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Effect of phosphorus nutrition on quality of fresh tuber of potato cultivars

Phosphorus (P) is essential to increase tuber yield and nutritional quality of potato tubers. However, it is unclear whether the influence of P fertilization on quality of tubers produced can vary depending on the cultivar and P availability in soil. This study evaluated the effect of P fertilization on the quality and nutritional composition of marketable tubers of potato cultivars. Experiments in soils with low, medium and high P availability were conducted in a randomized block design, with four replications. Treatments consisted of a 2×5 factorial arrangement of two potato cultivars (Agata and Mondial) and five P2O5 rates (0, 125, 250, 500, and 1,000 kg ha–1). Phosphorus fertilization increased the contents of P and starch, the size and yield of marketable tubers, with more expressive response to higher P rates in the soils with low and medium P availability. The Mondial cultivar had the highest yield, due to a greater tuber weight and greater increases in this characteristic in response to P fertilization. The Mondial cultivar produced tubers with firmer pulp, with higher dry matter percentage and higher contents of Ca, Cu, and Zn than Agata. In the soil with low P availability, P fertilization reduced Zn content, but, in general, had little influence on the nutritional composition of potato tubers.

Solanum tuberosum ; phosphorus; tuber size; starch; protein; mineral concentration

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