Estimativa da eficiência do delineamento "látice balanceado" em relação a "blocos ao acaso" *
Comparative efficency of balanced lattice and randomised plot designs
Hermano Vaz de Arruda
A series of 20 cotton variety trials laid out as balanced lattices with 25 varieties (k° = 25) and 6 replications (k+1 =6) was used for a study of the relative eflictency of the two designs.
The average efficiency of the balanced lattices over the randomised blocks was 1.18. This result is low, but it was rather expectde because of the relatively samall number of varieties in the tests and the samall plot areas (10m2).
The efficiency of the balanced block design varied with the locality, being higher in Pindomara and Mococa (1.24 and lower in Ribeirão Prêto and Campinas (1.13).
Although the balanced lattices were not much more efficient than rendomised blocks under the conditions of the experiments, their use is considered advisable because the efficiency gain, however small, compensates for the slight increase in work when designing and calculating the experiments.
It is suggested that in cases where a high coefficient of variation was associated to low efficiency, other causes than variations in soil fertility were at play, reducing the accuracy of the experiment. These causes need to be investigated so as to provide clues to methods of reducing the variability in the experiments.
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Recebida para publicação em 14 de abril de 1959.
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26 Abr 2010 -
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