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Evaluation of maize varieties in the partial diallel mating scheme

Hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) were obtained between two variety groups, where Group 1 was made of six populations: Taiúba, Taitinga, Iubatã, Moroti, Porangatu e WP12, and Group 2 was made of seven populations: Philippine DMR 2, Suwan 2, Caripeño DMR, Amarillo Dentado DMR, Cupurico DMR, Tuxpeño Crema 1 e Tuxpeño Amarillo. The performance of these populations was evaluated in the partial diallel mating scheme proposed by MIRANDA FILHO and GERALDI (1984) for plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter and grain weight, at Anhembi city, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with four replications. Structural traits were significantly different between and within the variety groups, as well as between hybrids. However, yield traits were significantly different only between variety groups and between hybrids. Significant differences were also observed between hybrids and parents, and the control did not differ from parents and hybrid average for yield. The results obtained for plant height, ear height and ear diameter did not show heterosis effects, and, for ear length, the average heterosis was 3.10%. Specific combining ability was not important and the hybrids showed an average yield of about 7% higher than their parents. Some varieties and hybrids presented a grain yield higher than the control, which was an hybrid (G-85) recommended for Southeast and Midwest Brazilian regions.

Zea mays L.; variety crosses; heterosis

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil