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Preliminary fertilizer trials with upland rice: III - Cultivar 'Dourado Precoce'

This paper deals with three fertilizer experiments with upland rice, in which the cultivar 'Dourado Precoce' was used. The scheme used was a factorial 3 X 3 X 3 with an extra treatment for micronutrients and the experiments were installed on Podzolized soils on Calcareous Sandstone Lins variation. In the choice of the places, special consideration was given to the PO4-3 /100g of soil content. Nitrogen affected the production in two places. 30 kg/ha of N was sufficient. Phosphorus affected the production in the three places. The level of 60 kg/ha of P2O5 was sufficient in two places and in the third, the level of 120 kg/ha of P2O5 was necessary. Potassium and micronutrients did not affect the production of rice.

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