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Trainers’ perceptions about the identity processes of the prospective mathematics teacher


Initial training plays an essential role in the (re)constitution of the teachers’ professional identity (TPI) through the training contexts and, especially, the trainers, who actively participate in the processes of elaboration and mobilization of the teachers' TPI, manifesting traces of their own identities. This debate, however, is resisted in courses that still carry aspects of the bachelor's tradition, such as, for example, the degree in Mathematics. Seeking to enter the discussions about TPI in the teacher training in this area of knowledge and expand them, this research aimed to understand how trainers of the degree course in Mathematics perceive the prospective teachers' identity processes, that is, aspects related to the (re)constitution and mobilization of this professional identity on the initial training. Therefore, a qualitative investigation was carried out, in which six trainer teachers were interviewed, about their life histories, professional constitutions and teaching practices. It was inferred, from the techniques of Discursive Textual Analysis, that trainers, in general, recognize the dynamic and contextual aspects of IPD in Mathematics, identifying elements that are part of it, such as personal and family issues, the trajectory of life and training, and also their own influence as teachers on the students' identities. We conclude that trainers have the potential, once they comprehend the nuances of the constituent processes of the TPI of the graduates, to imply even more positively in their professional training.

Teacher Professional Identity; Mathematics Teacher Educators; Mathematics Teacher; Initial Formation; Identity Processes

UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática Avenida 24-A, 1515, Caixa Postal 178, 13506-900 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil