese: caça ilegal, caça de subsistência, caça esportiva, caça recreacional and caça Brasil; and ii) in English: hunting Brazil, Brazilian hunters, wildlife poaching Brazil, illegal hunting Brazil, recreational hunting Brazil and subsistence hunting Brazil. For each keyword, we searched first for ‘order of relevance’ (i.e., a ranking that shows the most cited, popular and/or best matched results for the keywords used) and after searched only for papers between 2010 and 2020, to guarantee that recent papers were not being overlooked. We registered all the 20 first studies found for each keyword in each search mode (i.e., order of relevance and recent documents) (n = 440), independently of their title, and all studies subsequent that had titles of interest (n = 134) (Figure 1).
The research was conducted in June 2020 and we considered for evaluation every type of scientific and technical documents found, such as articles, thesis and technical reports, that addressed hunting in Brazil. We prioritized Google Scholar as a research platform to access Brazilian journals and unpublished information from these and other documents. We searched for documents by each keyword separately because the number of articles published on the topic was very low and common systematic research (using a code with Boolean operators) resulted in few results.
After excluding duplicates from the total of 574 records found, we screened 268 documents by their titles and abstract and selected all documents addressing the thematic of hunting in Brazil (n = 105). We fully accessed the text of these studies and select 63 publications of relevance for our study, with specific information/data on hunting activity and hunters’ profile and motivations in Brazil. We excluded from this selection, for example, studies addressing policies and legal instruments and discussing philosophical or ethical aspects. We then classified the documents according to the following aspects: geographic location (by state), type of document (e.g., article, thesis, report), taxa/group assessed (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles), data nature (i.e., studies that quantify hunting activities, that evaluate the effect of hunting activities on wild populations indirectly or qualitatively investigate hunting characteristics), data source/characteristics (e.g., field assessment, online platforms) and type of study area (e.g., inside protected areas, rural or urban areas). This step aimed at having an overview of all studies conducted on the topic in Brazil in order to compare the information found for different regions with the one found for the Central-South region.
We then reviewed the studies carried out specifically in the Central-South Brazil (n = 18) and identified their objectives, year of data collection and taxa/group studied. For the sake of simplicity, in this study we included as part of the Central-South macro-region the following states: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás; and the whole area of states which officially have only a part of their area belonging to this region: Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Tocantins. We also collected all evidence available in these studies about hunters’ profile (e.g., age, income, education), motives (e.g., meat, property defense, hobby) and hunting characteristics (e.g., equipment, effort). Finally, we conducted a content analysis of their results and discussion to assess the possible relationship between land use change since hunting ban by the Wildlife Protection Law (Brazil 1967) and hunters’ profile and motivation in the region and we present their methods and main results.
In total, 63 papers contributed to a general assessment of hunting activity in the country, including hunting pressure and its impact on game species, as well as hunters’ profile. These studies main characteristics and geographic distribution in the country can be seen on Table 1 and Figure 2, respectively. The studies were classified in articles (n = 56), theses (n = 6) and a report (n = 1), with 22 published between 2000 and 2010, and 41 between 2011 and 2020. Most of them dealt with mammals, birds, and reptiles combined (n = 34), six with mammals and birds; 18 with mammals, four with birds, and one with reptiles only.
Studies found in the literature review (references) that evaluate hunting activities or the hunter profile in Brazil (n = 63) categorized by the nature and source/characteristics of data collection.
Distribution of documents found in literature review (articles, dissertations, theses and reports) that sought to quantify and qualify hunting activities and the hunters’ profile in Brazil in each state (n = 58): Paraíba (n = 15), Amazonas ( n = 10), Acre (n = 5), São Paulo (n = 4), Bahia (n = 4), Espírito Santo (n =3), Pará (n = 3), Pernambuco (n = 2), Rio Grande do Norte (n = 2), Ceará (n = 1), Maranhão (n = 1), Mato Grosso do Sul (n = 1), Minas Gerais (n = 1), Paraná (n = 1), Piaui (n = 1), Rio de Janeiro (n = 1), Rio Grande do Sul (n = 1), Rondônia (n = 1), and Santa Catarina (n = 1). Studies that covered more than one state (n = 5) are not represented in this figure. The circles on the map are positioned in the center of the state.
