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Notes about cases supervision based on the Dynamics Occupational Therapy Method (MTOD) and occupational therapy education


Clinical practice involves all professionals dealing with diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and secondary prevention. Teaching occupational therapists subsidized by theoretical-practical contribution to the clinic is important when thinking about the social insertion of patients, which is the ultimate objective of Occupational Therapy. The occupational therapy clinic, developed in several contexts, should be geared to the subjects, their needs and possibilities, through the accomplishment of activities and creation of health spaces. Given the importance of the discussion about training in Occupational Therapy, this paper proposes to approach experiences of cases supervision attended in clinical school, using the Dynamic Occupational Therapy Method (MTOD). We used the experience report, through which it is possible to provide an approximation with the subject and to extract relevant points about case supervision and the occupational therapists teaching. Learning and teaching activities are two components of occupational therapy training that are present in the relationship of young therapists with patients and also with the supervisor since, in both situations, they are experiencing new activities. The activities can be therapeutic and educational, creating health spaces, and this understanding is inherent to the occupational therapist to ensure their presence in the triadic relationship. The supervisor’s challenging action, according to the MTOD, is to bring the future occupational therapist closer to the target subject of this work, connecting theory to technique in the triadic relationship between therapist-patient-activities and promoted by a positive, non-centered transference, not focused on the disease but in the subjects and their activities.

Occupational Therapy; Mental Health; Supervision

Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional Rodovia Washington Luis, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP: , 13565-905, São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55-16-3361-8749 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil