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Acute pain in the critically ill patient: revisiting the literature



According to the redefinition, acute pain is a somatic experience, with individual perception of physical or existential threat, comprising affective, cognitive and behavioral components. In critically ill patients, pain is a frequent and poorly controlled symptom, causing worse outcomes. The objective of this study was to explore the topic of acute pain in critically ill adult patients, focusing on some aspects of pathophysiology, in addition to updates regarding diagnosis, multimodal therapy and discussion of its control as a marker of good care practice.


A search strategy was performed with the descriptors previously defined in the Pubmed and Cochrane portals, in the period from 2011 to 2021, without a language restriction filter. Acute pain represents a physiological response to a nociceptive stimulus, with high relevance due to its ability to activate complex pathways (inflammatory, hormonal and immune), with systemic repercussions. Pain assessment is often performed using recognized scales, but with limited validation in patients with traumatic brain injury, burns and patients with severe delirium and/or dementia. Studies considering these patients point to the use of new technologies in an attempt to target this diagnosis, such as bedside pupillometry and the use of platforms capable of integrating multiparametric measurements. Regarding therapy, the concept of analgosedation, aiming at prioritizing analgesia in critically ill patients, presents an approach capable of improving clinical outcomes. In addition, there is a preference for multimodal therapy as a good medical practice through the association of different drugs with different mechanisms of no-ciceptive blockade as a strategy to achieve pain control and facilitate the reduction of opioid consumption.


Due to its systemic effects and prevalence, acute pain is still a relevant problem in intensive care units. New diagnostic methods are being marketed with the aim of targeting this evaluation in complex patients. The approach to acute pain should prioritize the use of multimodal techniques, which present more consistent clinical responses, in addition to reducing the consumption of opioids. The existence of multidisciplinary teams specialized in pain control in the hospital environment is able to assist in difficult cases and help in quality audits.

Acute pain; Critical care; Analgesia; Opioids analgesics; Pain management; Quality of health care

Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor Av. Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 937 Cj2 - Vila Mariana, CEP: 04014-012, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: , (55) 11 5904-2881/3959 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil