Open-access Um mosaico do algodoeiro causado pelo vlrus da necrose branca do fumo

A cotton mosaic caused by the tobacco streak virus

Um mosaico do algodoeiro causado pelo vlrus da necrose branca do fumo

A cotton mosaic caused by the tobacco streak virus

A. S. Costa; A. J. D'Andrea Pinto; Oswaldo S. Neves


A new type of mosaic caused by the Brazilian tobacco streak virus has been noted during the last two years in cotton plantings in the State of São Paulo. This mosaic is distinct from two previously described types of cotton mosaic and seems to be of greater economic importance. Its incidence in some fields may be as high as 50 per cent or even higher.

Inoculum from cotton mosaic plants applied mechanically onto Turkish tobacco seedlings induced typical streak symptoms. When inoculated onto cotton seedlings the same inoculum usually failed in causing infection, but mosaic in cotton plants was reproduced by inoculation with tobacco streak virus obtained from tobacco plants that had been infected with the virus from cotton.

The symptoms induced by mechanical inoculation of cotton plants consisted of local necrotic or chlorotic spots, usually followed by necrosis of young leaves. Mosaic symptoms were not consistently developed in plants that showed early necrotic symptoms and only a few of the infected plants showed mosaic later.

Transmission tests with common cotton insects have failed so far in disclosing the vector of this disease.

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Recebido para publicação em 17 de Outubro de 1953.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    18 Maio 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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