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Do you usually check the food label? Population-based study with adolescents and adults from Campinas, SP



Food labeling is an important tool for encouraging health and healthy food choices.


To estimate the prevalence of food label consultation and associated factors in adolescents and adults, and to identify the information taken from food labels.


Cross-sectional study with data from population-based surveys with a probabilistic sample, by clusters and in two-stages, conducted in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil (n=1.792, 10-59 years). Prevalence ratios and respective 95% confidence intervals were estimated and a Poisson multiple regression model was developed.


1,792 individuals aged 10 to 59 years participated in the study. The prevalence of reading food labels was 49.4% (95%CI: 45.2-53.6) for the whole population. Prevalence was higher in females, adults, in those with higher income, with more frequent weekly consumption of fruits, raw vegetables, and whole foods, with less frequent consumption of soft drinks, and those who had weighed themselves less than a month ago. Expiration date, calories, sodium and fat were the most searched for information on food labels.


The results highlight a need to guide and encourage the use of nutrition labeling, identify priority segments and help to fill a scientific gap in Brazil regarding the prevalence of food label consultation and associated factors.

food labeling; food consumption; adolescent; adult; health surveys

Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Avenida Horácio Macedo, S/N, CEP: 21941-598, Tel.: (55 21) 3938 9494 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil