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Relation between yield and degree of resistance to H.vastatrix the Icatu coffee populations

Plants of the Icatu coffee populations have been classified for resistance to H. vastatrix, using a six point scale, under field conditions. The relationship between total yield of three years and reaction types was studied. The variability in yield within each reaction type was also determined. It was observed that the average yield of selected plants, with a total production over 10 kg, does not differ significantly between reaction types. Besides no significant differences were found between the four Icatu population studied: H 4782-7, H 4782-10, H 4782-13, and H 3851-2. Total yield of individual plants has been classified in classes of 2 kg, observing a range of 2 to 30 kg. It was observed that the most susceptible reaction types 5 and 6 are less frequent at the higher yield intervals, thus suggesting a reduction of top yields due to rust infection. The great variability in total plant yield observed in the Icatu populations, indicates the possibility of selection for high yield within each of the six reaction types of resistance to H. vastatrix.

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