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An Analysis of the 2002 Presidential Elections Using Logistic Regression* * Editors’ Note: The need to speed up the launch of the first issue of BPSR, which had already been delayed several times, regrettably led the Editors to overlook their duty to inform two contributors of the overlap between their respective pieces. This explains the publication of this Research Note by Jairo Nicolau, in which he sets out to analyse the 2002 Brazilian presidential election by means of the technique of logistic regression, claiming that although this technique is widely used for election studies in other countries, it had been little used in Brazil to date, and of the article by Yan de Souza Carreirão (Relevant Factors for the Voting Decision in the 2002 Presidential Election), in which he investigates this same election by testing some of the main hypotheses about electoral behaviour in the country by means of logistic regression analyses.

The 2002 elections were a watershed in Brazilian electoral history. Three aspects of the process in particular have been amply stressed in several analyses. The first is the symbolic dimension of Lula's personal victory, the biography of a man of the people who rises to the country's most important office. The second is the victory of PT, the main leftwing party in the country, winning federal office 22 years after being founded. The third is the dimension of the victory, with the president obtaining a resounding vote (61% of the valid votes), which surpassed that of any other Brazilian president since 1945. Despite this, the efforts made by political science to analyse the 2002 elections remain limited, in particular regarding the use of opinion poll results.

Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, sala 2047, CEP 05508-900, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-3754 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil