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Effect of storage conditions on the viability and dormancy of grape seeds

Longevity of seeds is affected by the storage conditions, being temperature and seed moisture content the major factors to keep seeds viable. Experiments described here are concerned to the study of dormancy ant viability of seeds of grape cv. Patrícia, stored with two different moisture contents, either in moisture proof containers or paper bags, at temperaturss of 10°C, 20°C and 30°C, for 24 months. Samples were taken every two months during the first 12 months and at 6 months intervals in the second year, to determine seed viability and dormancy level. Storage, in the studied conditions, did not alter dormancy levei of the seeds. When stored in hermetical conditions, fresh seeds (high moisture content) were viable for the longest periods, at 10°C. Dry seeds in those conditions exhibited the longest period of viability at 20°C. When seeds were stored in paper bags there were no marked differences among the treatments, except when storage was done for long periods. In this case, viability was first lost at 20°C. In this way, dormancy level was not altered by storage, and seed longevity was significantly affected either by temperature or type of seed container used during storage.

grape; seeds; storage; viability; germination; dormancy

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