Out of the 63 selected publications, 29 directly quantified hunting activities. This means that these studies presented estimates of hunted animal numbers and biomass removed from ecosystems, allowing to evaluate possible impacts of hunting on wild populations. The studies that used databases (n = 4) present an overview of the game species and hunters’ profile. However, they are limited by data availability, which were restricted in most studies (e.g., partial identification of species, data available only for some regions, different collection efforts in each region). Studies that assessed the effect of hunting activities on wild populations indirectly (n = 10) usually compared the number of animals found in an area with hunting activities with the number of animals found in areas with less hunting or no hunting at all. These studies allow us to assess whether hunting in the study area has negative effects on the main game species, but do not allow for a quantitative assessment of hunting effort or comparisons with other studies in distinct areas (Table 1). In studies that investigated the characteristics of hunting, the description of the target species and other relevant aspects (n = 24), such as their use by human population, hunting techniques and hunters’ profile, predominated (Table 1). This type of study enabled the identification of species that may be under greater pressure and allow a better view of the socio-ecological system where hunting activities take place.
Most studies found were concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (71,4%) and about 40% of the studies were carried out exclusively inside protected areas and indigenous lands (Table 2). The documents had 52 different first authors with frequent co-authorship among them, which suggests a consistent number of researchers currently publishing on the topic.
Delimitation of the study area of the research found in the literature review that evaluates hunting or the hunter’s profile, carried out in Brazil (n = 63) and in its Center-South region (n = 18).
Eighteen studies (28% out of selected cases) were conducted in Central-South Brazil (a region that represents 36,5% of the Brazilian territory), with the potential to contribute to the assessment of hunting activities and the profile of hunters in this region. However, only nine addressed hunting in agricultural landscapes, including coastal communities (Table 2). These studies aimed, in general, to determine the diversity and abundance of game species as well as hunting frequency and sustainability (Table 3) and few (n = 9) presented evidence about hunters’ profile (e.g., age, income, education), motives for hunting (e.g., meat, property defense, hobby) and hunting characteristics (e.g., equipment, effort) (Table 4). In total, the studies targeted 87 game species, of which 53 where mammals (3 are exotic or domestic), 29 birds and 5 reptiles (Table 5). Six species of mammals and four of birds that have only been identified up to the genus level may be considered in duplicate (e.g., Didelphis sp. could be D. aurita – already counted – or D. albiventris – not counted).
Main characteristics (study reference, state of the Union where it was carried out, objectives, year of data collection and species investigated) of the studies found in the literature review that assess hunting or the hunter’s profile in the Center-South region of Brazil.
Evidence found in studies from the literature review (n = 9) on hunters’ profile, motives and hunting characteristics in the Center-South region of Brazil.
Species targeted by the eighteen studies found in the literature reviewed for the Central-South region of Brazil. *The names of the species were kept as found in the studies, without updating their taxonomy.
Six of these studies put light over the possible relationship between land use change and hunting culture in the Central-South Brazil: Mazzolli et al. 2002, Desbiez et al. 2011, El Bizri et al. 2015, Sousa & Srbek-Araujo 2017, Rosa et al. 2018 and Carvalho et al. 2019 (Table 6). Half of these studies targeted particularly the exotic species Sus scrofa, which has spread for most of the Center-South region of the country (Rosa et al. 2018). Sus scrofa has been reported in the selected publication as wild pig, feral pig and wild boar. In Brazilian Pantanal it is called Monteiro hog.
Methods and main results of the six studies found in the literature review that contribute to discuss hunting and the hunter’s profile in the Center-South region of Brazil.
El Bizri et al. (2015), Sousa and Srbek-Araujo (2017) and Rosa et al. (2018) present data that point to an increase in hunting conducted by urban people with higher income for sport in some areas of the Center-South region. The data from El Bizri et al. (2015) indicate that i) a large portion of hunting in Brazil seems to be carried out in Cerrado areas, ii) that sport hunting may be increasing annually, based on the annual growth in the number of videos posted in social media on the subject in the analyzed period (2007–2014), and that iii) the hunters in the videos appear to be, in general, Brazilian urban upper-middle class residents, due to the filming period – mainly during the winter (June and July) and summer (November through January) school holidays – and the use of high cost equipment. El Bizri et al. (2015) show that in the videos’ comments, hunting permission in other countries is one of the most mentioned arguments to support hunting regulations in Brazil.
In the same sense, using the database from an environmental surveillance system composed of several institutions, Sousa & Srbek-Araujo (2017) showed that most hunters in a complex of protected areas are sport hunters and not subsistence hunters (Linhares-Sooretama forest complex in the state of Espirito Santo). Although the study by Sousa & Srbek-Araujo (2017) was not focusing exclusively on rural areas, it corroborates the study conducted by El Bizri et al. (2015). Rosa et al. (2018) investigating the control of exotic wild pigs, showed that most hunters (locally called controllers) had a college degree (61% from 175) and some had relatively high income for Brazilian standard (21% with annual wages >US$ 34,000). Forty percent of respondents were acting illegally. According to them, bureaucracy (46%) and lack of information about the authorization process (33%) were the main causes for such a pattern. Most respondents (83%) of the online questionnaires used by Rosa et al. (2018) were from South and Southeast regions of Brazil.
The studies of Mazzolli et al. (2002), Desbiez et al. (2011), El Bizri et al. (2015), Rosa et al. (2018) and Carvalho et al. (2019) present data that point to a modification of hunting activities in some areas of the Center-South region, including changes in target species and hunting gears. Desbiez et al. (2011) present data that show how rural residents in the central Pantanal changed the target species, management, and hunting techniques to adapt to the new realities in rural areas. In local ranches, the monteiro hog replaced the former traditional game species (i.e., armadillos and peccaries) with piglets’ castration followed by release and adult culling. The study also presents data on hunting efforts, as well as on the importance of Monteiro hog meat and fat to local economy, culture, and food security. Two reasons justify the change in the hunting system portrayed by Desbiez et al. (2011): i) the legal hunting ban of native game species; and ii) the relatively high cost-benefit of monteiro hog hunting, as they have a higher reproductive rate and larger body size, with more meat and fat than the local traditional game species. In such a case, the changes in land use and coverage coincide to the new sociocultural and ecological conjuncture.
Although we did not search directly for studies about human-wildlife coexistence, Mazzolli et al. (2002) and Desbiez et al. (2011) present data that deal with the high rate of negative interactions between landowners and wild carnivores culminating in these species hunting. The study by Mazzolli et al. (2002) is old and restricted to the eastern Santa Catarina state in southern Brazil. However, it characterizes the interactions between landowners and pumas (Puma concolor) and carnivore hunting as a retaliation for economic losses. The authors showed that the number of jaguar attacks on livestock was high. However, a large portion of the attacks could have been avoided if there was an adequate livestock management. Moreover, in some cases, the monetary loss, even when it is relatively low (Mazzolli et al. 2002). Desbiez et al. (2011) suggests that carnivores are commonly killed by rural residents in Brazilian Pantanal as a retaliation to their livestock depredation. On the other hand, for exotic species, Rosa et al. (2018) shows that the main motivations to hunt exotic wild hogs in Brazil were: damage to agriculture (140/172 respondents, aprox. 81.2%), sport hunting (68.4%) and meat consumption (63.2%). Yet, accordingly to the respondents, meat consumption was the final destination for the carcasses and almost half of the respondents (42.4%) reported only one individual killed per month. These studies show evidence that at least a part of hunting in rural areas is highly motivated by conflicts in agricultural landscapes, what has been largely studied by human-wildlife coexistence researchers (Marchini 2014). Consequently, we can assume that the greater the agricultural expansion, the more intense the hunting activities will be.
Over the last decade, the number of published research related to hunting in Brazil has almost doubled compared to the prior decade (Fernandes-Ferreira & Alves 2017). Nevertheless, the few dozens of publications found in this review of the scientific literature are far from being enough to produce a “state of the art” report of hunting activities in the country, especially considering its size and its mega socio and biodiversity (Joly et al. 2018). For the Center-South region this assessment is even harder. Our research shows that the studies carried out in the north and northeast regions of Brazil are proportionally higher than that of the Center-South region. In addition, most studies in this region focused on exotic species. Therefore, it was not possible to fully assess whether there was a change in hunting culture in the Center-South region as a whole and whether there was a relationship between changes in land use (i.e., agricultural expansion and rural exodus). Nonetheless, in assessing the available literature we present few but consistent evidence of change in hunting culture, which can be seen as an early sign for proactive management. Actions over early signs of change may reduce management costs, when compared to costs of responsive management.
The studies found suggest a possible trade on the hunted species (from native to exotic) as well as on the hunters’ profile (from rural to urban). As a result, hunting techniques seem to be changing (from light to heavy firearms and archery) whereas subsistence hunting appears to have, at least relatively, declined. Culling predators in retaliation to livestock damage appears to continue. The possible impacts of such changes are still mostly unknown and should be prioritized in future studies. Our study indicates that apparently a portion of the urban population, mirrored in the populations of countries considered developed, as is the case in the United States and Australia, where sport hunting is allowed (Arnett, & Southwick 2015), may be considering hunting (even illegal) as a new hobby (Tomas et al. 2018, Bragagnolo et al. 2019). These results contrast with findings from studies on hunting in other regions of Brazil, in which much of the activity is still carried out for subsistence by rural populations (Alves et al. 2009, Barboza 2009, Barbosa et al. 2010, Alves & Souto 2011, Alves et al. 2012), indicating a possible regional trend.
It is important to consider that aspects related to studies’ nature and design and the researchers’ topics of interest may bias our conclusion. The absence of studies on hunting for subsistence in this region is not direct evidence of decrease in this type of hunting. Studies on sport hunting may be gaining prominence in this region in detriment of those focused on subsistence hunting. On the other hand, in a broad perspective, there is large evidence that many factors have triggered the lack of interest of the great majority of young people from rural and traditional communities in the Center-South in illegal hunting. These include migration to cities, access to technologies and interest in the modern and urban life, access to education and preservationist discourses, disconnection from the rural environment, and an increasing law enforcement in some regions (Diegues & Viana 2004, Islas 2015, Govindin, & Miller 2015). Considering these observations, further researches should delve deeper into the influence of socioeconomic factors and cultural shifts in the hunting culture in different urban and rural landscapes in the Center-South region, thereby shedding more light on the evolving dynamics of human-wildlife coexistence to support management efforts.
Wildlife management is about the decision-making process on the following alternatives of human intervention on nature: biological conservation (i.e., reverse population decline), control (i.e., reverse population explosion), sustainable use (i.e., reach the maximum sustainable yield), and monitoring (i.e., keeping an eye on it to detect relevant changes as soon as possible) (Caughley & Sinclair 1994, Verdade et al. 2014b). Despite wildlife many negative impacts on agricultural landscapes, wildlife management is fundamental for wildlife conservation outside National Parks and other conservation areas (Verdade et al. 2014a, 2016, 2022). However, in agricultural landscapes the most relevant demand for wildlife management is likely related to human-wildlife coexistence, including hunting regulations and mitigation on wildlife damage on livestock and agriculture (Marchini 2014). In such a context, monitoring programs including both ecological and societal dimensions should be prioritized by government agencies responsible for wildlife management as they feed the decision-making process of such a system with technical data (Verdade et al. 2014b). A first step for the success of such monitoring program is guaranteeing confidentiality and professional secrecy devices for biologists (Verdade & Seixas 2013) or other government staff carrying out such monitoring. Together with land use change, hunters’ profile and culture are fundamental human dimensions for such a program.
We are grateful to the Coordination of Interdisciplinary Research Centers (COCEN) at Unicamp for their support.
This study was partially funded by the Biota Program of the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP Proc. Nos. 2006/60954-4, 2015/19439-8, and 2017/01304-4) and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Canada). LMV held a Research Productivity Grant and CAI had a doctoral grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Proc. Nos. 312049/2015-3 and 140040/2016-1, respectively).
Data Availability
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available at: https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.CPNT4G
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