Open-access Algodoeiro selvagem no nordeste do Brasil

A wild cotton type found in northeastern Brazil

Oswaldo da Silveira Neves; Popílio Ângelo Cavaleri; Imre Lajos Gridi-Papp; Milton Geraldo Fuzatto


A wild type of cotton was found by the writers in the northeastern part of Brazil and has been named «caicoense». The collection site was at an elevation about 500 m high on the Formiga Range, near Caicó City, in the inner Seridó region, Rio Grande do Norte. The region is semiarid, except for the mountain areas where annual rainfall is higher than that of the neighboring lowlands, although an extremely dry season prevails in both from July to December.

The cotton plants, numbering less than 20 individuals, were found in September, growing among the wild flora near a water spring. With their roots embedded between rocks, they reached 5 to 6 meters in height and bore a few flowers and many bolls above the somewhat shorter natural vegetation. A description of this wild cotton type is as follows: Plants slender, green in color, pubescent, monopodial habit and two-noded sympodes. Leaves broad, 1/2 cut and three-lobed; lobes ovate and acuminate. Bracteoles free, small in size, ovate with 5-10 short teeth cutting the upper two thrids of the margin; teeth a little more than thrice as long as broad. Flowers medium in size; corolla widely open, sulfurine in color; petals spotted or without spot; calyx ondulate and pitted in lines; staminal column medium in length and with stamens distributed along its whole length; style long with 2.5-3 cm of its length standing above the columm; filament medium-sized and uniform in length. Bolls small, with a long acute point, profusely dotted with dark and conspicuous glands, tri or tetra-locular and 4-6 seeds per locules; capsules showing some hairs on the suture and remaining semiclosed at dehiscence. Seeds small, with a hard seed-coat and depressed surface entirely covered by greenish-brown fuzz. Lint sparse, strongly adherent to the seed, 15 - 20 mm long, light brown, fine, lustrous and considerably less convoluted than that of cultivated forms. The chromosome number in the root cells was about 2 n =52. Further work is required to identify that wild cotton type.

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Recebido para publicação em 3 de dezembro de 1964.

  • Algodoeiro selvagem no nordeste do Brasil
    A wild cotton type found in northeastern Brazil
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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