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Prevalence of pulp canal obliteration after traumatic dental injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis


This systematic review aimed to answer the following question: What is the estimated prevalence of pulp canal obliteration in subtypes of traumatic dental injury (TDI) in deciduous and permanent teeth? The searches were conducted in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, Grey Literature, and Google Scholar, and complemented by a manual search, until April 16th, 2023. Observational studies were selected based on population, exposure, and outcome (PEO) (P, deciduous or permanent teeth; E, TDI; O, pulp canal obliteration). Two reviewers (kappa 0.90) applied the eligibility criteria, extracted qualitative data, and assessed the methodological quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa tool. A meta-analysis was performed using MedCalc 17.2. Thirty-four articles were selected after screening. The methodological quality was moderate to high. The estimated prevalence of pulp canal obliteration was 27.6% (95%CI: 18.7–37.7) and 21.9% (95%CI:16.0–28.4), for permanent and deciduous teeth, respectively. Considering the TDI subtypes, the prevalence of pulp canal obliteration was higher in root fractures of the permanent teeth (78.6 %, 95%CI: 62.8–90.9) and lateral luxation injuries in deciduous teeth (29.4%, 95%CI:19.1–41.0). Our review of 34 articles of moderate and high methodological quality found that the prevalence of pulpal canal obliteration ranges from 21.9% to 27.6%. Pulp canal obliteration was most frequently detected following lateral luxation injuries of the deciduous teeth and root fractures of the permanent teeth (PROSPERO CRD42020179438).

Tooth Injuries; Tooth Avulsion; Tooth Fractures; Pulp Canal Obliteration; Systematic Review


The sequelae of traumatic dental injury (TDI) include pulpal necrosis, internal root resorption, external pathological root resorption, pulp calcification, and the loss of supporting tissues11.Mello-Moura AC, Bonini GA, Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Wanderley MT. Pulp calcification in traumatized primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2011;35(4):383-7.
. TDI, such as concussion and subluxation, are usually associated with minor symptoms, fewer sequelae, and limited treatment necessity22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
. Avulsion and intrusion are considered the most serious, typically associated with more profound sequelae and treatment needs33.Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Andersson L. Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2007..

Pulp canal obliteration (PCO), also known as calcific metamorphosis, obliteration, or calcification, is characterized by calcification in the pulp cavities.44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
The development of pulpal canal obliteration depends on two main factors: the injury and the patient’s age at the time of trauma.55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
The most frequent PCO-related trauma types are intrusive luxation and subluxation. The most commonly affected ages are 1–4 years.66.Lenzi MM, da Silva Fidalgo TK, Luiz RR, Maia LC. Trauma in primary teeth and its effect on the development of permanent successors: a controlled study. Acta Odontol Scand. 2019 Jan;77(1):76-81.
,77.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
PCO most frequently leads to a lack of pulpal sensibility88.Bourguignon C, Cohenca N, Lauridsen E, Flores MT, O'Connell AC, Day PF, et al. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Aug;36(4):314-30.
and yellowish crown discoloration.99.Amir FA, Gutmann JL, Witherspoon DE. Calcific metamorphosis: a challenge in endodontic diagnosis and treatment. Quintessence Int. 2001 Jun;32(6):447-55. PMID:11491624 The pulpal response is an initial reaction to trauma, which can occur even in cases of minor trauma. Crown discoloration is caused by excessive deposition of dentin, which affects the light-transmitting properties of the tooth, leading to increased opacity.1010.Cleen M. Obliteration of pulp canal space after concussion and subluxation: endodontic considerations. Quintessence Int. 2002 Oct;33(9):661-9.

A general trend indicates that dental trauma affects one-third of children in with deciduous dentitions.1111.Lam R. Epidemiology and outcomes of TDI: a review of the literature. Aust Dent J. 2016;61(1):4-20.
The prevalence of PCO associated with traumatized deciduous teeth vary from 8.6% to 43.3%1212.Goswami M, Rahman B, Singh S. Outcomes of luxation injuries to primary teeth-a systematic review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020;10(2):227-32.
. Likewise, dental trauma affects one-quarter of adolescents and adults at least once in their life.1111.Lam R. Epidemiology and outcomes of TDI: a review of the literature. Aust Dent J. 2016;61(1):4-20.
Of these, the prevalence of PCO associated with the traumatized permanent teeth ranges from 3.8% to 24%.1212.Goswami M, Rahman B, Singh S. Outcomes of luxation injuries to primary teeth-a systematic review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020;10(2):227-32.

The incidences of TDI complications have been systematically assessed.1313.Andersson L. Epidemiology of TDI. J Endod. 2013;39(3):2-5.

14.Oginni AO, Adekoya-Sofowora CA. Pulpal sequelae after trauma to anterior teeth among adult Nigerian dental patients. BMC Oral Health. 2007 Aug;7(1):11.

15.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
-1616.Santos BZ, Cardoso M, Almeida IC. Pulp canal obliteration following trauma to primary incisors: a 9-year clinical study. Pediatr Dent. 2011;33(5):399-402. PCO commonly occurs after TDI. Available systematic reviews have compared the occurrence of TDI and the prevalence of PCO in cases of lateral luxation, luxation injuries, and avulsion in deciduous teeth1212.Goswami M, Rahman B, Singh S. Outcomes of luxation injuries to primary teeth-a systematic review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020;10(2):227-32.
,1717.Clark D, Levin L. Prognosis and complications of mature teeth after lateral luxation: A systematic review. J Am Dent Assoc. 2019 Aug;150(8):649-55.

18.Abd-Elmeguid A, ElSalhy M, Yu DC. Pulp canal obliteration after replantation of avulsed immature teeth: a systematic review. Dent Traumatol. 2015 Dec;31(6):437-41.
-1919.Moccelini BS, Santos PS, Barasuol JC, Magno MB, Bolan M, Maia LC, et al. Prevalence of sequelae after traumatic dental injuries to anterior primary teeth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2022 Aug;38(4):286-98.
and one analyzed concussion and subluxation in permanent teeth.2020.Darley RM, Fernandes E Silva C, Costa FD, Xavier CB, Demarco FF. Complications and sequelae of concussion and subluxation in permanent teeth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Dec;36(6):557-67.
However, there is no systematic review of PCO in all the subtypes of TDI in the deciduous and the permanent dentitions. This systematic review aimed to investigate the quality of existing studies and describe the overall prevalence of PCO. We also evaluated studies to determine the rate of PCO as related to each TDI. Furthermore, in determining the PCO, this review took into account that the factors related to the causes of TDI are complex. This is important because the frequency of PCO is not well-reported in the literature. This systematic review contributed a concrete and insightful assessment of TDI and its sequelae in the primary and permanent dentition.


This systematic review was registered in the PROSPERO database (registry number: CRD42020179438) and written according to the PRISMA Statements.2121.Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021 Mar;372:n71.

Focused question

This systematic review was conducted to answer the following question: What is the estimated prevalence of PCO in subtypes of TDI in deciduous and permanent teeth?

Strategy for identification and selection of studies

A broad literature search was performed up to April 16, 2023, using the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and LILACS, via the Virtual Health Library. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings []) and DECS terms (Health Sciences Descriptors []), synonyms, and related terms. Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” were applied to combine the keywords (Table 1). A literature search was conducted using OpenGrey ( and Google Scholar. When the data appeared to be insufficient or inconclusive, the conclusion was drawn from a critical analysis by an expert and/or consensus opinions of experienced researchers. The reference lists of the included articles were searched manually.

Table 1
Electronic database used and search strategy; April 16th, 2023.

Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria were set as follows: population (P), deciduous or permanent teeth of any individual of any ethnicity and sex; exposure (E), any type of dentoalveolar trauma; and outcome (O), the prevalence of pulp canal obliteration in the investigated population. No restrictions were imposed on language or publication date. Studies on teeth with developmental anomalies or dental caries, patients with systemic alterations and intellectual disabilities, literature reviews, animal studies, guidelines, case reports, and records outside the proposed theme were excluded.

Study selection

Initially, two independent examiners (MGLA and TOF) evaluated the abstracts and titles. A search alert was created for each database to identify new studies, based on the outlined search strategy. After the search, the citations found in each database were exported to the reference manager EndNote®, version X7 (Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, USA). Articles that were indexed in more than one database were considered only once. Only studies that met the inclusion criteria were included in the meta-analysis. In case of doubts regarding eligibility, the article was included in the full-text analysis. Potentially eligible studies were read by the same independent examiners (MGLA and TOF). To evaluate the level of concordance between the two reviewers, 10% of the publications were randomly selected and had their ranking compared, yielding a kappa statistic of 0.90. This was calculated after abstract and full-text analyses to determine the level of agreement between the two reviewers. Data were extracted from the included studies and discussed among all authors to reach a consensus. If the information in the abstract was insufficient for the reviewers to decide, they would read the full article before making the final decision. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved after a consensus meeting with a third author (LSG).

Data extraction

Data extraction and qualitative analyses of the selected studies. The data from the included studies were compiled and organized according to the author/year, sample, age, study design, follow-up period, TDI, number of PCO/TDI subtypes, number of PCO/other variables of interest, total PCO, and PCO-related outcomes.

During data selection and extraction, the authors were contacted via email up to three times to obtain missing data or clarify unclear information. If the authors were unable to provide the requested data or did not respond to the email within 40 days, the study was still included in the analysis based on the available information. Microsoft Translator (USA) was applied to articles that were published in languages other than English.

Methodological quality assessment and the risk of bias

Quality assessment of the selected studies was performed by consensus between two authors (MGLA and TOF). If the reviewers disagreed, a third reviewer (LAAA) was consulted. The Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale was used to assess the quality of observational studies (cross-sectional and cohort studies).2222.Wells GA, Shea B. O'Connell Da, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M, et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of nonrandomised studies in meta-analyses.Oxford: The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 2000.For cross-sectional studies, the quality score was calculated based on three main categories: group selection (four items and a maximum of five stars), comparability of groups (one item and a maximum of two stars), and outcomes (two items and a maximum of three stars). The maximum score was ten points, which corresponded to studies that reached maximum stars in all categories.2222.Wells GA, Shea B. O'Connell Da, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M, et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of nonrandomised studies in meta-analyses.Oxford: The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 2000.,2323.Wells G, Brodsky L, O'Connell D, Shea B, Henry D, Mayank S, et al. An Evaluation of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS): an assessment tool for evaluating the quality of non-randomized studies. In: XI Cochrane Colloquium: Evidence, Health Care and Culture; 2003 Oct 26-31; Barcelona, Spain.For cohort studies, the quality score was calculated based on three categories: selection (four items and a maximum of four stars), comparability (one item and a maximum of one star), and outcome (three items and a maximum of four stars). The maximum score was nine points, which corresponds to studies that reached the maximum stars in all categories.2222.Wells GA, Shea B. O'Connell Da, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M, et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of nonrandomised studies in meta-analyses.Oxford: The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 2000.,2323.Wells G, Brodsky L, O'Connell D, Shea B, Henry D, Mayank S, et al. An Evaluation of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS): an assessment tool for evaluating the quality of non-randomized studies. In: XI Cochrane Colloquium: Evidence, Health Care and Culture; 2003 Oct 26-31; Barcelona, Spain.

For both types of studies (cross-sectional and cohort studies), when the score ranged from 0–4, to 5–6, and > 7 stars, the methodological quality was classified as low, moderate, or high, respectively.2222.Wells GA, Shea B. O'Connell Da, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M, et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of nonrandomised studies in meta-analyses.Oxford: The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; 2000.,2323.Wells G, Brodsky L, O'Connell D, Shea B, Henry D, Mayank S, et al. An Evaluation of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS): an assessment tool for evaluating the quality of non-randomized studies. In: XI Cochrane Colloquium: Evidence, Health Care and Culture; 2003 Oct 26-31; Barcelona, Spain.


Heterogeneity between studies was assessed using a random model. Analyses were performed using MedCalc 17.2 (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). The teeth were used as the analysis units. The following meta-analyses were performed: a) estimation of the prevalence of total pulp canal obliteration in deciduous and permanent teeth; b) estimation of the prevalence of pulp canal obliteration according to the type of trauma; and c) estimation of the prevalence of pulp canal obliteration according to the TDI, grouped according to dental tissue or supporting tissue.

In cases where some covariables influenced the stability of the outcome, sensitivity analysis or meta-regression was planned.2424.Borenstein M, Edges LV, Higgins JP, Rothstein HR. Introduction to meta-analysis. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 2009.
If the sum of the included studies exceeded ten, funnel plots were generated to analyze the publication bias test.2424.Borenstein M, Edges LV, Higgins JP, Rothstein HR. Introduction to meta-analysis. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 2009.
,2525.Song F, Eastwood AJ, Gilbody S, Duley L, Sutton AJ. Publication and related biases. Health Technol Assess. 2000;4(10):1-115.


Data search and study selection

The study flowchart is shown in Figure 1. Initially, 1.468 studies were identified through their abstracts, which included 194,131,186, 564, 1, 0, and 392 studies from PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, LILACS, Gray Literature, and Google Scholar, respectively. After excluding duplicate studies, 1.429 studies remained. Of these, 1.384 studies were excluded because of obvious irrelevance to the proposed theme, based on a review of the title and abstract. After reading the 45 studies in full, a second exclusion (n = 11) was performed for the reasons described in Table 2. The final selection included 34 articles.11.Mello-Moura AC, Bonini GA, Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Wanderley MT. Pulp calcification in traumatized primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2011;35(4):383-7.
,22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
,1414.Oginni AO, Adekoya-Sofowora CA. Pulpal sequelae after trauma to anterior teeth among adult Nigerian dental patients. BMC Oral Health. 2007 Aug;7(1):11.

15.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
-1616.Santos BZ, Cardoso M, Almeida IC. Pulp canal obliteration following trauma to primary incisors: a 9-year clinical study. Pediatr Dent. 2011;33(5):399-402.,2626.Gondim JO, Moreira Neto JJ. Evaluation of intruded primary incisors. Dent Traumatol. 2005 Jun;21(3):131-3.

27.Ferrazzini Pozzi EC, Arx T. Pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth: results after 4 years. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Dec;24(6):658-62.

28.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.

29.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7.

30.Qassem A, Goettems M, Torriani DD, Pappen FG. Radicular maturity level of primary teeth and its association with trauma sequelae. Dent Traumatol. 2014 Jun;30(3):227-31.

31.Holan G, Yodko E. Radiographic evidence of traumatic injuries to primary incisors without accompanying clinical signs. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Apr;33(2):133-6.

32.Rock WP, Grundy MC. The effect of luxation and subluxation upon the prognosis of traumatized incisor teeth. J Dent. 1981 Sep;9(3):224-30. (81)90058-0 (81)90...

33.Oikarinen K, Gundlach KK, Pfeifer G. Late complications of luxation injuries to teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1987 Dec;3(6):296-303.

34.Fried I, Erickson P, Schwartz S, Keenan K. Subluxation injuries of maxillary primary anterior teeth: epidemiology and prognosis of 207 traumatized teeth. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18(2):145-51.

35.Andreasen JO. Luxation of permanent teeth due to trauma: a clinical and radiographic follow-up study of 189 injured teeth. Scand J Dent Res. 1970;78(3):273-86.

36.Andreasen FM. Pulpal healing after luxation injuries and root fracture in the permanent dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1989 Jun;5(3):111-31.

37.Crona-Larsson G, Bjarnason S, Norén JG. Effect of luxation injuries on permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991 Oct;7(5):199-206.

38.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, et al. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: A retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.

39.Lee R, Barrett EJ, Kenny DJ. Clinical outcomes for permanent incisor luxations in a pediatric population. II. Extrusions. Dent Traumatol. 2003 Oct;19(5):274-9.

40.Spinas E, Pipi L, Dettori C. Extrusive luxation injuries in young patients: a restrospective study with 5-year follow-up. Dent J. 2020 Dec;8(4):136.

41.Nikoui M, Kenny DJ, Barrett EJ. Clinical outcomes for permanent incisor luxations in a pediatric population. III. Lateral luxations. Dent Traumatol. 2003 Oct;19(5):280-5.

42.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Yousaf N, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with extrusive or lateral luxation: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Aug;33(4):307-16.

43.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Amaloo C, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with concussion or subluxation injury: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Oct;33(5):337-44.

44.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Yousaf N, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with intrusive luxation: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Oct;33(5):329-36.

45.Altun C, Cehreli ZC, Güven G, Acikel C. Traumatic intrusion of primary teeth and its effects on the permanent successors: a clinical follow-up study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Apr;107(4):493-8.

46.Sheng K, Lai GY, Zhao SM. [Short-term prognosis of laterally luxated primary teeth left without treatment: a retrospective study of 45 consecutive cases]. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue. 2021 Feb;30(1):100-3. Chisese.

47.Goettems ML, Thurow LB, Noronha TG, da Silva Júnior IF, Kramer PF, Feldens CA, et al. Incidence and prognosis of crown discoloration in traumatized primary teeth: A retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Aug;36(4):393-9.

48.Qassem A, Martins NM, da Costa VP, Torriani DD, Pappen FG. Long-term clinical and radiographic follow up of subluxated and intruded maxillary primary anterior teeth. Dent Traumatol. 2015 Feb;31(1):57-61.

49.Cavalleri G, Zerman N. Traumatic crown fractures in permanent incisors with immature roots: a follow-up study. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995 Dec;11(6):294-6.

50.Caliskan MK, Pehlivan Y. Prognosis of root-fractured permanent incisors. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1996 Jun;12(3):129-36.

51.Bratteberg M, Thelen DS, Klock KS, Bårdsen A. Traumatic dental injuries and pulp sequelae in an adolescent population. Dent Traumatol. 2021 Apr;37(2):294-301.

52.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, Teich ST. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: a retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.

53.Kahnberg KE. Intraalveolar transplantation of teeth with crown-root fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1985 Jan;43(1):38-42. (85)80011-2 (85)8...

54.Pham HT, Nguyen PA, Pham TA. Periodontal status of anterior teeth following clinical crown lengthening by minimally traumatic controlled surgical extrusion. Dent Traumatol. 2018 Dec;34(6):455-63.
-5555.Poi WR, Manfrin TM, Holland R, Sonoda CK. Repair characteristics of horizontal root fracture: a case report. Dent Traumatol. 2002 Apr;18(2):98-102.

Figure 1
PRISMA 2020 flow diagram for new systematic reviews that included searches of databases and registers.

Table 2
Articles excluded after accessed in full

Data extraction

Thirty-four studies were included in the qualitative data extraction and 34 studies were assessed (Table 3 and Table 4). Most of the studies were cross-sectional. Only one deciduous2626.Gondim JO, Moreira Neto JJ. Evaluation of intruded primary incisors. Dent Traumatol. 2005 Jun;21(3):131-3.
and one permanent2727.Ferrazzini Pozzi EC, Arx T. Pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth: results after 4 years. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Dec;24(6):658-62.
study were cohort studies. Sixteen studies were conducted in pediatric populations and 18 in adult populations. The age of the participants ranged from 9 months4646.Sheng K, Lai GY, Zhao SM. [Short-term prognosis of laterally luxated primary teeth left without treatment: a retrospective study of 45 consecutive cases]. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue. 2021 Feb;30(1):100-3. 8.83 years2929.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7. for studies on deciduous teeth and from 577.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
to 695353.Kahnberg KE. Intraalveolar transplantation of teeth with crown-root fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1985 Jan;43(1):38-42. (85)80011-2 (85)8...
years for studies on permanent teeth.

Table 3
Data Extraction – Permanent teeth (n=18)
Table 4
Data Extraction – Deciduous teeth (n=16)

Table 3 reports the cases of PCO in permanent teeth. PCO was evaluated in the following TDI types: root fracture (n = 2),44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
,5151.Bratteberg M, Thelen DS, Klock KS, Bårdsen A. Traumatic dental injuries and pulp sequelae in an adolescent population. Dent Traumatol. 2021 Apr;37(2):294-301.
subluxation (n = 6),1414.Oginni AO, Adekoya-Sofowora CA. Pulpal sequelae after trauma to anterior teeth among adult Nigerian dental patients. BMC Oral Health. 2007 Aug;7(1):11.
,3333.Oikarinen K, Gundlach KK, Pfeifer G. Late complications of luxation injuries to teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1987 Dec;3(6):296-303.
,3434.Fried I, Erickson P, Schwartz S, Keenan K. Subluxation injuries of maxillary primary anterior teeth: epidemiology and prognosis of 207 traumatized teeth. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18(2):145-51.,3636.Andreasen FM. Pulpal healing after luxation injuries and root fracture in the permanent dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1989 Jun;5(3):111-31.

37.Crona-Larsson G, Bjarnason S, Norén JG. Effect of luxation injuries on permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991 Oct;7(5):199-206.
-3838.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, et al. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: A retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.
intrusive luxation (n = 4),22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
,2828.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.
,3636.Andreasen FM. Pulpal healing after luxation injuries and root fracture in the permanent dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1989 Jun;5(3):111-31.
,3737.Crona-Larsson G, Bjarnason S, Norén JG. Effect of luxation injuries on permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991 Oct;7(5):199-206.
extrusive luxation (n = 4),3434.Fried I, Erickson P, Schwartz S, Keenan K. Subluxation injuries of maxillary primary anterior teeth: epidemiology and prognosis of 207 traumatized teeth. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18(2):145-51.,3636.Andreasen FM. Pulpal healing after luxation injuries and root fracture in the permanent dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1989 Jun;5(3):111-31.
,4040.Spinas E, Pipi L, Dettori C. Extrusive luxation injuries in young patients: a restrospective study with 5-year follow-up. Dent J. 2020 Dec;8(4):136.
,4141.Nikoui M, Kenny DJ, Barrett EJ. Clinical outcomes for permanent incisor luxations in a pediatric population. III. Lateral luxations. Dent Traumatol. 2003 Oct;19(5):280-5.
concussion (n = 2),1414.Oginni AO, Adekoya-Sofowora CA. Pulpal sequelae after trauma to anterior teeth among adult Nigerian dental patients. BMC Oral Health. 2007 Aug;7(1):11.
,3737.Crona-Larsson G, Bjarnason S, Norén JG. Effect of luxation injuries on permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991 Oct;7(5):199-206.
lateral luxation (n = 5)2727.Ferrazzini Pozzi EC, Arx T. Pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth: results after 4 years. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Dec;24(6):658-62.
,3434.Fried I, Erickson P, Schwartz S, Keenan K. Subluxation injuries of maxillary primary anterior teeth: epidemiology and prognosis of 207 traumatized teeth. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18(2):145-51.,3737.Crona-Larsson G, Bjarnason S, Norén JG. Effect of luxation injuries on permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991 Oct;7(5):199-206.
,3838.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, et al. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: A retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.
,4242.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Yousaf N, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with extrusive or lateral luxation: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Aug;33(4):307-16.
and avulsion (n = 2).3434.Fried I, Erickson P, Schwartz S, Keenan K. Subluxation injuries of maxillary primary anterior teeth: epidemiology and prognosis of 207 traumatized teeth. Pediatr Dent. 1996;18(2):145-51.,3838.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, et al. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: A retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.

Table 4 reports the cases of PCO in deciduous teeth. PCO was evaluated in the following TDI types: root fracture (n = 1);3030.Qassem A, Goettems M, Torriani DD, Pappen FG. Radicular maturity level of primary teeth and its association with trauma sequelae. Dent Traumatol. 2014 Jun;30(3):227-31.
subluxation (n = 5),1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,3131.Holan G, Yodko E. Radiographic evidence of traumatic injuries to primary incisors without accompanying clinical signs. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Apr;33(2):133-6.
,3535.Andreasen JO. Luxation of permanent teeth due to trauma: a clinical and radiographic follow-up study of 189 injured teeth. Scand J Dent Res. 1970;78(3):273-86.
,4949.Cavalleri G, Zerman N. Traumatic crown fractures in permanent incisors with immature roots: a follow-up study. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995 Dec;11(6):294-6.
,58 intrusive luxation (n = 9),55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
,1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,1616.Santos BZ, Cardoso M, Almeida IC. Pulp canal obliteration following trauma to primary incisors: a 9-year clinical study. Pediatr Dent. 2011;33(5):399-402.,2929.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7.

30.Qassem A, Goettems M, Torriani DD, Pappen FG. Radicular maturity level of primary teeth and its association with trauma sequelae. Dent Traumatol. 2014 Jun;30(3):227-31.
-3131.Holan G, Yodko E. Radiographic evidence of traumatic injuries to primary incisors without accompanying clinical signs. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Apr;33(2):133-6.
,3535.Andreasen JO. Luxation of permanent teeth due to trauma: a clinical and radiographic follow-up study of 189 injured teeth. Scand J Dent Res. 1970;78(3):273-86.
,4949.Cavalleri G, Zerman N. Traumatic crown fractures in permanent incisors with immature roots: a follow-up study. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995 Dec;11(6):294-6.
,58 extrusive luxation (n = 5),55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
,1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,1616.Santos BZ, Cardoso M, Almeida IC. Pulp canal obliteration following trauma to primary incisors: a 9-year clinical study. Pediatr Dent. 2011;33(5):399-402.,3131.Holan G, Yodko E. Radiographic evidence of traumatic injuries to primary incisors without accompanying clinical signs. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Apr;33(2):133-6.
,3535.Andreasen JO. Luxation of permanent teeth due to trauma: a clinical and radiographic follow-up study of 189 injured teeth. Scand J Dent Res. 1970;78(3):273-86.
concussion (n = 4),55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
,1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,1616.Santos BZ, Cardoso M, Almeida IC. Pulp canal obliteration following trauma to primary incisors: a 9-year clinical study. Pediatr Dent. 2011;33(5):399-402.,3131.Holan G, Yodko E. Radiographic evidence of traumatic injuries to primary incisors without accompanying clinical signs. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Apr;33(2):133-6.
lateral luxation (n = 4)55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
,1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,4747.Goettems ML, Thurow LB, Noronha TG, da Silva Júnior IF, Kramer PF, Feldens CA, et al. Incidence and prognosis of crown discoloration in traumatized primary teeth: A retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Aug;36(4):393-9.
,58 and avulsion (n = 1).1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.

Quality assessment of individual studies

Based on the Newcastle–Ottawa methodological quality scale, the cross-sectional studies had scores ranging from four to ten points (Table 3A). Most studies (n = 23) were of high methodological quality. Of the nine articles with methodological problems, eight with minor problems were considered to have moderate methodological quality.11.Mello-Moura AC, Bonini GA, Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Wanderley MT. Pulp calcification in traumatized primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2011;35(4):383-7.
,44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
,77.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
,2828.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.
,2929.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7.,3333.Oikarinen K, Gundlach KK, Pfeifer G. Late complications of luxation injuries to teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1987 Dec;3(6):296-303.
,5050.Caliskan MK, Pehlivan Y. Prognosis of root-fractured permanent incisors. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1996 Jun;12(3):129-36.
,5151.Bratteberg M, Thelen DS, Klock KS, Bårdsen A. Traumatic dental injuries and pulp sequelae in an adolescent population. Dent Traumatol. 2021 Apr;37(2):294-301.
and only one was considered to have low methodological quality. All studies, except one22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
did not perform sample size calculations.

Six studies did not control for confounding factors,11.Mello-Moura AC, Bonini GA, Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Wanderley MT. Pulp calcification in traumatized primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2011;35(4):383-7.
,22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
,44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
,77.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
,2828.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.
,2929.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7. and six studies had problems with the statistical tests used to analyze the data, which were not clearly described.11.Mello-Moura AC, Bonini GA, Zardetto CG, Rodrigues CR, Wanderley MT. Pulp calcification in traumatized primary teeth: prevalence and associated factors. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2011;35(4):383-7.
,22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
,44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
,77.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
,2828.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.
,2929.Holan G, Ram D. Sequelae and prognosis of intruded primary incisors: a retrospective study. Pediatr Dent. 1999;21(4):242-7. According to the ascertainment of exposure (risk factor), three studies did not describe the measurement tool.44.Jacobsen I, Kerekes K. Long-term prognosis of traumatized permanent anterior teeth showing calcifying processes in the pulp cavity. Scand J Dent Res. 1977 Nov;85(7):588-98.
,77.Robertson A, Lundgren T, Andreasen JO, Dietz W, Hoyer I, Norén JG. Pulp calcifications in traumatized primary incisors. A morphological and inductive analysis study. Eur J Oral Sci. 1997 Jun;105(3):196-206.
,2828.Moreira Neto JJS, Gondim JO, Carvalho FM, Giro EM. Longitudinal clinical and radiographic evaluation of severely intruded permanent incisors in a pediatric population. Dent Traumatol. 2009 Oct;25(5):510-4.

Table 5 presents the NOS (for cohort studies) of the two prospective studies2626.Gondim JO, Moreira Neto JJ. Evaluation of intruded primary incisors. Dent Traumatol. 2005 Jun;21(3):131-3.
,2727.Ferrazzini Pozzi EC, Arx T. Pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth: results after 4 years. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Dec;24(6):658-62.
Both had good methodological quality (eight stars), with problems in the selection section (demonstration that the outcome of interest was not present at the start of the study).

Table 5
Evaluation of methodological quality assessment according New Castle

Table 6
Evaluation of methodological quality assessment according New Castle - Otawwa Scale – Cohort Studies


The unit of analysis in the meta-analysis was the number of teeth presented in the articles. According to the random model, the estimated prevalence of PCO in permanent teeth was 27.6% (95%CI: 18.7–37.7) (Figure 2A). This analysis showed significant heterogeneity among the studies (p < 0.005). The estimated prevalence for TDI grouped according to support tissues was 28.9% (95%CI: 15.4–44.8; p < 0.0001) (Figure 2B) and 33.0% (95%CI: 2.7–75.9; p < 0.0001), respectively. According to the random model, root fractures were most frequently associated with PCO (78.6 %, 95%CI: 62.8–90.9, p = 0.0624; Figure 2C); followed by concussion (45.2%, 95%CI: 6.4–97.4, p < 0.0001) with high heterogeneity (Figure 2D); and extrusive luxation (38.4%, 95%CI: 26.9–50.6, p = 0.0080; Figure 2E). The estimated prevalence of the other TDI subtypes are as follows: 25.7% subluxation, 24.4% lateral luxation, 14.4% intrusive luxation, 12.9% avulsion, and 8.1% crown fracture.

Figure 2
Meta-analysis evaluation showing the prevalence rates of pulp canal obliteration of all included studies in permanent teeth.

The estimated prevalence of PCO in deciduous teeth was 21.9% (95%CI: 16.0–28.4) in the random model (Figure 3A). Significant heterogeneity among the studies was noted (p < 0.005). According to the random model, PCO was more frequent in teeth affected by lateral luxation (29.4%, 95% CI: 19.1–41.0, p = 0.0006) with low heterogeneity (Figure 3B), followed by extrusive luxation (27.5%, 95% CI: 17.5 to 39.5, p = 0.3997) with low heterogeneity (Figure 3C), and intrusive luxation (26.04%, 95% CI: 13.6–40.7, p < 0.0001) with high heterogeneity (Figure 3D). The estimated prevalence of the other TDI subtypes was: 19.42% for subluxation and 17,14% for concussion.

Figure 3
Meta-analysis evaluation showing the prevalence rates of pulp canal obliteration in root fracture in permanent teeth.

The potential risk of publication bias was evaluated through visual analysis of the funnel plots, with roughly symmetrical funnel plots indicating low risk and asymmetrical funnel plots indicating high risk. The funnel plots of the permanent and deciduous studies appeared asymmetric with outliers toward the right (Figures 4A and 4B). The stability of the outcome was not influenced by covariates. Consequently, sensitivity analysis or meta-regression was not indicated. Supplemental figures are available on

Figure 4
Meta-analysis evaluation showing the prevalence rates of pulp canal obliteration in all included studies in deciduous teeth


The prevalence of PCO in the deciduous and permanent dentitions did not show a large difference. However, when considering all types of TDI, lateral luxation was most frequently associated with PCO in deciduous teeth, and root fractures were most frequently associated with PCO in the permanent dentition.

The prevalence of PCO in deciduous teeth was lowest in cases of concussion and subluxation. Generally, studies have reported that deciduous teeth with concussion or subluxation carry a low risk of pulp necrosis, periapical inflammation, root resorption, and premature tooth loss.2626.Gondim JO, Moreira Neto JJ. Evaluation of intruded primary incisors. Dent Traumatol. 2005 Jun;21(3):131-3.
,4545.Altun C, Cehreli ZC, Güven G, Acikel C. Traumatic intrusion of primary teeth and its effects on the permanent successors: a clinical follow-up study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2009 Apr;107(4):493-8.
In contrast, some studies included in this systematic review found that teeth that experienced subluxation may develop increasing sequelae (frequency and severity) over time, especially in patients, aged two and four years.1515.Borum MK, Andreasen JO. Sequelae of trauma to primary maxillary incisors. I. Complications in the primary dentition. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Feb;14(1):31-44.
,5555.Poi WR, Manfrin TM, Holland R, Sonoda CK. Repair characteristics of horizontal root fracture: a case report. Dent Traumatol. 2002 Apr;18(2):98-102.

In deciduous teeth, PCO was more commonly associated with lateral luxation, followed by extrusive, and then, intrusive luxation. One reason for this may be that luxation is more often associated with complications, such as external or replacement root resorption as a result of damage to the surrounding tissues, including the periodontal ligament.5656.Hörsted PB, Simonsen AM, Larsen MJ. Monkey pulp reactions to restorative materials. Scand J Dent Res. 1986 Apr;94(2):154-63.
In addition, revascularization can occur even if deciduous teeth are not repositioned after luxation injuries. The teeth that are left in the luxated position are usually immobile, whereas those that are repositioned and not splinted tend to be mobile. Mobility may facilitate bacterial progression along the injured PDL, resulting in further sequelae.5757.Flores MT. Traumatic injuries in the primary dentition. Dent Traumatol. 2002 Dec;18(6):287-98.

In permanent teeth, PCO is more prevalent in cases of root fractures, concussions, and extrusive luxation. Certain types of TDI, such as extrusive luxation4343.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Amaloo C, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with concussion or subluxation injury: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Oct;33(5):337-44.
and lateral luxation, are associated with a greater likelihood of PCO than pulp necrosis.1010.Cleen M. Obliteration of pulp canal space after concussion and subluxation: endodontic considerations. Quintessence Int. 2002 Oct;33(9):661-9. Several factors influence the type of tissue repair following root fractures. These factors include the root development stage, repositioning of the dislocated fragments, and any associated signs and symptoms, such as mobility and pain. PCO is the most common sequela of root fractures in permanent teeth.4242.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Yousaf N, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with extrusive or lateral luxation: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Aug;33(4):307-16.
Reparative dentin is deposited on the canal walls, concentrating along the fracture line, and more fibroblasts are found in this region than in the apical portion, where the pulp remains more vascularized.4949.Cavalleri G, Zerman N. Traumatic crown fractures in permanent incisors with immature roots: a follow-up study. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1995 Dec;11(6):294-6.

Thus, the high prevalence of PCO after root fractures (29.4% to 95.2%) in permanent teeth is noteworthy.4242.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Yousaf N, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with extrusive or lateral luxation: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Aug;33(4):307-16.
This is irrespective of the location of the fracture. Our finding (78.6%) is similar to another study, which reported a PCO prevalence of 75% after root fractures in permanent teeth.4343.Lauridsen E, Blanche P, Amaloo C, Andreasen JO. The risk of healing complications in primary teeth with concussion or subluxation injury: a retrospective cohort study. Dent Traumatol. 2017 Oct;33(5):337-44.
We found that the lowest prevalence of PCO was observed among crown fractures (8.1%). Bacteria invading the exposed dentin is one of the most important factors leading to irreversible inflammatory pulpal changes. Conversely, inflammatory changes are transient when bacterial invasion is prevented. In teeth with intact pulpal circulation, dentin is resistant to bacterial invasion.5050.Caliskan MK, Pehlivan Y. Prognosis of root-fractured permanent incisors. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1996 Jun;12(3):129-36.

This systematic review was conducted to answer the following question: “What is the estimated prevalence of PCO in subtypes of TDI in deciduous and permanent teeth?” After a systematic search and application of the predetermined eligibility criteria, 34 articles were selected.

To control for the probable risk of bias in this systematic review and meta-analysis, a search was performed using a considerable number of databases for all bibliographic references of the selected articles. MeSH terms and keywords were used for articles published in this area to minimize inconsistencies and the possibility of not finding potentially eligible studies. Gray literature was used to identify unpublished and ongoing studies and studies in other languages, which were analyzed independently by two reviewers (selection process, quality assessment, and data extraction).

The estimated prevalence of PCO in deciduous and permanent teeth showed significant heterogeneity among the eligible studies. Data collected using funnel plots showed asymmetry, suggesting a publication bias. These biases are most likely due to differences in the study population, study design, and follow-up duration. Consequently, our results should be interpreted with caution. Further analyses with more data are required to determine other study-related factors that may have contributed to the heterogeneity observed in this study.

The severity of the sequelae caused by TDI depends on various factors, such as the trauma type, the age of the child, and the treatment provided5151.Bratteberg M, Thelen DS, Klock KS, Bårdsen A. Traumatic dental injuries and pulp sequelae in an adolescent population. Dent Traumatol. 2021 Apr;37(2):294-301.
. The age at which TDIs occur is also an important consideration when developing strategies to predict and prevent serious consequences affecting the developing permanent successors.5252.Lin S, Pilosof S, Karawani M, Wigler R, Kaufman A, Teich ST. Occurrence and timing of complications following TDI: a retrospective study in a dental trauma department. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):429-36.

The ages of the patients included in the studies ranged from 9 months to 8.83 years. Studies have generally reported a higher frequency of TDI at one, two, and four years of age.5353.Kahnberg KE. Intraalveolar transplantation of teeth with crown-root fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1985 Jan;43(1):38-42. (85)80011-2 (85)8...

54.Pham HT, Nguyen PA, Pham TA. Periodontal status of anterior teeth following clinical crown lengthening by minimally traumatic controlled surgical extrusion. Dent Traumatol. 2018 Dec;34(6):455-63.
-5555.Poi WR, Manfrin TM, Holland R, Sonoda CK. Repair characteristics of horizontal root fracture: a case report. Dent Traumatol. 2002 Apr;18(2):98-102.
In addition, one study showed that the risk of PCO was significantly higher in patients, aged two and four years. The ages of patients who experienced PCO in their permanent teeth were highly varied (5 to 69 years).

The literature suggests that 7%–27% of teeth with PCO will develop pulp necrosis, with radiographic signs of periapical disease.55.Fontenele M, Rebouças P, Silva PG, Sousa DL, Sousa RB, Gondim JO, et al. Sequelae in primary teeth after traumatic injury. Braz Dent Sci. 2017;20(2):70-5.
,5656.Hörsted PB, Simonsen AM, Larsen MJ. Monkey pulp reactions to restorative materials. Scand J Dent Res. 1986 Apr;94(2):154-63.
,5757.Flores MT. Traumatic injuries in the primary dentition. Dent Traumatol. 2002 Dec;18(6):287-98.
However, only two articles in the permanent group reported this.22.Ebeleseder KA, Friehs S, Ruda C, Pertl C, Glockner K, Hulla H. A study of replanted permanent teeth in different age groups. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1998 Dec;14(6):274-8.
,2727.Ferrazzini Pozzi EC, Arx T. Pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth: results after 4 years. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Dec;24(6):658-62.
Furthermore, this was not reported in studies of deciduous teeth. Although pulp necrosis evaluation was not the objective of this systematic review, more studies should be conducted to explain this correlation.

A Newcastle–Ottawa methodological quality assessment was used to determine whether the research methods and results were sufficiently valid. The most common problems were related to sampling issues, for which no sample calculations were reported. This may have influenced the reproducibility and interpretation of the results of these studies. Another relevant aspect is the study type. Most studies were retrospective; hence, the development of the lesion may not have been monitored, and some data may not be as reliable as those in prospective studies.

This study has some limitations. First, the use of translation software for articles written in other languages and resultant translations may have led to a loss of relevant information.

We did not consider differences by sex and we did not detect a positive association between PCO and males vs. females. This aspect should be considered in future studies.

This study found a high prevalence of PCO after TDI in deciduous and permanent teeth. In particular, we noted that PCO occurred most frequently in cases of lateral luxation in deciduous teeth and root fractures in permanent teeth. Our findings should be considered when reviewing or developing preventive strategies. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of a correct diagnosis, treatment planning, and follow-up, in determining favorable outcomes. Dental professionals dealing should be prepared to identify, treat, or refer patients for appropriate treatment, where necessary. Our findings also highlighted the need to design reliable studies to reduce imprecision and variability.


Based on studies of moderate and high methodological quality, the prevalence of PCO ranges from 22% to 27.6%. Lateral luxation in deciduous teeth and root fractures in permanent teeth demonstrated the highest prevalence of PCO.


  • 1
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Oct 2023
  • Accepted
    02 Apr 2024
  • Received
    08 May 2024
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