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Ethylene management and its relationship with ripening of 'Gala' apples stored on controlled atmosphere

This research aimed to evaluate the quality of Gala apples submitted to different ways of ethylene handling, through inhibition of synthesis, inhibition of action and ethylene absorption in storage room, associated with two temperatures. The treatments originated from the combination between two temperatures (0.5 °C e -0.5 °C) and application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), 1- methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and ethylene absorption. All treatments were stored in controlled atmosphere with 1.2 kPa O2 + 2.5 kPa CO2. Ripening and quality evaluations were carried out after eight months of storage more seven days at 20 °C. Preharvest AVG application maintained fruit skin greener at the opening of storage rooms. After seven days at 20°C, the treatment with AVG resulted in greener skin, with lesser decay incidence, higher flesh firmness and less senescent breakdown incidence. The lower ethylene production of AVG-treated apples resulted in lower respiration and highest titratable acidity levels. The temperature of 0.5 °C maintained higher of the titratable acidity and reduced senescent breakdown incidence when compared with the temperature of -0.5 ºC. The ethylene absorption and 1-MCP application were also efficient in the control of the senescent breakdown and loss of firmness, however less effective than AVG treatment.

aminoethoxyvinylglycine; 1- methylcyclopropene; ACC oxidase

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