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Homeless individuals and their vulnerability to pain, depression, and sleep: narrative review



This research stems from the scarcity of official data regarding the homeless population and the challenging realities faced by this group, such as social invisibility and precarious access to healthcare services. The main objective is to conduct a narrative review to understand the interconnection between chronic pain (CP), depression, and sleep disorders in this population, identifying key factors that play a role in these conditions.


The study employs a qualitative narrative review, conducting a comprehensive search in the Web of Science and Scopus databases without temporal restrictions. It utilizes English descriptors related to homelessness, depression, and sleep disorders. Globally, over 100 million people are homeless, with Brazil particularly affected by this phenomenon due to the economic crisis. The prevalence of CP in this group is linked to precarious living conditions, discrimination, and exposure to violence. The impairment of sleep quality, depression, and the bidirectional relationship between CP and depressive disorders are highlighted. Social vulnerability, lack of access to health resources, and the adversities of living conditions contribute to the complexity of challenges faced by the homeless population, negatively impacting overall health.


Individuals experiencing homelessness face increased vulnerability to injuries, CP, depression, and sleep disorders. The bidirectional relationship between pain and depression is exacerbated by the adversities they endure. It is crucial to implement specific and effective health policies to improve living conditions, promoting equity and social justice for this vulnerable and marginalized population.

Chronic pain; Depression; Ill-housed persons; Sleep



A pesquisa se origina da escassez de dados oficiais sobre a população em situação de rua e das desafiadoras realidades enfrentadas por esse grupo, como a invisibilidade social e o acesso precário aos serviços de saúde. O objetivo principal foi conduzir uma revisão narrativa para compreender a interconexão entre a dor crônica (DC), a depressão e distúrbios do sono nessa população, identificando fatores-chave que desempenham um papel nessas condições.


O estudo empregou uma revisão narrativa qualitativa, realizando uma busca abrangente nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus sem restrições temporais. Utilizou-se descritores em inglês relacionados à situação de rua, depressão e distúrbios do sono. Mais de 100 milhões de pessoas estão em situação de rua globalmente, sendo o Brasil especialmente impactado por esse fenômeno devido à crise econômica. A prevalência de DC nesse grupo está vinculada às condições precárias de vida, discriminação e exposição à violência. O prejuízo da qualidade do sono, a depressão e a relação bidirecional entre DC e transtornos depressivos são destacadas. A vulnerabilidade social, a falta de acesso a recursos de saúde e as adversidades das condições de vida contribuem para a complexidade dos desafios enfrentados por essa população em situação de rua, impactando negativamente na saúde geral.


Pessoas em situação de rua enfrentam maior vulnerabilidade a lesões, depressão e distúrbios do sono. A relação entre dor e depressão é bidirecional, agravada pelas adversidades vivenciadas. É crucial implementar políticas de saúde específicas e eficazes para melhorar as condições de vida, promovendo equidade e justiça social para essa população vulnerável e fragilizada.

Depressão; Dor crônica; Pessoas mal alojadas; Sono


Although they are part of society, homeless people are often socially invisible.

The high prevalence of chronic pain in these individuals is associated with frequent injuries and concomitant health problems resulting from poor living conditions.

The relationship between depression, impaired sleep quality and chronic pain directly influences mental health.


Dictionaries define “street dweller” as a social stratum that includes economically disadvantaged individuals. The term characterizes those who live on the streets as an integral part of the street itself, transforming urban spaces and challenging social boundaries11 Andrade LP, Costa SL, Marquetti FC. A rua tem um ímã, acho que é a liberdade: potência, sofrimento e estratégias de vida entre moradores de rua na cidade de Santos, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Saúde Soc. 2014;23(4):1248-61.. Life on the streets is governed by different codes of coexistence, shaping different ways in which individuals interact with the urban environment22 Varanda W, Adorno RC. Descartáveis urbanos: discutindo a complexidade da população de rua e o desafio para políticas de saúde. Saúde Soc. 2004;56-69P.. The homeless population, characterized by extreme poverty and broken family ties, gained global recognition around 1980. In Brazil, there was notable progress in 1992, with the first estimate of the homeless population in 2008, leading to the country’s First National Census and Survey on the Homeless Population33 Cunha JV, Rodrigues M. Rua: aprendendo a contar. Pesquisa nacional sobre população em situação de rua. Bvs Alud Org. 2023;233-3..

Since then, large Brazilian municipalities have made their own individual estimates. Between 2012 and March 2020 in Brazil, according to the technical note from the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) by Natalino (2020), the number of homeless people increased by 140%, reaching approximately 222 thousand individuals, but this does not constitute a National Census44 Natalino MA. Estimativa da população em situação de rua no Brasil. Econstor. 2016.. Also according to the IPEA published in February 2023, there was an alarming 38% increase in the homeless population between 2019 and 2022, with an estimated 281 thousand people in this condition in 202255 Natalino M. Estimativa da População em situação de rua no Brasil (2012-2022). Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. 2022;(1):11-2.. This represents an increase of 211% over a decade, from 2012 to 202255 Natalino M. Estimativa da População em situação de rua no Brasil (2012-2022). Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. 2022;(1):11-2..

Homelessness encompasses various housing conditions, with challenges such as social invisibility. The lack of official data in the Brazilian census ends up excluding this group without a family structure or fixed residence44 Natalino MA. Estimativa da população em situação de rua no Brasil. Econstor. 2016.,66 Hungaro AA, Gavioli A, Christóphoro R, Marangoni SR, Altrão RF, Rodrigues AL, et al. Pessoas em situação de rua: caracterização e contextualização por pesquisa censitária. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73:e20190236..

Homeless people are often concentrated in central areas of cities, facing architectural obstacles and dealing with adversities such as the lack of permanent housing. They suffer material deprivation, aging and illness on the streets, making it difficult for them to transition to stable housing or employment77 Silva GF, Giacomelli ET, Campos TA, Davantel IA, Schroeder TM. Pessoas em situação de rua: estratégias adotadas na pandemia. Cuad Educ. 2020..

These individuals also experience other vulnerabilities, such as poor access to efficient health care, adverse weather conditions and family conflicts. Poor health conditions contribute to a misunderstanding or acceptance of chronic illnesses88 Leibler JH, Nguyen DD, León C, Gaeta JM, Pérez D. Personal hygiene practices among urban homeless persons in Boston, MA. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017;14(8):928-8.

9 Fazel S, Geddes JR, Kushel M. The health of homeless people in high-income countries: descriptive epidemiology, health consequences, and clinical and policy recommendations. Lancet. 2014;384(9953):1529-40.

10 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.
-1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.. For those on the streets, health is intertwined with survival. Good health means resilience in the face of daily challenges, while illness means fragility, threatening work, income and, in extreme cases, survival1010 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.,1212 Hino P, Santos JO, Rosa ADS. People living on the street from the health point of view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):684-692..

Chronic pain (CP) among homeless people is aggravated by the lack of adequate structure, contributing to poor sleep quality due to rough surfaces and exposure to the weather. These precarious conditions not only interfere with adequate rest during the night, but also trigger mental disorders. Depression is prevalent as individuals face the lack of stable social structures and the constant struggle for survival11 Andrade LP, Costa SL, Marquetti FC. A rua tem um ímã, acho que é a liberdade: potência, sofrimento e estratégias de vida entre moradores de rua na cidade de Santos, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Saúde Soc. 2014;23(4):1248-61.,1313 Botti NC, Castro CG, Silva MF, Silva AK, Oliveira LC, Castro AC, et al. Prevalência de depressão entre homens adultos em situação de rua em Belo Horizonte. J Bras Psiquiatr. 2010;59(1):10-6..

Excluded from society, these individuals need a new vision for shortand medium-term measures that meet their specific demands, with a focus on depression, pain and associated vulnerabilities. This review aimed to synthesize the current scientific literature on the vulnerabilities of homeless people to chronic pain, depression and sleep disorders, identifying the main contributors, and understanding the interrelationships between these conditions.


This study adopted a qualitative narrative review approach. To gather relevant information, a comprehensive search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases through CAPES Journals. A variety of descriptors and search terms in English were used, including “homeless”, “homelessness”, “homeless persons”, “depression”, “depressive”, “sleep disorder”, “restlessness”. There were no restrictions as to year range, allowing for a broad analysis of the literature.


In 2021, more than 100 million people were estimated to be homeless, although this number is probably underestimated due to the lack of access to comprehensive care organizations1414 Chan S, Wong H, Chen Y, Tang MV. Determinants of depression and anxiety in homeless people: a population survey of homeless people in Hong Kong - Siu-Ming Chan, Hung Wong, Yikang Chen, Mun-Yu Vera Tang, 2023. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2023;1-12.. In high-income countries, estimates have varied, such as 7.7% in the United Kingdom, 6.2% in the United States, 4% in Italy, 3.4% in Belgium and 2.4% in Germany. Nevertheless, in developing countries, there is a notable lack of information on the characteristics of people experiencing homelessness1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,1515 Toro PA, Tompsett CJ, Lombardo S, Philippot P, Nachtergael H, Galand B, et al. Homelessness in Europe and the United States: a comparison of prevalence and public opinion. J Soc Issues. 2007;63(3):505-24.. The Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDF - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome), in partnership with UNESCO, conducted the National Survey on the Homeless Population from August 2007 to March 2008, covering 71 municipalities. Interviews were carried out with people over the age of 18, revealing that 31922 individuals spent the night in public institutions or lived in precarious conditions. The research excluded São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, which had already carried out similar surveys66 Hungaro AA, Gavioli A, Christóphoro R, Marangoni SR, Altrão RF, Rodrigues AL, et al. Pessoas em situação de rua: caracterização e contextualização por pesquisa censitária. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73:e20190236..

According to the IPEA data, there has been a large increase in the homeless population in the country (figure 1). The document suggests that the more pronounced increase in large municipalities indicates that the economic crisis, especially the increase in unemployment and poverty, are significant factors in explaining this phenomenon.

Figure 1
Representation of the estimated number of homeless people in Brazil and São Luís.

Brazil does not have official data on the quantification of the homeless population, since the demographic census does not include the total number of individuals who have no homes in its population count, as they are counted on a family basis. Without housing and without a classic family arrangement, this group remains invisible to the state66 Hungaro AA, Gavioli A, Christóphoro R, Marangoni SR, Altrão RF, Rodrigues AL, et al. Pessoas em situação de rua: caracterização e contextualização por pesquisa censitária. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73:e20190236..

In 2018, the Brazilian Municipal Secretariat for Children and Social Assistance (SEMCAS - Secretaria Municipal da Criança e Assistência Social) in São Luís/MA registered 710 homeless adults. In March 2023, this number reached 1560 people (figure 1), according to updated data. The count is carried out at the city’s POP Centers (Centro de Referência Especializado para População em Situação de Rua or Specialized Reference Center for Homeless People), excluding people who have been absent for more than two years. The significant increase in recent years is attributed to the global health crisis, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and other factors, such as rising unemployment and difficulties in accessing resources in general.

According to the most recent United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report for 2021/2022, Brazil registered a Human

Development Index (HDI) of 0.754, ranking 87th out of 191 nations. In the national context, the state of Maranhão is in second-to-last place in the HDI, achieving a score of 0.674, according to the same UNDP report.

According to one study1616 Dahlhamer JM, Lucas JW, Zelaya C, Nahin RL, Mackey S, DeBar L, et al. Prevalence of chronic pain and high-impact chronic pain among adults - United States, 2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018;67(36):1001-6., the prevalence of chronic pain in the United States ranges from 11% to 40% in the general population and is more common in adults living in poverty and with low levels of schooling. In Canada, a study estimated a prevalence of chronic pain in adults over the age of 18 of 18.9%1717 Schopflocher D, Taenzer P, Jovey RD. The prevalence of chronic pain in Canada. Pain Res Manage. 2011;16(6):445-50.. In China, the prevalence of chronic pain was 31.54%1818 Yongjun Z, Tingjie Z, Xiaoqiu Y, Zhiying F, Feng Q, Guangke X, Jinfeng L, Fachuan N, Xiaohong J, Yanqing L. A survey of chronic pain in China. Libyan J Med. 2020;15(1):1730550., while in India it was 19.3%1919 Saxena AK, Jain PN, Bhatnagar S. The prevalence of chronic pain among adults in India. Indian J Palliat Care. 2018;24(4):472-2..

A systematic review on the prevalence of chronic pain in Brazil analyzed 35 studies that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria2020 Aguiar DP, Souza CP, Barbosa WJ, Santos-Júnior FF, Oliveira AS. Prevalence of chronic pain in Brazil: systematic review. BrJP. 2021;4(3):257-67.. According to this study, the region with the highest prevalence rate of chronic pain was the Midwest, with 56.25%. In the Northeast, the prevalence was 41.70%2020 Aguiar DP, Souza CP, Barbosa WJ, Santos-Júnior FF, Oliveira AS. Prevalence of chronic pain in Brazil: systematic review. BrJP. 2021;4(3):257-67.. In São Luís, the prevalence of chronic pain is 42.3%2121 Vieira EB, Garcia JB, Silva AA, Araújo RL, Jansen RC. Prevalence, characteristics, and factors associated with chronic pain with and without neuropathic characteristics in São Luís, Brazil. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2012;44(2):239-51..

The relationship between chronic pain and depressive disorders is bidirectional, as recent studies have shown. According to these studies2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9.

23 Hallais JA, Barros NF. Consultório na rua: visibilidades, invisibilidades e hipervisibilidade. Cad Saude Publica. 2015;31(7):1497-504.
-2424 Matter R, Kline S, Cook KF, Amtmann D. Measuring pain in the context of homelessness. Quality Life Res. 2009;18(7):863-72., the presence of chronic pain significantly increases the likelihood of developing a depressive disorder, and vice versa. To illustrate, individuals facing chronic pain have a four times greater risk of developing depression compared to those who do not experience pain. Furthermore, when these two conditions coexist, the prognosis tends to be more challenging compared to each of them alone2323 Hallais JA, Barros NF. Consultório na rua: visibilidades, invisibilidades e hipervisibilidade. Cad Saude Publica. 2015;31(7):1497-504.

24 Matter R, Kline S, Cook KF, Amtmann D. Measuring pain in the context of homelessness. Quality Life Res. 2009;18(7):863-72.

25 Klein JW, Reddy S. Care of the Homeless Patient. Med Clin North Am. 2015;99(5):1017-38.
-2626 Vogel M, Choi F, Westenberg JN, Cabanis M, Nikoo N, Nikoo M, Hwang SW, Somers J, Schütz CG, Krausz M. Chronic pain among individuals experiencing homelessness and its interdependence with opioid and other substance use and mental illness. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;19(1):5..

Quality of sleep is essential for promoting a healthy lifestyle2727 Bicket MC, Park JN, Torrie A, Allen ST, Weir BW, Sherman SG. Factors associated with chronic pain and non-medical opioid use among people who inject drugs. Addict Behav. 2020;102:106172.. The quality of sleep for homeless people is profoundly affected by a series of challenges they face due to the adverse conditions in which they live. Among these challenges is the need to remain in a constant state of alert for personal protection and survival.

In addition, these people are subject to the risk of harassment, particularly women, and face exposure to climatic variations, continuous noise and a lack of adequate lighting. The absence of comfortable places, along with hunger and thirst, add additional difficulties1010 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.,1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2..


HDI is made up of three main pillars that measure human development: health, income and education. For the health component, life expectancy is considered based on the longevity of the population. As for education and schooling, the indicator assesses the literacy rate, and in relation to income, HDI considers the standard of living based on per capita income and purchasing power. HDI plays a crucial role in understanding the socio-economic conditions that directly affect the health of homeless people. In developing countries such as Brazil, where the HDI reflects lower standards of living, the lack of access to financial resources, education and quality health services is accentuated. This combination of factors contributes to a high prevalence of chronic pain in vulnerable populations. Worsening quality of life, insufficient health resources and lack of knowledge about the impact of inadequate pain treatment can further aggravate the suffering of these individuals2828 Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, Finnerup NB, Flor H, Gibson S, Keefe FJ, Mogil JS, Ringkamp M, Sluka KA, Song XJ, Stevens B, Sullivan MD, Tutelman PR, Ushida T, Vader K. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain. 2020;161(9):1976-82.

Chronic pain and homeless people

The Brazilian 1988 Constitution establish that health is a right for all, guaranteed by the State. According to the 8th National Health Conference in 1986 and reaffirmed in the Constitution, health is influenced by various factors, such as food, housing, education, income, the environment, work, transportation, employment, leisure, freedom, access to and ownership of land, and access to health services. Health reflects the conditions resulting from political and social organization and can generate inequalities in living standards44 Natalino MA. Estimativa da população em situação de rua no Brasil. Econstor. 2016..

Despite the constitutional guarantee that health is a right for all, homeless people face obstacles when accessing health services, such as difficulties in transportation, lack of prospects for the future, fear of prejudice and stigma, and lack of training of health professionals1212 Hino P, Santos JO, Rosa ADS. People living on the street from the health point of view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):684-692..

This population often faces long journeys to access health services, which can aggravate pain and discomfort1919 Saxena AK, Jain PN, Bhatnagar S. The prevalence of chronic pain among adults in India. Indian J Palliat Care. 2018;24(4):472-2.. Stigmatizing characteristics, such as dirt, bad smell and the effects of drug use, often hinder the quality of care offered to homeless people in services, further compromising their health2929 Vogel M, Frank A, Choi F, Strehlau V, Nikoo N, Nikoo M, Hwang SW, Somers J, Krausz MR, Schütz CG. Chronic pain among homeless persons with mental illness. Pain Med. 2017;18(12):2280-8.

30 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Kosek E, Lavand’homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain. 2015;156(6):1003-7.

31 Fisher R, Ewing J, Garrett A, Harrison EK, Lwin KK, Wheeler DW. The nature and prevalence of chronic pain in homeless persons: an observational study. F1000Res. 2013;2:164

32 Hwang SW, Wilkins E, Chambers C, Estrabillo E, Berends J, MacDonald A. Chronic pain among homeless persons: characteristics, treatment, and barriers to management. BMC Fam Pract. 2011;12:73.
-3333 Landefeld JC, Miaskowski C, Tieu L, Ponath C, Lee CT, Guzman D, Kushel M. Characteristics and factors associated with pain in older homeless individuals: results from the health outcomes in people experiencing homelessness in older middle age (HOPE HOME) study. J Pain. 2017;18(9):1036-45.. The definition of pain, as revised by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), is the “unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated, or similar to that associated, with an actual or potential tissue injury”3434 Fraser KA, Nguyen H, Kim S, Park F, Bernal J, Westberg AD, Podawiltz A. Perceptions of nonopioid treatment for pain in a homeless population. J Osteopath M. 2021;121(7):643-9.. CP is defined as pain persistent for more than three months2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9.,3535 Barata RB, Carneiro N, Ribeiro MC, Silveira C. Desigualdade social em saúde na população em situação de rua na cidade de São Paulo. Saúde Soc. 2015;24(Suppl 1):219-32., and the estimation is that approximately 60 million people suffer from CP, corresponding to around 10% of the world’s population2020 Aguiar DP, Souza CP, Barbosa WJ, Santos-Júnior FF, Oliveira AS. Prevalence of chronic pain in Brazil: systematic review. BrJP. 2021;4(3):257-67.. This condition is more prevalent in the homeless population when compared to the general population due to frequent injuries and concomitant health problems1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,3030 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Kosek E, Lavand’homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain. 2015;156(6):1003-7.,3131 Fisher R, Ewing J, Garrett A, Harrison EK, Lwin KK, Wheeler DW. The nature and prevalence of chronic pain in homeless persons: an observational study. F1000Res. 2013;2:164,3636 Carneiro N, Nogueira EA, Lanferini GM, Ali DA, Martinelli M. Serviços de saúde e população de rua: contribuição para um debate. Saúde Soc. 1998;7(2):47-62.

37 Bauer LK, Brody JK, León C, Baggett TP. Characteristics of homeless adults who died of drug overdose: a retrospective record review. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(2):846-59.

38 Reuven SM, Chen TA, Zvolensky MJ, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR. Examining the moderating effect of anxiety sensitivity on past-month pain severity and heaviness of smoking among adult smokers experiencing homelessness. Addict Behav. 2021;112:106610-0.
-3939 Fishbain DA, Lewis JE, Cole B, Cutler RB, Rosomoff HL, Rosomoff RS. Variables associated with current smoking status in chronic pain patients. Pain Med. 2007;8(4):301-11..

A homeless individual, often subjected to discrimination, faces poor health conditions, with CP being the main motive for seeking out public clinics3838 Reuven SM, Chen TA, Zvolensky MJ, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR. Examining the moderating effect of anxiety sensitivity on past-month pain severity and heaviness of smoking among adult smokers experiencing homelessness. Addict Behav. 2021;112:106610-0.,4040 Helme RD, Gibson SJ. The epidemiology of pain in elderly people. Clin Geriatr Med. 2001;17(3):417-31.. The condition of living on the streets is considered by these people to be the main factor of discrimination, including aspects such as race, age and sexual orientation4040 Helme RD, Gibson SJ. The epidemiology of pain in elderly people. Clin Geriatr Med. 2001;17(3):417-31..

Studies indicate that the perception of being ill is largely influenced by cultural, socioeconomic and occupational reasons1212 Hino P, Santos JO, Rosa ADS. People living on the street from the health point of view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):684-692.,4141 Miller LR, Caño A. Comorbid chronic pain and depression: who is at risk? J Pain. 2009;10(6):619-27.. These factors contribute to homeless people showing symptoms of CP, even if they underestimate these signs due to their unfavorable socioeconomic conditions. This lack of knowledge about the disease often leads these individuals to fear that they are approaching death1212 Hino P, Santos JO, Rosa ADS. People living on the street from the health point of view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):684-692..

The challenging living conditions and habits of these homeless individuals worsen their pain, such as: exposure to urban violence, the weather, overcrowding in shelters, the need for long walks due to purposes of survival and poor personal hygiene11 Andrade LP, Costa SL, Marquetti FC. A rua tem um ímã, acho que é a liberdade: potência, sofrimento e estratégias de vida entre moradores de rua na cidade de Santos, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Saúde Soc. 2014;23(4):1248-61.,1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,3838 Reuven SM, Chen TA, Zvolensky MJ, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR. Examining the moderating effect of anxiety sensitivity on past-month pain severity and heaviness of smoking among adult smokers experiencing homelessness. Addict Behav. 2021;112:106610-0..

Studies have established a connection between pain and substance use, suggesting that pain can motivate the daily use of these substances in the search for symptom relief1010 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.,1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,3232 Hwang SW, Wilkins E, Chambers C, Estrabillo E, Berends J, MacDonald A. Chronic pain among homeless persons: characteristics, treatment, and barriers to management. BMC Fam Pract. 2011;12:73.,3333 Landefeld JC, Miaskowski C, Tieu L, Ponath C, Lee CT, Guzman D, Kushel M. Characteristics and factors associated with pain in older homeless individuals: results from the health outcomes in people experiencing homelessness in older middle age (HOPE HOME) study. J Pain. 2017;18(9):1036-45.,3737 Bauer LK, Brody JK, León C, Baggett TP. Characteristics of homeless adults who died of drug overdose: a retrospective record review. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(2):846-59.. This association between CP and substance-related problems has been identified as a significant risk factor for overdose deaths among homeless people4242 Culhane DP, Metraux S, Byrne T, Stino M, Bainbridge J. The age structure of contemporary homelessness: evidence and implications for public policy. Analyses Social Issues Public Policy. 2013;13(1):228-44..

The relationship between pain and substance use becomes even more complex when it coexists with a mental health condition, which can be attributed to the difficulties in obtaining medical prescriptions for controlled drugs, the complexity in administering them or the restrictions imposed by medical staff as a precautionary measure3232 Hwang SW, Wilkins E, Chambers C, Estrabillo E, Berends J, MacDonald A. Chronic pain among homeless persons: characteristics, treatment, and barriers to management. BMC Fam Pract. 2011;12:73.. Also, there is a bidirectional relationship between pain and smoking: since tobacco use can intensify pain, and conversely, pain can influence tobacco use in a similar way4343 Brown RT, Kiely DK, Bharel M, Mitchell SL. Geriatric syndromes in older homeless adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;27(1):16-22.. Other factors that influence smoking in people who report CP include low schooling and belonging to the Caucasian race4444 Lim GY, Tam WW, Lu Y, Ho CS, Zhang MW, Ho RC. Prevalence of depression in the community from 30 countries between 1994 and 2014. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):2861. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):14856..

The association between pain and age is well known and reported, regardless of the population studied. It is known that the older a person is, the more likely they are to have CP2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9.,2525 Klein JW, Reddy S. Care of the Homeless Patient. Med Clin North Am. 2015;99(5):1017-38.,3333 Landefeld JC, Miaskowski C, Tieu L, Ponath C, Lee CT, Guzman D, Kushel M. Characteristics and factors associated with pain in older homeless individuals: results from the health outcomes in people experiencing homelessness in older middle age (HOPE HOME) study. J Pain. 2017;18(9):1036-45.,4545 Fiske A, Wetherell JL, Gatz M. Depression in older adults. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2009;5:363-89..

Studies indicate an increase in the aging of the population in general, which is more pronounced among homeless people, often reaching 50 years of age4646 Currie SR, Wang J. Chronic back pain and major depression in the general Canadian population. Pain. 2004;107(1):54-60.. This age range is equivalent to the geriatric conditions of a sheltered adult, usually between 70 and 80 years old. However, the seniors in these circumstances face additional barriers, such as geriatric syndromes, functional, visual and mobility impairments, frailty, depression and urinary incontinence4747 Munce SE, Stewart DE. Gender differences in depression and chronic pain conditions in a national epidemiologic survey. Psychosomatics. 2007;48(5):394-9.. In addition, they are more vulnerable to weather conditions and are more likely to develop comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease3131 Fisher R, Ewing J, Garrett A, Harrison EK, Lwin KK, Wheeler DW. The nature and prevalence of chronic pain in homeless persons: an observational study. F1000Res. 2013;2:164,3737 Bauer LK, Brody JK, León C, Baggett TP. Characteristics of homeless adults who died of drug overdose: a retrospective record review. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(2):846-59..

Depression and its relationship with chronic pain

The main mental health condition in the general population is depression, which is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, sleep or appetite disturbances, fatigue and difficulty concentrating4848 Zimmerman FJ, Katon W. Socioeconomic status, depression disparities, and financial strain: what lies behind the income-depression relationship? Health Econ. 2005;14(12):1197-215.. Depression is more prevalent in women4949 Pangarkar SS, Chang LE. Chronic pain management in the homeless population. Springer eBooks. 2021;41-68.

50 Yao C, Zhang Y, Lu P, Xiao B, Sun P, Tao J, Cheng Y, Kong L, Xu D, Fang M. Exploring the bidirectional relationship between pain and mental disorders: a comprehensive Mendelian randomization study. J Headache Pain. 2023;24(1):82.

51 Lépine J, Briley M. The epidemiology of pain in depression. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2004;19(S1):S3-7.
-5252 Nolen-Hoeksema S, Ahrens C. Age differences and similarities in the correlates of depressive symptoms. Psychol Aging. 2002;17(1):116-24..

There are several risk factors that can contribute to the development of depression, including biological aspects such as endocrinological, inflammatory or immunological conditions, as well as physical factors related to chronic disease management, functional limitations or chronic pain4949 Pangarkar SS, Chang LE. Chronic pain management in the homeless population. Springer eBooks. 2021;41-68.. A comprehensive understanding of the physical and psychological aspects of pain as essential components in the treatment of this condition is fundamental, as this can not only improve patients’ mental health, but also contribute to pain relief and reduce opioid dependency. Therefore, considering alternative approaches to drug analgesia, when appropriate, can be of great relevance2424 Matter R, Kline S, Cook KF, Amtmann D. Measuring pain in the context of homelessness. Quality Life Res. 2009;18(7):863-72.. Sleep disturbance is another important risk factor for depression. Insomnia, considered a type of sleep disorder, is more common with advancing age and affects around 25% of men and up to 40% of women aged 80 and over4949 Pangarkar SS, Chang LE. Chronic pain management in the homeless population. Springer eBooks. 2021;41-68..

According to a 2002 study, stressful experiences throughout life, such as financial difficulties, bereavement, physical illness, disability and changes in living situation can aggravate depression5353 Poleshuck EL, Green CR. Socioeconomic disadvantage and pain. Pain. 2008;136(3):235-8.. These financial problems are common in the homeless population and can generate socio-economic disadvantage from an early age, which increases vulnerability to depression through poor nutrition, reduced educational opportunities and reduced access to health care4949 Pangarkar SS, Chang LE. Chronic pain management in the homeless population. Springer eBooks. 2021;41-68.,5454 Rustøen T, Wahl AK, Hanestad BR, Lerdal A, Paul S, Miaskowski C. Gender differences in chronic pain-findings from a population-based study of Norwegian adults. Pain Manag Nurs. 2004;5(3):105-17.. According to researchers5252 Nolen-Hoeksema S, Ahrens C. Age differences and similarities in the correlates of depressive symptoms. Psychol Aging. 2002;17(1):116-24., the presence of depressive symptoms has been associated with a series of factors that negatively affect income and socioeconomic status, which are: decreased productivity, increased rates of absenteeism, reduced assertiveness in the search for employment, decreased ambitions in relation to job choice and lower educational levels, circumstances that can therefore affect people’s lives5252 Nolen-Hoeksema S, Ahrens C. Age differences and similarities in the correlates of depressive symptoms. Psychol Aging. 2002;17(1):116-24..

According to some studies, it can be said that CP, being a prolonged stressor, can affect a person’s mood1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9.,5555 Rustøen T, Wahl AK, Hanestad BR, Lerdal A, Paul S, Miaskowski C. Age and the experience of chronic pain. Clin J Pain. 2005;21(6):513-23.

56 de Heer EW, Gerrits MM, Beekman AT, Dekker J, van Marwijk HW, de Waal MW, Spinhoven P, Penninx BW, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM. The association of depression and anxiety with pain: a study from NESDA. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e106907.

57 Fond G, Tinland A, Boucekine M, Girard V, Loubière S, Boyer L, Auquier P; French Housing First Study Group. The need to improve detection and treatment of physical pain of homeless people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Results from the French Housing First Study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2019;88:175-180.

58 Travaglini LE, Kuykendall L, Bennett ME, Abel EA, Lucksted A. Relationships between chronic pain and mood symptoms among veterans with bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord. 2020;277:765-71.
-5959 Kim YJ, Boyas JF, Lee KH, Jun JS. Suicidality among homeless people: testing the mediating effects of self-efficacy and depression. J Hum Behav Soc Environ. 2019.. This condition is capable of generating changes in other areas of life, including social interactions, which in turn can be closely related to emotional distress. It is possible that these changes have a more significant impact on emotional health than the location or type of pain itself2525 Klein JW, Reddy S. Care of the Homeless Patient. Med Clin North Am. 2015;99(5):1017-38.. This emotional impairment can lead to suicide4848 Zimmerman FJ, Katon W. Socioeconomic status, depression disparities, and financial strain: what lies behind the income-depression relationship? Health Econ. 2005;14(12):1197-215.,6060 Brewer-Smyth K, Kafonek K, Koenig HG. A pilot study on sleep quality, forgiveness, religion, spirituality, and general health of women living in a homeless mission. Holist Nurs Pract. 2020;34(1):49-56..

Sleep quality and its relationship with chronic pain Any form of sleep deprivation or interference with sleep can trigger a series of health problems. These include cognitive impairment, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, immune dysfunction, increased risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension6161 Itani O, Jike M, Watanabe N, Kaneita Y. Short sleep duration and health outcomes: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Sleep Med. 2017;32:246-56.,6262 Pines A. Sleep duration and midlife women’s health. Climacteric. 2017;20(6):528-30..

Even those who choose to seek shelter are not exempt from sleep disturbances. Shelter environments often feature constant noise, lack of privacy, security concerns, risk of theft of personal belongings and overcrowding, all of which contribute to sleep difficulties11 Andrade LP, Costa SL, Marquetti FC. A rua tem um ímã, acho que é a liberdade: potência, sofrimento e estratégias de vida entre moradores de rua na cidade de Santos, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Saúde Soc. 2014;23(4):1248-61.,6363 Gonzalez A, Tyminski Q. Sleep deprivation in an American homeless population. Sleep Health. 2020;6(4):489-94..

According to some studies1010 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.,6464 Léger D, Beck F, Richard JB. Sleep Loss in the Homeless-an additional factor of precariousness. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(2):278-8., homeless people sleep less than the general population and are more likely to develop insomnia and daytime fatigue, impairing their ability to cope with daily activities. These conditions often lead them to resort to the use of substances in an attempt to improve their sleep1010 Aguiar MM, Iriart JA. Significados e práticas de saúde e doença entre a população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cad Saude Publica. 2012;28(1):115-24.,1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,3030 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Kosek E, Lavand’homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain. 2015;156(6):1003-7.. These difficulties related to lack of adequate sleep have been associated with health problems, as well as reduced productivity and ability to cope with adversity, which adds another layer of challenges for homeless people seeking to overcome homelessness6363 Gonzalez A, Tyminski Q. Sleep deprivation in an American homeless population. Sleep Health. 2020;6(4):489-94.. One study3737 Bauer LK, Brody JK, León C, Baggett TP. Characteristics of homeless adults who died of drug overdose: a retrospective record review. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(2):846-59. identified poor sleeping conditions as one of the main barriers to pain management3737 Bauer LK, Brody JK, León C, Baggett TP. Characteristics of homeless adults who died of drug overdose: a retrospective record review. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(2):846-59.. In another study on the subject2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9., chronic pain was identified as a significant problem that affected the daily activities and sleep of 94% of the participants2222 Elzahaf RA, Tashani OA, Unsworth BA, Johnson MI. The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012;28(7):1221-9.. In addition, one study observed an association between the number of pain sites and sleep quality, which influenced daily life and psychological well-being6565 Kamaleri Y, Natvig B, Ihlebæk CM, Jūratė SB, Bruusgaard D. Number of pain sites is associated with demographic, lifestyle, and health-related factors in the general population. Eur J Pain. 2008;12(6):742-8..

Homeless people often face a series of difficulties that make up their life trajectories, often without choosing to be in this position1212 Hino P, Santos JO, Rosa ADS. People living on the street from the health point of view. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):684-692.. Finding a safe and comfortable place to sleep is one of the adversities they face, which can aggravate the suffering caused by chronic pain1111 Campos AG, Victor ES, Seeley M, Leão ER. Pain in Brazilian people experiencing homelessness. Pain Rep. 2019;4(6):e792-2.,3030 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Kosek E, Lavand’homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain. 2015;156(6):1003-7.. The lack of a suitable environment for rest and recovery can trigger a harmful cycle of pain and insomnia, which has a significant negative impact on the mental and physical health of these individuals3030 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, Aziz Q, Bennett MI, Benoliel R, Cohen M, Evers S, Finnerup NB, First MB, Giamberardino MA, Kaasa S, Kosek E, Lavand’homme P, Nicholas M, Perrot S, Scholz J, Schug S, Smith BH, Svensson P, Vlaeyen JWS, Wang SJ. A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11. Pain. 2015;156(6):1003-7..

Homeless people and their vulnerabilities

Nowadays, there is an increase in the number of people facing the deprivation of fundamental social rights, including access to education, health, employment, housing, leisure, security and others. These groups tend to be systematically marginalized and are often relegated to invisibility. Within this category are homeless people6666 Ninditi AA. Street P. Contextualization of social conditions and public policies through a descriptive review. Ijaerscom. 2022;9(11)..

Homeless people face significant vulnerability, resulting from a number of factors, such as lack of personal preparation, restrictions on access to information and transportation, medical and mental health needs, as well as dependence on social and government services. Their attributions in relation to disasters reveal the nature of their vulnerability and fragility6767 SC. Disaster planning for homeless populations: analysis and recommendations for communities. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2020;35(3):322-5..

Despite seeming similar concepts, social vulnerability and fragility are distinct, and the former can play a role as a risk factor for the latter. Social vulnerability, related to living conditions, comes before frailty and both are related to adverse health outcomes6868 Amieva H, Ouvrard-Brouillou C, Dartigues JF, Pérès K, Tabue Teguo M, Avila-Funes A. Social vulnerability predicts frailty: towards a distinction between fragility and frailty? J Frailty Aging. 2022;11(3):318-23..

Social vulnerability not only increases the risk of facing health problems, but also profoundly affects a person’s ability to receive adequate support after facing a health adversity6969 Mah JC, Penwarden JL, Pott H, Theou O, Andrew MK. Social vulnerability indices: a scoping review. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):1253.. It represents an accumulation of diverse social challenges that contribute to a greater risk of negative health impacts and deficiencies in healthcare provision6868 Amieva H, Ouvrard-Brouillou C, Dartigues JF, Pérès K, Tabue Teguo M, Avila-Funes A. Social vulnerability predicts frailty: towards a distinction between fragility and frailty? J Frailty Aging. 2022;11(3):318-23..

Fragile family and emotional relationships, being marginalized in the conventional job market, having barriers to access health services, alcohol abuse, illicit drug use and food insecurity are some of the significant vulnerability factors affecting this homeless population6666 Ninditi AA. Street P. Contextualization of social conditions and public policies through a descriptive review. Ijaerscom. 2022;9(11).,7070 Reitzel LR, Chinamuthevi S, Daundasekara SS, Hernandez DC, Chen TA, Harkara Y, Obasi EM, Kendzor DE, Businelle MS. Association of problematic alcohol use and food insecurity among homeless men and women. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(10):3631.,7171 Alessandrini G, Ciccarelli R, Battagliese G, Cereatti F, Gencarelli S, Messina MP, Vitali M, De Rosa F, Ledda R, Mancini S, Attilia ML; Interdisciplinary Study Group CRARL - SITAC - SIPaD - SITD - SIPDip. Treatment of alcohol dependence. Alcohol and homelessness: social point of view. Rev Psichiatr. 2018;53(3):107-12..


Homeless individuals face a number of vulnerabilities, exposing them to a greater risk of injury, CP, depression and compromised quality of sleep. The relationship between pain and depression is bidirectional, and these people face sleep disturbances due to the adversities they are exposed to, which in turn contributes to the intensification of pre-existing CP or favors the emergence of new pain episodes.

  • Sources of funding: the main author was financed through a Masters schollarship through the Federal University of Maranhão.


The authors would like to thank the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences at the Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, MA, Brazil.


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Edited by

Associate editor in change: Luciana Buin

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    22 Apr 2024
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