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Effect of inbreeding in seeds yield of "caipira" cucumber

The objective of this work was to evaluate the inbreeding depression after successive generations of self-pollination in a cucumber population, generation F2 from the cross (Safira x Hatem) x Safira. Experimental design was randomized blocks with six treatments (different generations of self-pollination - S0 to S5), four replicates and five plants per plot. There was no statistical difference among all evauated characteristics (fruit number per plant, number and weight of seeds per plant and per fruit, germination test, first count of germinated seeds, index of germination a and weight of 100 seeds), showing that inbreeding did not affect seed production and quality in this population.

Cucumis sativus; inbreeding depression; self-pollination

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil