Influência da irrigação na formação de mudas de cebola (Allium cepa L.)1
The effect of the irrigation on the development and production of onion culture in the period batween sowing and transplanting
João Batista Ioriatti Demattê2; Humberto Ribeiro de Campos2; Toshio Igue2; Sebastião Alves
A field experiment was carried out in 1971, on a Red-Yellow Podzolic orto soil, "Monte Alegre" unity, with the purpose to observe the effect of different levels of available soil moisture on some characteristics of onion (Allium cepa, L.) culture in the period between sowing and transplanting. The treatments were the following: every day irrigation; irrigation every other two days and irrigation with four days interval. The irrigation depth considered was 150 mm. The levels of available soil moisture considered influenced the number of plants with diameter of 3.0 mm, and, between 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm.
The occurrence of Alternaria porri Ellis was not affected.
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Recebido para publicação em 13 de agosto de 1974.
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10 Mar 2009 -
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