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Fluctuation of leaf miner population in resistant arabica coffee cultivars to leaf rust

The intensity of infestation of leaf-miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) was investigated in coffee cultivars Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi IAC 1669-33, both resistant to the leaf rust agent, Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br., and Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, susceptible to this coffee disease, at field assays in Campinas, SP, Brazil. The incidence of coffee rust and presence of natural enemies, as well as the plant leafiness, were also observed. In Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi IAC 1669-33 cultivars the curves of population fluctuation revealed high occurrence of the coffee leaf miner between April and November. However analysis in the Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397 cultivar demonstrated the occurrence of two peaks of infestation, the first in April-May and the second in August-September. Also, a higher index of damaged leaves was observed in Tupi IAC 1669-33 and Obatã IAC 1669-20 cultivars in comparison to Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397. This result may not indicate a higher susceptibility to L. coffeella of those cultivars, but otherwise could be the result of a better leaf retention, as a consequence of the leaf rust resistance exhibited by both cultivars. On the other hand, the damage observed in leaves from Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397 cultivar is less frequent, probably in consequence of the high rate of leaf falling. Based on these observed differences, distinct strategies for this pest management are suggested.

Coffea arabica; Hemileia vastatrix; host plant; Leucoptera coffeella; pest management

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil