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Prevalence of oral health-related shame and associated factors among Brazilian schoolchildren


The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of oral health-related shame and the associated factors among 8-to-10-year-old Brazilian schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 388 children randomly selected from public and private schools of Diamantina, southeastern Brazil. In order to identify the feeling of shame, self-reports were collected through a single question, “In the last month, did you feel ashamed because of your teeth or mouth? Two calibrated examiners performed the clinical examination for dental caries (DMFT/dmft index), traumatic dental injuries (O’ Brien), and malocclusion (Dental Aesthetic Index). Sociodemographic indicators were obtained through a questionnaire answered by the children’s caregivers. Descriptive analysis, chi-square test, and hierarchical Poisson regression models were performed (95%CI; p < 0.05). The prevalence of shame was 38.1% (n = 148). The adjusted regression analysis demonstrated a significant association between shame and untreated dental caries (PR: 1.34; 95%CI: 1.04–1.74; p = 0.02), age of 10 years (PR: 1.36; 95%CI: 1.05–1.76; p = 0.01), and with parents with less than eight years of schooling (PR: 1.30; 95%CI: 1.00–1.68; p = 0.04). Older children with untreated dental caries and whose parents had lower education level presented a higher prevalence of oral health-related shame.

Shame; Dental Caries; Oral Health; Child; Quality of Life


Shame can be described as the unpleasant feeling of taking to heart the negative words of an authority figure or peer, who exposes one’s worthlessness, defects, and vulnerabilities.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
,22. Gilbert P. Shame: interpersonal behavior, psychopathology and culture. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998. It is a complex and self-focused social emotion that can lead to social exclusion, rejection, and attacks.33. Gilbert P. The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. Br J Med Psychol. 1997 Jun;70(Pt 2):113-47.
,44. Duarte C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Stubbs RJ. The prospective associations between bullying experiences, body image shame and disordered eating in a sample of adolescent girls. Pers Individ Dif. 2017 Oct;116:319-25.
Shame causes uncertainties and impediments for self-confidence and trusting others.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
,55. Pinto-Gouveia J, Matos M. Can shame memories become a key to identity? The centrality of shame memories predicts psychopathology. Appl Cogn Psychol. 2011 Mar;25(2):281-90.

Hierarchical conceptual model for oral health-related shame.

In the social context, several questions permeate schoolchildren’s minds. They wonder whether they are likely to be accepted by their classmates and if they will have friends or be noticed and admired for who they are.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
It is remarkable that, in this relationship process, children might be highly concerned about self-presentation and self-evaluation of attributes or characteristics that are socially valued, and being excluded, ridiculed or name-called becomes a common experience capable of causing shame.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.

2. Gilbert P. Shame: interpersonal behavior, psychopathology and culture. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998.

3. Gilbert P. The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. Br J Med Psychol. 1997 Jun;70(Pt 2):113-47.

4. Duarte C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Stubbs RJ. The prospective associations between bullying experiences, body image shame and disordered eating in a sample of adolescent girls. Pers Individ Dif. 2017 Oct;116:319-25.

5. Pinto-Gouveia J, Matos M. Can shame memories become a key to identity? The centrality of shame memories predicts psychopathology. Appl Cogn Psychol. 2011 Mar;25(2):281-90.
-66. Savahl S, Montserrat C, Casas F, Adams S, Tiliouine H, Benninger E, et al. Children’s experiences of bullying victimization and the influence on their subjective well-being: a multinational comparison. Child Dev. 2019 Mar;90(2):414-31.
From the age of eight, children’s social and cognitive skills are better established.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
Interaction with schoolmates increases, as does the ability to make judgments about themselves and others.77. Smith PK, Madsen KC, Moody JC. What causes the age decline in reports of being bullied at school? Towards a developmental analysis of risks of being bullied. Educ Res. 1999;41(3):267-85.
Therefore, this is a critical period to assess feelings of shame related to oral health, which, once identified early, can be treated appropriately.

Having the appearance affected by oral problems can be an obstacle in social interactions.88. Al-Omari IK, Al-Bitar ZB, Sonbol HN, Al-Ahmad HT, Cunningham SJ, Al-Omiri M. Impact of bullying due to dentofacial features on oral health-related quality of life. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 Dec;146(6):734-9.
The dissatisfaction with the teeth’s appearance can make the person feel less attractive and avoid smiling; nevertheless, the necessity of treatment is intimately related with the esthetic perception and the others’ vision of the smile.99. Badran SA. The effect of malocclusion and self-perceived aesthetics on the self-esteem of a sample of Jordanian adolescents. Eur J Orthod. 2010 Dec;32(6):638-44.
Furthermore, dental caries can change the children’s daily activities and cause shame, once they stop eating correctly, playing, sleeping, or talking.1010. Schuch HS, Costa FS, Torriani DD, Demarco FF, Goettems ML. Oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren: impact of clinical and psychosocial variables. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2015 Sep;25(5):358-65.

11. Mota-Veloso I, Soares ME, Alencar BM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML, Ramos-Jorge J. Impact of untreated dental caries and its clinical consequences on the oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren aged 8-10 years. Qual Life Res. 2016 Jan;25(1):193-9.

12. Feldens CA, Ardenghi TM, Dullius AIS, Vargas-Ferreira F, Hernandez PA, Kramer PF. Clarifying the impact of untreated and treated dental caries on oral health-related quality of life among adolescents. Caries Res. 2016;50(4):414-21.
-1313. Santos PS, Martins-Júnior PA, Paiva SM, Klein D, Torres FM, Giacomin A, et al. Prevalence of self-reported dental pain and associated factors among eight- to ten-year-old Brazilian schoolchildren. PLoS One.2019 Apr;14(4):e0214990.
Similarly, traumatic dental injury and malocclusion have functional, emotional, and psychosocial impacts.1414. Feldens CA, Senna RA, Vargas-Ferreira F, Braga VS, Feldens EG, Kramer PF. The effect of enamel fractures on oral health-related quality of life in adolescents. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Jun;36(3):247-52.
,1515. Guimarães SP, Jorge KO, Fontes MJ, Ramos-Jorge ML, Araújo CT, Ferreira EF, et al. Impact of malocclusion on oral health-related quality of life among schoolchildren. 2018;32:e95.

Children can deal with feelings of shame in a number of ways. Some tend to feel anger and contempt for themselves, others tend to walk away from the situation or deny the message that embarrassed them and, finally, there are children who try to make their classmates feel bad when facing criticisms.1616. Sedighimornani N, Rimes K, Verplanken B. Factors contributing to the experience of shame and shame management: adverse childhood experiences, peer acceptance, and attachment styles. J Soc Psychol. 2021 Mar;161(2):129-45.
Continued experiences of shame may reinforce negative views and feelings with time, increasing the risk of developing anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders.55. Pinto-Gouveia J, Matos M. Can shame memories become a key to identity? The centrality of shame memories predicts psychopathology. Appl Cogn Psychol. 2011 Mar;25(2):281-90.
,66. Savahl S, Montserrat C, Casas F, Adams S, Tiliouine H, Benninger E, et al. Children’s experiences of bullying victimization and the influence on their subjective well-being: a multinational comparison. Child Dev. 2019 Mar;90(2):414-31.
,1717. Muris P, Meesters C, Heijmans J, van Hulten S, Kaanen L, Oerlemans B, et al. Lack of guilt, guilt, and shame: a multi-informant study on the relations between self-conscious emotions and psychopathology in clinically referred children and adolescents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2016 Apr;25(4):383-96.
Although the feeling of shame and its symptoms have already been widely studied in childhood11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
,1616. Sedighimornani N, Rimes K, Verplanken B. Factors contributing to the experience of shame and shame management: adverse childhood experiences, peer acceptance, and attachment styles. J Soc Psychol. 2021 Mar;161(2):129-45.
,1717. Muris P, Meesters C, Heijmans J, van Hulten S, Kaanen L, Oerlemans B, et al. Lack of guilt, guilt, and shame: a multi-informant study on the relations between self-conscious emotions and psychopathology in clinically referred children and adolescents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2016 Apr;25(4):383-96.
,1818. Wojcik KD, Cox DW, Kealy D. Adverse childhood experiences and shame- and guilt-proneness: examining the mediating roles of interpersonal problems in a community sample. Child Abuse Negl. 2019 Dec;98:104233.
the assessment of its association with oral health has not yet been reported in the literature. As oral problems may incite shame in children, strategies for prevention and effective treatment may contribute to a better quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of shame related to oral health and the associated factors among Brazilian children between eight to ten years old.


Ethical issues

The present study was carried out in compliance with international standards and national legislation on ethics in research involving human subjects. This study was approved by the ethics committee in research from the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (protocol number 370.291/2013). Parents and guardians authorized the children’s participation by signing the free and informed consent form. The authorized children who wanted to participate also signed a consent form.

Study design and sample selection

The present cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with students from eight to ten years old from public and private schools of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. From the 41 schools within the study age range, 38 were public and 3 were private.1919. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. Estimativas populacionais para os municípios brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; 2010 [cited 2021 Aug 1]. Available from:
The sample distribution respected the proportion of the population in that age range that attended public schools (75%) and private schools (25%) of the city. The draw was carried out in 2 stages. Four public schools and one private school were randomly selected in the first stage and the students were randomly selected in the classroom in the second stage. A 50% prevalence of oral health-related shame was considered, since the outcome was unknown in this population, a 95% confidence interval (CI), and standard error of 5% were adopted, which resulted in 384 participants. To compensate for losses, 20% was added resulting in a total of 461 children.

Literate children from eight to ten years old regularly enrolled in public and private schools in the city of Diamantina were considered eligible to be included in the study. Exclusion criteria were orthodontic devices, systemic diseases, cognitive difficulty that could preclude answering the questionnaire, and psychological treatment history (according to parents/guardians or teachers).

Calibration and pilot study

Prior to data collection, two examiners were trained and calibrated. Initially, examiners received theoretical training regarding the types of oral problems (dental caries, traumatic dental injuries, and malocclusion). Any divergences were discussed and resolved by consensus. Subsequently, a calibration between the examiners and a specialist was carried out with an oral examination of children who did not participate in the main study. The calibration exercise was done in 15 days. Inter-examiner (0.77–1.00) and intra-examiner (0.71–0.79) kappa values were satisfactory for the diagnoses of all oral problems.

After the calibration, a pilot study was conducted with 52 children from a public school and their caregivers. The aim of the pilot study was to assess the methodology. The participants of the pilot study were select by convenience and not included in the main study. No methodological changes were necessary.

Non-clinical data collection

Non-clinical data collection directed to the children was performed at the school before the clinical oral examination. Information about oral health-related shame was self-reported with the question: “In the last month, did you feel ashamed because of your teeth or mouth?” The answer options were dichotomized into absent when ‘never’ was the response and present when once or twice, sometimes, often, everyday, or almost every day were the responses. This question was taken from the Brazilian version of the Child Perception Questionnaire 8-10.2020. Barbosa TS, Tureli MC, Gavião MB. Validity and reliability of the Child Perceptions Questionnaires applied in Brazilian children. BMC Oral Health. 2009 May;9(1):13.
,2121. Martins MT, Ferreira FM, Oliveira AC, Paiva SM, Vale MP, Allison PJ, et al. Preliminary validation of the Brazilian version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 8-10. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2009 Sep;10(3):135-40.

The structured questionnaire addressing demographic-socioeconomic data was sent to the parents/guardians. The child characteristics evaluated were age, dichotomized by the median into 8–9 years and 10 years, and sex, female and male. The socioeconomic status was evaluated from the household income, considered as the monthly number of minimum wages received by the economically active residents (207 US dollars). The dichotomization was defined by the median into ≤ 2 and > 2 minimum wages.

The educational level of the parents/guardians was evaluated considering the years of study and dichotomized to ≥ 8 and < 8 years, with eight years of school corresponding to a primary education in Brazil. The family structure was evaluated considering married/stable union and divorced/widower. The number of children in the family was dichotomized into one child and two or more children.

Clinical data collection

Clinical oral examinations were executed with the children sitting on a chair in a reserved room in each school. Gauze, dental mirrors (PRISMA. São Paulo, Brazil), artificial light (PETZL, Tikka XP, Crolles, France), and WHO periodontal probes (Golgran Ind. e Com. Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil) were used. The examiner was properly equipped for cross-infection prevention.

The dental caries experience was based in the DMFT/dmft index,2222. World Health Organization. Oral health surveys: basic methods. 4th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1997. which registers the number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth. The variable was dichotomized into absent when the number of decayed teeth was 0 and present when the number of decayed teeth was 1 or more.

Traumatic dental injury (TDI) diagnosis was done following the classification proposed by O’brien.2323. O’Brien M. Children’s dental health in the United Kingdom 1993. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; 1994. This classification considers the presence of dental fractures, discoloration, and tooth loss caused by TDI, dichotomized as absent or present (enamel fracture only, enamel-dentin fracture, enamel-dentin fracture with pulp exposure, signs of pulp involvement without signs of fracture, missing tooth due to TDI, and other TDI [lateral luxation, intrusion, extrusion]).

For the diagnosis of malocclusion and the need of orthodontic treatment, the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) was used,2424. Cons N, Jenny J, Kohout FJ. DAI: the dental aesthetic index. Iowa City: University of Iowa College of Dentistry; 1986. with a DAI score >25 used as the cutoff point for the need of dental treatment. The dichotomization was into malocclusion with and without orthodontic treatment need.2525. Ashari A, Mohamed AM. Relationship of the Dental Aesthetic Index to the oral health-related quality of life. Angle Orthod. 2016 Mar;86(2):337-42.

Data analysis

The statistical analysis was done with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0 program for Windows (IBM SPSS; IBM Corporation, Armonk, USA) and included frequency distribution, bivariate analysis, and hierarchical Poisson regression. All the associations between dependent and independent variables with p < 0.20 in bivariate analysis and theoretical importance were incorporated into the hierarchical Poisson regression model. The model was divided into three different levels to account for the influence of each level in the next one (Figure): 1st level – socioeconomic status; 2nd level – child characteristics; and 3rd level – oral conditions. The prevalence ratios (PR) and 95%confidence intervals (CI) were calculated and a p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


The response rate was 84%. There was a loss of 16% of the sample due to absence from school on the day of data collection and missing data in the questionnaires. Among the 388 children that participated in the study, 56.7% (n = 220) were female and 52.6% (n = 204) were eight and nine years old. A total of 53.9% (n = 209) of the parents/guardians had more than eight years of formal education and 84.0% (n = 326) were married or in stable union. The prevalence of oral health-related shame was 38.1% (n = 148) and the prevalence of untreated dental caries, TDI, and orthodontic treatment need was, respectively, 35.3% (n = 137), 23.7% (n = 92), and 39.9% (n = 155). The other frequencies are described in Table 1. In the bivariate analyses, untreated dental caries was significantly associated with shame (p = 0.033). The other results are described in Table 2.

Table 1
Distribution of children aged 8 to 10 years (n = 388) according to the study variables. Data was collected in Diamantina, Brazil, in 2020.

Table 2
Association between oral health-related shame and the independent variables of the study (n = 388). Data was collected in Diamantina, Brazil, in 2020.

The adjusted and non-adjusted hierarchical Poisson regression models are described in Table 3. In the final adjusted model, parent’s schooling of less than eight years (PR: 1.300; 95%CI: 1.002–1.686; p = 0.048), age of 10 (PR: 1.363; 95%CI: 1.055–1.761; p = 0.018), and the presence of untreated caries (PR: 1.348; 95%CI: 1.042–1.744; p = 0.023) were factors significantly associated to shame, independently of orthodontic treatment need. The other variables were not associated with the outcome.

Table 3
Poisson’s hierarchical regression model for the association between oral health-related shame and the independent variables of the study (n = 388). Data was collected in Diamantina, Brazil, in 2020.


The findings of the present study suggest that 10-year-old children with untreated dental caries and whose parents/guardians have less years of schooling have higher prevalence of oral health-related shame.

Although shame seems to be a very prototypical moral emotion when experienced in an extreme and persistent way, this feeling may bring negative health consequences.2626. Karevold E, Røysamb E, Ystrom E, Mathiesen KS. Predictors and pathways from infancy to symptoms of anxiety and depression in early adolescence. Dev Psychol. 2009 Jul;45(4):1051-60.
,2727. Nelissen RM, Breugelmans SM, Zeelenberg M. Reappraising the moral nature of emotions in decision making: the case of shame and guilt. Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 2013 Jun;7(6):355-65.
People who self-report high levels of shame also report high levels of depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior.55. Pinto-Gouveia J, Matos M. Can shame memories become a key to identity? The centrality of shame memories predicts psychopathology. Appl Cogn Psychol. 2011 Mar;25(2):281-90.
,2828. Cunha M, Matos M, Faria D, Zagalo S. Shame memories and psychopathology in adolescence: the mediator effect of shame. Int J Psychol Psychol Ther. 2012;12(2):203-18. Shame is deeply related to attitudes of submission and withdrawal, being associated with the wish of hiding, escaping or even disappearing.2727. Nelissen RM, Breugelmans SM, Zeelenberg M. Reappraising the moral nature of emotions in decision making: the case of shame and guilt. Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 2013 Jun;7(6):355-65.
In the present study, approximately one third of the schoolchildren reported oral health-related shame. To our knowledge, this is the first study addressing this topic among schoolchildren.

The prevalence of untreated dental caries was similar to other studies with schoolchildren between eight and ten years old.1010. Schuch HS, Costa FS, Torriani DD, Demarco FF, Goettems ML. Oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren: impact of clinical and psychosocial variables. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2015 Sep;25(5):358-65.
,2828. Cunha M, Matos M, Faria D, Zagalo S. Shame memories and psychopathology in adolescence: the mediator effect of shame. Int J Psychol Psychol Ther. 2012;12(2):203-18.,2929. Barasuol JC, Soares JP, Castro RG, Giacomin A, Gonçalves BM, Klein D, et al. Untreated dental caries is associated with reports of verbal bullying in children 8-10 years old. Caries Res. 2017;51(5):482-8.
Untreated dental caries and its consequences are the main reasons that compel patients to seek treatment.1111. Mota-Veloso I, Soares ME, Alencar BM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge ML, Ramos-Jorge J. Impact of untreated dental caries and its clinical consequences on the oral health-related quality of life of schoolchildren aged 8-10 years. Qual Life Res. 2016 Jan;25(1):193-9.
Toothache is a common symptom and can exert shame in children due to the negative consequences such as eating difficulties, school absenteeism, attention problems in the classroom, and difficulty doing homework or participating in recreational activities.1212. Feldens CA, Ardenghi TM, Dullius AIS, Vargas-Ferreira F, Hernandez PA, Kramer PF. Clarifying the impact of untreated and treated dental caries on oral health-related quality of life among adolescents. Caries Res. 2016;50(4):414-21.
.As a consequence of untreated dental caries, the child may also present halitosis and change in the structure and coloration of teeth,3030. Martins MT, Sardenberg F, Bendo CB, Vale MP, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA. Dental caries are more likely to impact on children’s quality of life than malocclusion or traumatic dental injuries. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2018 Sep;19(3):194-8. which are probably associated with shame.

The presence of TDI and malocclusions that need orthodontic treatment were not associated with shame. Epidemiologic studies in schoolchildren showed that the most common TDI is enamel fracture.1313. Santos PS, Martins-Júnior PA, Paiva SM, Klein D, Torres FM, Giacomin A, et al. Prevalence of self-reported dental pain and associated factors among eight- to ten-year-old Brazilian schoolchildren. PLoS One.2019 Apr;14(4):e0214990.
,3131. Freire-Maia FB, Auad SM, Abreu MH, Sardenberg F, Martins MT, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA, Vale MP. Oral health related quality of life and traumatic dental injuries in young permanent incisors in Brazilian schoolchildren: a multilevel approach. Plos One. 2015 Aug;10(8).
Therefore, the low aesthetic compromise of this type of fracture may not be enough to cause shame. On the other hand, despite orthodontic treatment need being the most prevalent oral condition found, the lack of association to shame can be explained by the mixed dentition stage that the children were in Barasuol et al.,2929. Barasuol JC, Soares JP, Castro RG, Giacomin A, Gonçalves BM, Klein D, et al. Untreated dental caries is associated with reports of verbal bullying in children 8-10 years old. Caries Res. 2017;51(5):482-8.
not feeling different to one another to the point of being ashamed of their looks.

The age of ten years was associated with oral health related shame. Adolescence is characterized by important psychosocial transformations that make the individual particularly sensitive to signals or messages that indicate what is socially unattractive and unacceptable.11. Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
,22. Gilbert P. Shame: interpersonal behavior, psychopathology and culture. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998. Ten-year-old children are in early adolescence, when bullying is at its peak.77. Smith PK, Madsen KC, Moody JC. What causes the age decline in reports of being bullied at school? Towards a developmental analysis of risks of being bullied. Educ Res. 1999;41(3):267-85.
,2929. Barasuol JC, Soares JP, Castro RG, Giacomin A, Gonçalves BM, Klein D, et al. Untreated dental caries is associated with reports of verbal bullying in children 8-10 years old. Caries Res. 2017;51(5):482-8.
The preoccupation with esthetics increases significantly at this phase, which might explain the difference found in this group when compared to younger children.3232. Forbes EE, Phillips ML, Silk JS, Ryan ND, Dahl RE. Neural systems of threat processing in adolescents: role of pubertal maturation and relation to measures of negative affect. Dev Neuropsychol. 2011;36(4):429-52.
,3333. Roekel E, Ha T, Verhagen M, Kuntsche E, Scholte RH, Engels RC. Social stress in early adolescents’ daily lives: associations with affect and loneliness. J Adolesc. 2015 Dec;45:274-83.
On the other hand, shame was similar between sexes. Previous studies have shown that girls give more importance to esthetics than boys.3434. Smolak L. Body image in children and adolescents: where do we go from here? Body Image. 2004 Jan;1(1):15-28.
Nevertheless, self-perceived appearance and the necessity of social integration is similar in boys and girls.3535. Peres KG, Barros AJ, Anselmi L, Peres MA, Barros FC. Does malocclusion influence the adolescent’s satisfaction with appearance? A cross-sectional study nested in a Brazilian birth cohort. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2008 Apr;36(2):137-43.
,3636. Alves LS, Dam-Teixeira N, Susin C, Maltz M. Association among quality of life, dental caries treatment and intraoral distribution in 12-year-old South Brazilian schoolchildren. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2013 Feb;41(1):22-9.
Therefore, both can experience similar oral health shame.

Guardians education of less than eight years also remained associated with oral health related shame. Parents with lower schooling frequently have less knowledge concerning oral hygiene and caries prevention of their children.3737. Piovesan C, Antunes JL, Guedes RS, Ardenghi TM. Impact of socioeconomic and clinical factors on child oral health-related quality of life (COHRQoL). Qual Life Res. 2010 Nov;19(9):1359-66.
,3838. Ferreira SH, Béria JU, Kramer PF, Feldens EG, Feldens CA. Dental caries in 0- to 5-year-old Brazilian children: prevalence, severity, and associated factors. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007 Jul;17(4):289-96.
In addition, less educated parents usually have a worse perception of their children’s oral health and also do not have the habit of taking their children to dental appointments.3737. Piovesan C, Antunes JL, Guedes RS, Ardenghi TM. Impact of socioeconomic and clinical factors on child oral health-related quality of life (COHRQoL). Qual Life Res. 2010 Nov;19(9):1359-66.
,3939. Heima M, Lee W, Milgrom P, Nelson S. Caregiver’s education level and child’s dental caries in African Americans: a path analytic study. Caries Res. 2015;49(2):177-83.
Negative oral health behaviors of parents can be transmitted to children and influence their oral health. Therefore, children of parents with low educational level have increased risk of developing oral problems such as dental caries,3434. Smolak L. Body image in children and adolescents: where do we go from here? Body Image. 2004 Jan;1(1):15-28.
which in turn can lead to oral heath-related shame.

An important clinical implication of this study is showing that dental caries, among all oral problems evaluated, had the highest impact on shame among schoolchildren. Thus, caries treatment and prevention strategies must be prioritized, aiming for the decrease of dental caries prevalence and consequently the feeling of shame due to oral problems in this age group, which in turn can contribute to a reduced risk of other problems, such as poor self-esteem, bullying, and depression.

As strengths, this is an original study with a representative sample of the population and a high response rate, conferring credibility and reliability to the findings. Some limitations should be considered. The cross-sectional design does not allow the settlement of causality between exposure and outcome. Although associations have been estimated, the sample size was calculated to estimate prevalence of oral health-related shame. In addition, the outcome was assessed using a single question. Most oral health-related quality of life questionnaires for children provide a total score based on the sum of subscales scores, which is more reliable that using a single domain or well-being issue. A specific validated questionnaire on the impact of oral problems on shame among children is lacking and can be considered a limitation of the study; our findings can serve as an incentive for the development of such a questionnaire. Finally, although the DAI tool was developed for permanent dentition only, this study as well as others, used the tool for assessment of occlusion and orthodontic treatment need in mixed dentition, therefore only few of the items were used.


The present study was the first to address the prevalence of shame from oral problems among 8-to-10-year old Brazilian schoolchildren. Our findings highlight the need for the establishment of preventive measures and treatment priorities for schoolchildren. In conclusion, 10-year-old children with untreated dental caries and whose parents/guardians had lower education level showed higher prevalence of oral health-related shame.


This study was supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – Brazil (CNPQ). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


  • 1
    Frank DB. A principal reflects on shame and school bullying. Psychoanal Inq. 2013 Mar;33(2):174-80.
  • 2
    Gilbert P. Shame: interpersonal behavior, psychopathology and culture. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998.
  • 3
    Gilbert P. The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. Br J Med Psychol. 1997 Jun;70(Pt 2):113-47.
  • 4
    Duarte C, Pinto-Gouveia J, Stubbs RJ. The prospective associations between bullying experiences, body image shame and disordered eating in a sample of adolescent girls. Pers Individ Dif. 2017 Oct;116:319-25.
  • 5
    Pinto-Gouveia J, Matos M. Can shame memories become a key to identity? The centrality of shame memories predicts psychopathology. Appl Cogn Psychol. 2011 Mar;25(2):281-90.
  • 6
    Savahl S, Montserrat C, Casas F, Adams S, Tiliouine H, Benninger E, et al. Children’s experiences of bullying victimization and the influence on their subjective well-being: a multinational comparison. Child Dev. 2019 Mar;90(2):414-31.
  • 7
    Smith PK, Madsen KC, Moody JC. What causes the age decline in reports of being bullied at school? Towards a developmental analysis of risks of being bullied. Educ Res. 1999;41(3):267-85.
  • 8
    Al-Omari IK, Al-Bitar ZB, Sonbol HN, Al-Ahmad HT, Cunningham SJ, Al-Omiri M. Impact of bullying due to dentofacial features on oral health-related quality of life. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014 Dec;146(6):734-9.
  • 9
    Badran SA. The effect of malocclusion and self-perceived aesthetics on the self-esteem of a sample of Jordanian adolescents. Eur J Orthod. 2010 Dec;32(6):638-44.
  • 10
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 Dec 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 June 2020
  • Accepted
    8 June 2021
  • Reviewed
    21 July 2021
Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica - SBPqO Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227, 05508-000 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel. (55 11) 3044-2393/(55 11) 9-7557-1244 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil