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Seazonal diferences among microclimatic variables from environments of forest interior, vineyard and standard weather station at Jundiaí, Brazil

Studies aiming the characterization of microclimatic variability are important for evaluating forest and vineyards management. Therefore microclimatic measurements of: air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were taken, at Jundiaí, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The following environments were evaluated: semideciduous forest interior, ´Niagara Rosada´ vineyard and standard weather station. Seazonal variation comparison was performed using daily data collected by automatic weather stations during the following months:August, 2000 (winter), October, 2000 (spring) and January, 2001 (summer). The internal microclimate was modified at semideciduous forest, with a decrease of maximum air temperature by 1.0 °C, 1.9 °C and 3.4 °C, respectively for winter, spring and summer; an increase of air relative humidity from 4-7%, and a reduction of wind speed in all evaluated seasons. The minimum air temperature inside the forest was 0.2 °C higher than at the standard weather station during summer, and 1.2 °C lower during winter. On the other hand, the vineyard lead to an increase of 0.5 °C to 1.0 °C on the maximum air temperature and to a decrease of 2% on the relative humidity when compared to standard weather station environment.

microclimates; forest; vineyard; air temperature; relative humidity; wind speed

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