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Schizophrenia, instrumental activities of daily living and executive functions: a qualitative multidimensional approach1 1 Study approved by the opinion nº 673/2014 of the Ethics Committee of the Higher School of Health Technology of Porto and by the opinion nº 638.793 of the Ethics Committee of the Health Sector of the Federal University of Paraná. Work linked to the Ph.D. research project: “Rehabilitation of the executive functions of people with schizophrenia: proposal of a serious game contextualized in the instrumental activities of daily life” (FPCE -UP).



People with schizophrenia often present difficulties in social and occupational reintegration that may be associated with problems in performing daily activities. Executive dysfunction is one of the factors associated to these difficulties.


In this study we sought to know and analyze the potentialities and difficulties of people with schizophrenia regarding the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, specifically the components related to executive dysfunction through the perception of people with schizophrenia, family members and professionals who participate in support associations in Brazil and In Portugal. Method: Data was obtained through 2 focus groups for each representation (users, family and professionals), with a mean of 6.7 participants per group (N=40). Data were analyzed through Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis.


We identified three main themes and their respective subtopics: The to (not) do in its essence - lack of meaning, dissatisfaction and lack of autonomy; Impediments - decreased volition, inflexibility and action and difficulty in planning routines and tasks; Environmental factors - family, association and professionals.


We conclude that the insufficiency in the occupational performance of people with schizophrenia in relation to IADL, directly related to executive dysfunction, reveals the importance of specific rehabilitation programs for this population, aiming at cognitive and occupational improvements.

Schizophrenia; Executive Function; Daily Activities

Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional Rodovia Washington Luis, Km 235, Caixa Postal 676, CEP: , 13565-905, São Carlos, SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55-16-3361-8749 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil