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Effect pruning time on yield and quality of blueberry fruit

Small fruit such as blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) present nutraceutical properties and elevated antioxidant potential. Cultural practices such as pruning time can promote various responses in the plants due to the changed environmental conditions that the plants are exposed during their reproductive period. The objective of this study was to evaluate pruning time on production and fruit quality attributes of cultivars Clímax, Bluegem and Powderblue, cultivated in the mesorregion of Pelotas, RS. Adult blueberry plants (Vaccinium spp.) of a commercial orchard, located in Morro Redondo, RS were utilized. Plants of different parcels were submitted to one pruning at different time: pruning 1, in July 10th 2012 and pruning 2 in August 10th 2012. Fruit harvested at the full ripe stage were evaluated for production, soluble solids content (SSC), total titratable acidity (TTA), pH, color (ºHue), total phenolic content, total anthocyanin content and antioxidant potential. Pruning time significantly influenced production and quality attributes of blueberry fruit. Pruning 1 lead to higher production, however, plants pruned at time 2 showed higher phenolic content and cultivars Bluegem and Powderblue also had higher antioxidant potential and higher anthocyanin content.

Vaccinium spp.; quality attributes; phytochemicals; pruning time

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