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Preparation of interview scripts based on Social Determinants of Health: A focus on young adults living in subnormal clusters



The preparation of an interview script is a crucial step to ensure the success of a study.


Describe the process of construction, validation, and adaptation of an instrument aimed at surveying young adults living in subnormal clusters.


Based on the Social Determinants of Health and the theme of youth, initial versions of two interview scripts were prepared between October and December 2017 for later validation and application: one aimed at young adults living in subnormal clusters and another at Primary Health Care (PHC) workers. After that, pretests were performed and the final versions were produced.


Content validation was conducted by a group of nine specialist judges. Overall, instrument comprehensiveness received the worst evaluation in the script aimed at the PHC workers, whereas lack of necessary items was pointed out by 44.4% of the judges in the script aimed at the young adults. Both scripts were well assessed regarding comprehensibility, objectivity, and pertinence. After validation, the scripts were applied to three PHC workers and three young adults living in subnormal clusters. Problems with question order and theme chaining were identified.


The final scripts approached the interview to a proposal for greater dialogue between researcher and participant.

interview; data collection; young adults; health workers; social determinants of health; health vulnerability

Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Avenida Horácio Macedo, S/N, CEP: 21941-598, Tel.: (55 21) 3938 9494 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil