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Sugar cane variety trials 1955-1958

A new series of five sugar cane variety trials was carried out from 1955 to 1958, at the following localities in the State of São Paulo: (1 Fazenda Santa Escolástica, Araras, on levra-roxa soil type; 2) Usina Santa Elisa, Sertãozinho, and 3) Unina Tamôio, Araraqnara, both on terra-roxa-misturada soil; 4) Usina Pôrto Feliz, Pôrto Feliz, on the terra-roxa-místurada Glacial soil, and 5) Usina Itaiquara, Tapiratiba, on the massapê-salmourão soil. The varieties given below were compared in randomized blocks with 12 treatments and 4 replications: CP.44/101, Co.290. Co.301, Co.419, CB.36/14, CB.40/11, CB.40/35, CB.40/46, CB.41/14, CB.41/18, CB.41/58, CB.41/61 and CB.45/3. Three harvests (plant cane and two stubbles) were made in cach of the five tests. Statistical analysis was made of cane and sugar yields of the first harvest, as well as of the sum of the three harvests. The results allowed the following conclusions: a) the variety CB .45/3 gave the highest yields in cane tonnage and in sugar per area but, due to its susceptibility to smut, its growing in the State of São Paulo is not permitted; b) the varieties CP.44/101 and CB.41/58 gave good yields; the first is of early maturity and has high sugar, content while CB.41/58 gives good cane tonnage, but it is late maturing; meanwhile we must take into consideration the high susceptibility of CP.44/101 to leaf-scald, which makes its planting inadvisable; c) the variety Co.419, which is the most grown in the State of São Paulo, gave some of the best yields in soils of good fertility, while in poor soils its yields were low; d) the varieties CB.40/35, CB.41/14 and Co.301 gave regular yields; Co. 301, yielded good cane tonnage, but its sugar content was not satisfactory; CB. 41/14 produced well at the Usina Itaiquara, being recommended for plantating in similar regions; e) the variety CB.41/76, tested only at the Usina Pôrto Feliz, confirmed results obtained before, which classified it as one of the best varieties for the State of São Paulo; also CB.36/14 confirmed results obtained at the Usina Itaiquara, befag one of the best varieties for the massapê-salmourão soil; f) the variety Co.290 confirmed lhe results obtained before, which do not recommended its growing in the State of São Paulo: g) the other varieties tested gave small yields, except CB .41/61 at the Usina Santa Elisa, where its yield was satisfactory, indicating that in can be planted on similar soils; CB.44/105 presented good cane tonnage at Usina Pôrto Feliz, but its sugar content was low, thus making its planting inadvisable. Summarizing, it is recommended: 1) For the terra-roxa and tcrra-roxa-misturada types of soil .similar to those of Usina Santa Elisa and Fazenda Santa Escolástica, the varieties CB.41/58, Co.419 and CP.44/101; CB.41/61 can be planted too. 2) For the massapê-salmourão soil of the Itaiquara's region the varieties CP.44/101, CB.41/14, CB.41/58 and CB.36/14; Co.419 can be planted too. 3) For the poor soils similar to those of Usina Tamôio and Usina Porto Feliz, CB.41/58 and CP.44/101.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil